“I will be in your care from now on.”

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And just like this, 10 people stood behind Griedrich-sama, all seeming to be his attendants.

Louis, Vias and I…. None of us could explain that this house could not keep that many people in the first place!


If you looked at it from Griedrich-sama’s point of view, this house is probably akin to a rabbit hut; however, one could call this house is more than sufficient for us.

There was even a guest room and a spacious living room.

Hey, had Griedrich-sama lived in the castle till now? Even though this house is so huge.

Though if I compared, it certainly doesn’t possess a large garden or a dance hall, so our house does look small.

I was thinking about different excuses to tell Griedrich-sama about the house interior, and just decided to give him a tour of the house.

While breathing out, I guided him to the last room.

The only two servants of Griedrich who didn’t return home asked to share this room.

If I’m not mistaken, Griedrich-sama isn’t somone used to being without servants, so it would be nice to have people taking care of him.

Thinking ‘If it’s only 2 people’, we agreed.

We also had the amount of guards around our house severely increase as well, as they said, “We can’t be in the mansion, but if something happens, we will come as soon as you call.”

That’s how it was decided to add six more guards outside. Aristocracy is great.

The two male attendants who came with Griedrich-sama said they would do the cooking, cleaning and washing, so we gave them one room to use; but for Griedrich-sama of course he should be given the biggest room.

Louis and Vias, who made an unpleasant face said, “You don’t have to live here, so stay here occasionally,” and “It is not a house that can satisfy you.”

However Griedrich-sama firmly refused.

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On the contrary, he asked, “Then should we build a new mansion?”

But I stopped him saying that we had just moved in and cleaned it beautifully!

“Griedrich-sama, here it is”

I have more or less cleaned it properly yesterday, but will it be okay?

I glanced at him waiting to see if he would say if it is narrow; as expected, Griedrich-sama sullenly narrowed his eyebrows, so I said in tiny voice, “As expected.”

“Umm…well, even if it looks like it, this is the widest room…”

“I do not care about that kind of thing.”

Then what is he unhappy about?

Wondering, I took a peek at his face, but I could see no answer on it.

Griedrich-sama removed his eyes from me, gazed around the room, and then returned to the corridor.

Does this mean something is bothering him about the corridor? I followed him to the corridor, and Griedrich-sama dropped his eyes to me, opening his lips.

“……Your room?”

“It’s the one in the back, next to Vias’ and Louis’, and after that is Griedrich-sama’s.’

After I said those words, Griedrich-sama further wrinkled his forehead.

Completely clueless about the object of his dissatisfaction I inclined my head, “Uh?”

However, after he swallowed his multiplying dissatisfaction, he let out a heavy sigh.

Griedrich-sama opened his mouth with a grim expression.

“We more or less have become a married couple on paper, stop the honorifics – those awkward words too,”

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To his words, I became just like him and wrinkled my eyebrows.

No, it’s because he is the son of a duke, with an awesome aura sparkling around him… and it may be awkward, but honorifics are easy to speak… and so, as if Griedrich-sama had read my mind, he said, “Then it’s an order.”

“Well…. umm, I got it…. Griedrich,”

It’s hard to speak.

In front of my mumbling self, Griedrich-sama(without the honorific title) deeply nodded.

Thus, the son of the duke with the long name, Griedrich Einstaffel, came to my house as my third husband.


Our life with Griedrich, which I wasn’t used to in the beginning, finally, after half a month, became more familiar.

At least Griedrich doesn’t approach me like Vias and Louis.

Even though he doesn’t speak much and wrinkles are constantly present on his forehead, I can tell it doesn’t mean that he is angry.

At the beginning it was difficult to deal with him – to call his name, to talk without honorifics – however, eventually I got used to it.

Moreover, Griedrich was apparently a student of Ardergart Academy, just like Louis and Vias. And it looks like only I couldn’t remember him at all, even though I can recall Louis and Vias perfectly. Rather, I am more amazed why I can’t remember him.

Apparently there seems to be a busy period and a non-busy period for Griedrich, and now it looks to be the latter.

I do not understand the work content of my third husband at all, but in brief, Griedrich is helping his father with management, that is, in his territory.

Now that there is no work that could give him headaches, the Duke, his father, raised his hands and recommended vacation for Griedrich, “Listen here, you should enjoy your newly-wed life with your new wife!”

And so Griedrich agreed to this; he is now slowly enjoying his vacation…… it is painful to watch.

While thinking aloud I was cleaning my room.

Until Griedrich and his attendants came, I was doing housework as I liked, and at any time I wished.

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However, now everything has changed.

The servants brought by Griedrich finish the work at a fixed time. It may be natural for a worker, but their regularity makes it impossible for me to do housework as my hobby.

Of course even if I don’t, they will certainly do all the cooking, cleaning and washing. And not just for Griedrich. Meaning that all the housework for the newlywed four people are done by them.

But it was very uncomfortable.

I know that they don’t have the intention of “Unconditionally won’t let you do the chores”, and instead welcome me with an atmosphere of “If you will, we are grateful”, but to be honest, because they work at a fixed time, it is very troublesome. And their housework is too thorough, honest and tiresome.

So I all I can do is clean my room, occasionally wiping the window, as well as everyday dishwashing; this has become my daily routine.

Well, I don’t feel comfortable while others do everything, and I become bored over time.

For the time being, I will try to make tea for Griedrich, who is reading right now.

He stares at me after giving his gratitude with, “Sorry to bother you.”

“……Are you bored?”

“Well, yeah, but I’m not sure,”

Muttering something, he closes the book. And after thinking a bit, Griedrich opens his mouth.

“Do you like theater?”

“You mean the kind where there are live performances on a stage? I’ve never been to one before.”

“….Would you like to go?”

“Eh, I, I want to go!”

Could it be? Griedrich will take me there? For real?

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That surprised me, Griedrich crinkles his eyebrows, “I don’t know if it’s an interesting piece though.”

I nod and ask, “Will you bring me out?” He agrees saying, “Because you want to go.”

Yay! Going out! I’m going out!

Heartily I raise my hands, delighted.

Both Vias and Louis are like mothers of a kindergarten child, and they don’t allow me to go out.

Saying that it’s impossible for me to go alone. With a mood like this, it was absolutely no good anyway.

They said that once they have a day off at the same time, they would take me outside, but it’s more like whether or not there will be such a day that will occur, even in a whole month.

Even so, Griedrich is such a nice guy!

I thank my third husband as he looked at me wondering if it was my first time going outside.

“When? When are we going?”

Will it be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? I was thrilled and excited.

“We will leave as soon as you are ready.”

So fast! I thought but the feelings of Griedrich remained unchanged.

So I returned to the room, immediately changing to a formal dress, and walked back to the Griedrich who was waiting for me while reading a book.

“Thank you for waiting.”

Griedrich stands still for a moment, looking at his wife who rarely gets dressed up, and then holds out his hand to escort me. I can’t get used to this at all, but I take his hand politely.

Griedrich slightly has a grumpy expression upon such a sight, and enters the carriage that was waiting for us outside.

By the way.

The number of people who arrived for our security, including the driver of the carriage, in total was 10 people. Aristocracy sure is scary.

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