Edited by : Arina (*´꒳`*)

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Afterward, Griedrich was given a rose jam made by his mother, and was then ushered out the door to visit the Arven family.

Lilliel who greeted him widened her eyes as if she was surprised.

“Well, even though it was planned to be tomorrow … Honey! Honey! I  will bring Sakura here, so please show the guest some hospitality!”

As soon as she said it, she placed Griedrich in the hands of her husband, and run off to somewhere else.

The attendant chased after her in panic.

Foreigner… Sakura…

While struggling with the familiar name, he thought that it couldn’t be true.

That girl should have gone missing ten years ago. Therefore, surely, it should be a totally different person.

However, in the end, it was actually her – Sakura, who had remained the same as she was 10 years ago, was dragged in by Louis’ mother. Gried felt like her hair had just grown a little longer, but didn’t quite comprehend the difference, comparing with his memories of ten years ago. He was distracted by his inner thoughts, is she really the one? Or was there a possibility that she is a younger sister of similar age or even her daughter? It was all too confusing for him, but probably, no, he was sure that it was her.

Although they had only talked once, ten years ago, her tone and small habits, Griedrich remembered them all of them, but she didn’t remember anything about Griedrich, she even greeted him as if it was their first meeting.

Although he hasn’t forgotten even a moment with her, even after 10-years! Griedrich felt irritated.

So why did she become Louise Arven and Vias Klendine’s wife?

He felt a terrible betrayal, and glared at her.

Seeing this, Sakura tilted her head as she was puzzled.

Had she done something wrong?

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Seeing such an expression,  Griedrich felt even more frustrated.

Even though he held onto all memories of her tightly, she did not remember even a little about Griedrich and she had even become a wife of his old alumnus.

Why, Gried pouted.

For example, would her eyes water as she remembered who Gried is?

Or, what would be her reaction if he said that he had wanted to see her for a very long time?

Or, if she became his wife, not Louise Arven’s or Vias Klendine's — Only after conjuring up so many imaginations, Griedrich returned to his senses.

He couldn't understand why he thought about such a thing, but imagining that he would do what he had imagined, he felt that it wouldn’t be so bad.

Although he was still frustrated and irritated, by the fact that Sakura was treating him as if it was the first time they've met, he still did as suggested by the women of Arven to go out to the garden, Griedrich extended one hand to her for the time being, "For now let me."

To the hand presented, she gently reached out, "I'll be in your care."

Griedrich, who had never touched or touched a woman for ten years after the trouble with Lily — When his hands were held by Sakura, it was a feeling he hadn't expected —, He was amazed by her small, moist and soft to touch of the hand.

The clasp is small like the Sakura from ten years ago, he was also surprised by that.

Griedrich looked uninterestedly and looked down at Sakura as she started introducing the roses.

Around ten years ago, there was only a height difference of about 10 cm between Griedrich and Sakura, but now it is different. Since there was a height difference of about one head, the face of Sakura could not be seen properly when they were standing next to each other.

He heard 'do you like roses?', she asked 'or if there were other flowers he liked' and he told her that he was not interested in flowers.

He was only interested in a girl, whose name was a foreign flower, in front of him.

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Sakura who couldn’t have known what he was thinking and  was tired of blunt replies of Griedrich, asked.


“Then what do you like?"

'Sakura', Griedrich mumbled under his breath, he did not even know if he meant the name of a flower, or the name of the girl in front of him.

On the way back, he couldn't get her out of his mind.

'What on earth is this exactly?'

Griedrich was suffering a lot.

He had only touched her hand, but he did not dislike touching her.

He wanted to wrap her black and glossy hair around his fingers and he also wanted to touch and pinch those soft cheeks.

Gried thought for a moment whether this was just curiosity for things that he didn't know and he thought of Anri's and Lily’s face.

Anri had a cute face and a curvy figure for her age, Lily was a slender girl just like a fairy, but he didn't think he wants to mention it in any other way.

Rather, just by imagining it, he felt a chill down his spine.

Then, thinking about doing it with other women, he thought of several people, but he just felt the same chill down his spine.

When Griedrich returned to the mansion, still embarrassed by his own emotions, he heard his mother exclaimed from afar,”Welcome back, Griedrich!”

She smiled as she waited for him.

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“How was Louis-san's wife, was she pretty?"

'One word, I just need to give one word of affirmation and my mother will probably already be trying to prepare for a wedding.'

Once, he had met a wonderful beauty and he nodded to acknowledge that she was indeed beautiful to his mother, the next thing he knew his mother had planned everything to propose to the woman in his regard. Since then, Griedrich had never praised a woman in front his mother again.

'I have never praised them, not in front of my mother, I'm always careful of everything I said to my mother.'

— But what on earth is this? Is she even still the same living being as the women?

An incredibly soft hand, which he felt would crumble if he gripped them lightly.

As soon as he thought that, he became frightened pulled his hand out. Sakura who seemed to be unfamiliar with the act also breathed a sigh of relief.

So irritating!

In order to cool down his irritation was only by holding her hands again, but now that they had separated, it was hard to find a reason to hold hands again. It was possible for him to take her hands naturally if she was about to fall, but glancing at the feet of the little girl.

He had been staring at her feet for a while, but she didn't seem to fall.

My mother’s eyes were as sharp as beasts looking at its prey. Usually, I would try to escape from that gaze and avoid eye contact, but today’s Griedrich was different. He looked her mother in the eyes, so that she wouldn't miss it; I nodded decisively, "Yeah.”

At that one word, his mom slowly blinked her eyes,

“What did you just say?”

Her voice was rising in pitch.

Griedrich repeated the words again to his mother who looked at her son’s face with unbelieving eyes.

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"Anyone would be envious of Louis Arven, if one had a wife like her,”

Griedrich-sama slowly said the words in easy-to-understand manner, looking at watering eyes of his mother, with flushing face.

Her red lips trembled as if she was about to cry,  “Gried!”  She called his name excitedly and he was hugged tightly.

He could let out a breathless, "Oh" as he was suddenly hugged.

“Aaah — ah, is this true? Is this really true? Oh, I’m so glad, it's really good ……”

His mother, who was overwhelmed, immediately regained her composure and in her usual tone said, “I will deliver a marriage proposal immediately!”

Her hair with much vivid red color than mine swished as she turned her head away and rushed off somewhere

Griedrich contemplatively touched his mouth as he watched her off.

When he imagined of the girl who would be his wife in the near future, especially of her lips, why did his body feel so strange?

Oh well, Griedrich Einstaffel will just have to marry this wife of his to try and touch her lips.

Ten years ago, she was equally gentle and smile to everyone without any reserve, now he felt thrilled that he would get to keep the smile only for himself.

While trying not to think too much about the other two husbands, Griedrich muttered the name of a foreign flower.

— Sakura.

He wanted to call this name to her next time.

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