Noah, who was waiting for the carriage while catching his breath, turned his head. A neatly dressed man got off the carriage and approached his direction.

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Who is it? Does he know Cordelia?

“That’s right. I saw you correctly.”

It had been quite a while since Noah looked at a person from above, so he awkwardly stared at him. With a well-proportioned face and well-dressed attire, along with the carriage adorned with decorations visible in the background, the man seemed like a noble.

It’s natural for him to be a noble if he’s connected to Cordelia’s social circle. Noah memorized the words on the carriage.

“I was bothered that we couldn’t have a proper conversation, but it seems like you and I are meant to be, after all.”

Unlike the man who was smiling gently, Noah’s mood soured even before starting the conversation.

Who is this, acting so friendly?

Although he had a vague suspicion, he couldn’t believe it, and he stared at the man with an expressionless face.

“I don’t know who you are.”

“Oh my. I knew you were mean, but… I didn’t expect you to pretend not to recognize your lover.”

“Pretend not to recognize? We’ve already broken up, haven’t we?”

When he touched upon the fact he had heard from the maid, a vein popped on the man’s forehead. The initially soft impression turned momentarily fierce before returning.

Exhaling as if in response to Noah’s curious gaze at the change, the man spoke, 

“I understand you’re very angry with me. But isn’t it a bit too much to not even give a chance for redemption?”

“…I don’t think this is the right place for a conversation like this.”

Even though they had broken up, it wasn’t Noah’s place to meddle. He didn’t know the reasons for their breakup, and even if Cordelia had lingering feelings for this man, it was up to her to address them when she returned.

Although Noah intended to step back to avoid escalating the situation any further, a firm grip caught his wrist.


“Trying to avoid me again?”

Despite the voice that sounded almost pitiful, the rough hand pressed against his delicate skin. Faced with things he had never experienced before in his life, he was taken aback.

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Whether it was this man or that man, why can’t they speak without forcibly holding onto someone?

Noah felt anger welling up as he looked at the desperately pleading man, but he resisted showing it and tried to pull his hand away.

“Just let go of my hand already.”

“Well then, let’s go to my carriage and continue our conversation.”

Feeling the tight grip on his wrist, Noah anxiously rolled his eyes. The hand held on so tightly that it felt like it might leave marks on his delicate skin. What bothered him, even more, was not the pain but the fact that it wasn’t his body being violated. He couldn’t bear the sensation.

What should he do? If this continues, he might end up being dragged along. Is it okay though? The other person is noble, so if things were to escalate and someone got hurt, it could turn into an issue between families. He had to somehow extricate himself from the situation without causing any problems…


With a cheerful voice, someone’s arms wrapped firmly around Noah’s neck. Surprised by the voice, and thanks to the man inadvertently letting go of his wrist, Noah found himself in an embrace behind him.

“Sorry, but can you stop now? This charming young lady here is dating me.”

As Noah turned to counter with his retort against what seemed like nonsensical talk, he was left speechless. The feeling was like looking at a familiar yet unfamiliar face, a face he saw every morning, smiling down at him as if mocking.

Nevertheless, his heart thudded through his body. The smile was so uncannily similar to the one he knew.

“Isn’t it? Cordy.”

Seeing the way he squinted his eyes while calling him by a nickname brought back memories of when they first met.

Ah, why hasn’t she changed at all from back then?

“Yeah, right. Why did you come so late? I waited for so long.”

Imitating an annoyed tone, Noah tightly held onto the arms wrapped around his shoulders. Trying to play it cool, he surreptitiously lowered his gaze, finding it difficult to conceal his excited heart.

In response to the interpretation of his attitude, the man shouted at Cordelia with a harsh tone, 

“Who do you think you are to dare…”

Seeing his appearance and perhaps mistaking him for a commoner, Cordelia, no longer hesitant to speak, smiled at her former lover, Edward.

“Yes, her current partner is so handsome that it’s hard to even compare to you. Do you have anything more to say?”

As she retorted cheekily, the man’s face turned red with anger. He had initially directed his words at Cordelia but ended up glaring at Noah instead.

“I never knew your taste could become so despicable.”

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Cordelia felt even more disappointed in Edward’s determination to uphold his pride until the end, but she continued to smile without revealing her true feelings.

Instead of Noah, who remained silent, Cordelia responded firmly.

“Now you’ve found your place, I suppose. It makes one wonder if your persistence in begging like this even after breaking up is a virtue of the nobility.”

Among the onlookers observing the situation, a small chuckle unexpectedly emerged. Despite the sharp glare from Edward, she managed to maintain her composure.

“Well, if you have any complaints, would you like me to throw a glove or something?”

The muscles on the arm of the young man who had suddenly appeared and shouted so boldly stood out. He was a commoner, but his gaunt face, demeanor, and tone of voice made him seem like an aristocrat. 

Edward could not answer easily through his flushed face.

If, by any chance, the man had a higher status, things could become troublesome. Upon reflection, it wasn’t entirely implausible for a woman with a background like Cordelia Weichen to date a commoner. Judging solely by appearances was not sufficient.

With a click of his tongue, Edward eventually turned away. He walked away with a half-hearted stride, his gaze drifting away one last time.

Only then did Noah cautiously remove the arm that had been around him and turned to look behind. The sensation of facing his face head-on was quite unfamiliar. He also realized that his voice was much softer than he had thought.

“Oh, I was quite handsome, wasn’t I? Wasn’t I?”

With a self-assured tone, asking for compliments almost as if demanding them, Noah almost laughed unintentionally. 

“Is it you, Cordelia?”

He whispered, causing Cordelia’s eyes to widen.

“What? You know my name?”

“That’s what the servants used to call you.”

As Noah hurriedly added, fortunately, Cordelia didn’t seem to suspect anything.

“Well, I guess it makes sense if it’s our estate.”

As expected, she doesn’t remember. Noah’s shoulders slumped slightly with a hint of disappointment.

“Somewhat by accident, I introduced you as my lover. Sorry. Over time, I found that saying I got a new lover whenever a problem arises is the most believable excuse.”

“That’s okay. But first, we should change our location…”

People around them continued to cast sideways glances. Finally noticing the stares, Cordelia nodded.

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“Right, let’s go!”

As they entered an alleyway nearby, Linus, who had been standing still, greeted them. She had been checking the boundaries set up around the alley and playfully flicked her finger as they approached.

“Did you resolve things well?”

“Of course!”

Cordelia responded energetically. She cleverly left out the part about almost causing a duel with her finger flick. She was sure that Edward’s personality would never accept it, but she also anticipated receiving a lecture about the lack of caution in their actions if she seemed too untroubled.

“By the way, how did you find me?”

Looking up at Noah with a puzzled expression, Cordelia explained, her cheeks slightly flushed.

“Well, that’s…” 

When Cordelia and Linus arrived at the Duke’s residence, the carriage was already there. However, seeing the tightly closed curtains, Cordelia was sure that the person she was waiting for hadn’t returned yet.

“When I woke up initially, the curtains weren’t drawn. Thanks to that, I woke up early, but… Maybe he just dislikes feeling stifled.”

He hadn’t even put curtains on the windows of his studio. Objects that would be problematic when exposed to light, like pigments, were placed in shaded areas. 

This was no coincidence. It was because the more it was her own space, the more she hesitated to show it, so she used curtains. It was a habit born from the secret of being a writer and certain men who pursued her covertly.

“So, what should we do? Should we wait here until he arrives?”

“No, just a moment.”

Cordelia, lost in thought, opened her mouth.

“That person mentioned he was planning to go to the market today.”

“The market?”

“Maybe he might have gone that way? It’s strange to just stay here idly, waiting and not doing anything. Plus, I sensed some gazes directed this way. They were the soldiers guarding the Duke.”

They’re working diligently even when the owner isn’t watching. She should ask the butler later to give them an additional bonus. As Cordelia was thinking this, Linus interrupted her.

“What are you talking about? Normally, in situations like this, sticking around in one place and waiting is the most certain thing to do.”

“My instincts are telling me! Let’s go and check it out.”

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“Oh… Even if you make a fuss, I have no idea.”

While she grumbled, Linus led Cordelia towards the city near the mansion where Cordelia had woken up. Despite grumbling, Cordelia followed Linus, who was somewhat weak towards her people, and she let out a faint smile.

Not knowing that she would find someone brawling right at the carriage stop as soon as she got off, Cordelia wasted no time and stormed out the moment she saw herself fighting with her ex-lover, even before Linus could stop her. In the blink of an eye, she managed to defuse the situation. It was truly an impressive display of action.

“Still, I’m glad we met like this! By the way, why were you so quiet earlier?”

Quietly responding to Cordelia’s question about why he had been silent almost to the point of being dragged away, Noah said,

“It’s an issue between you, Cordelia, and that person. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up, so I was contemplating how to intervene.”

His calm response and clear gaze transformed his face significantly, even though it was still her face. Cordelia exchanged a glance with Linus and began to speak.

“Your name, what is it?”

“…Noah Epherman.”

“Ah, so it’s indeed that person. Linus’ instincts were right.”

Suddenly, Cordelia realized that the person possessing her body was the ideal type that her original self had been searching for. She slipped in a subtle question.

“Then, your age?”

“Huh? I’m twenty-four now.”

He was four years younger than her. Not as troublesome as expected. Mature for his age. Silently nodding to herself, Cordelia turned her thoughts.

Stay calm. She had to leave a good impression. This wasn’t about personal feelings, absolutely not!

“I’m Cordelia Weichen.”

As Cordelia flashed the soft smile often used in social circles with Noah’s face, the corner of Linus’ mouth twitched slightly. Whether she said it or not, Cordelia put on a great act and extended her hand for a handshake.

“I don’t know why things turned out this way… but anyway, I guess we’re all in this together until it’s fixed. Please take care.”

Noah, who had been hesitantly looking at the extended hand in front of him, cautiously shook it as Cordelia extended it.

“I’m the one who should be asking…”

It was that moment.

As their hands overlapped, a bright light started to emit from the back of their hands.

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