Chapter 2: “More Than That, Greed. I Heard Some Interesting Rumors.”

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Amazing. So, this is a theater. I thought while staring at the building.


The stone building had a large cylindrical shape. Around it was an advertising poster, or something like an oil painting pasted onto it.


There was no door at the entrance, but, something like a security guard, was two men in uniform standing there. It seems that not only a well-dressed person like Griedrich could enter but normal citizens like me could enter too. I relaxed after knowing that, but, wait, I might also be considered as an upper-class person now, which felt strange.


The people standing at the entrance bowed down after realizing that Griedrich was some noble. As I looked next to Griedrich, I thought “Wow”. It seems that he was used to this.


After being escorted by Griedrich into the theatre, there was an open space. From the large glassless window, the sun was shining brightly, lighting up the inside. There were several people at the reception, most likely to buy tickets. My expectations rose after seeing the lively atmosphere of the place. I was impressed with the numerous number of woman accompanied by several companions as I was forced to stay inside the house for a long time. Even for a short while, I want to talk to them.


While laughing at the me who was glancing around, one of Griedrich’s attendant went to purchase tickets at the counter. I felt like I was watching a movie and wondered if they sold popcorn or juice.


“Sakura” Griedrich called my name and raised his gaze. “Sit down”



Since I came all the way here, I felt like looking around the interior of this beautiful building, but I don’t think Griedrich would allow me to do so. As told, I quietly sat down on the sofa obediently. I was still gazing around when “Sakura” was called again.


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“Don’t move around so much.”

“…Yes” I apologized and bowed.


“Is Griedrich not going to sit?”

“I’m fine” As he said that, he moved in front of me. Griedrich was blocking my view. He should just sit down, I thought, but Griedrich didn’t seem like he would. With a grumpy face while standing, he blocked my view and prevented others from being able to see me.


Is Griedrich not interested in movies? To be honest, I wasn’t particularly interested too, movies were something I might go once a year, but since it was a different world with little entertainment, it might be quite fun. But if Griedrich says otherwise, it made me feel bad, -I thought. Well, if Griedrich doesn’t want to we can go home, though I didn’t say it. Despite thinking all those, I gave him lots of thanks and asked what movie we were watching.



“Isn’t it Griedrich!”


It was almost at the same time when I and someone else called his name. Griedrich seem to recognise the voice, and with a disgusted expression, turned towards the direction of the voice. Afterwards, with an annoyed tone, called the name of the person, “Edward…”


“Hey hey hey! It’s rare to meet you in this kind of place!” The person named Edward walked towards us while saying so. Its someone with high tension. I looked at Griedrich’s back while sitting on the sofa. “It’s been a long time” Edward shouted and hit Griedrich back.


“I guess so”

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“You didn’t go to any social gathering, party and didn’t reply to any of the letters I sent to you. It made me wonder what happened to you!”

“I’m fine. For not replying any of your letters was my fault, but you kept sending me things asking about the moon or roses, and even a letter addressed from a woman.”



Hahaha, with that loud laughter, Griedrich sighed deeply.


“More than that, Greed, I heard some interesting rumors.”


Ignoring Griedrich’s annoying tone, Edward-san continued speaking.

“You got married!”

Griedrich shuddered.


“Well, since there wasn’t any report or consult from my friend, not that I was planning on doing anything like that! Well, they say that where there’s smoke there’s fire. Was there someone that you found good?” While Edward’s voice was serious, it seem that he does not believe that Griedrich got married. And that wife was just behind Griedrich’s back.


While feeling a bit uncomfortable, I thought, perhaps this person was an acquaintance of Griedrich, and since I’m married to him and was brought up in the conversation, I should probably introduce myself. After concluding that I should probably do so, I tried to get up from the sofa but Griedrich moved faster. He pushed me back onto the sofa, and prevented me from getting up. Why? Confused, I tilted my head.


“It’s the truth.”, affirming Edward-san’s statement. In response to Griedrich’s words, Edward-san started laughing out loud for a while. Then shouted, “What?!”

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“Wha-, wai-, you!? Wife!? When!? Wait who!?” Amazingly enough, I rudely thought that it wouldn’t be weird to for him to be a reaction artist. Edward-san shouted, “Ah, damn it!”, and grabbed Griedrich’s shoulder.


“Why didn’t you tell me! What about the wedding? Haven’t had it? You would obviously invite me right? Ah, but for you to get a wife, how beautiful was that goddess? I’d like to greet your wife today, but as expected it would be a problem today. Tomorrow! I will bring a gift to your mansion tomorrow --- Oh?” The non-stop talking from the mother-in-law came to a halt, Edward-san suddenly asked, “Who is the one behind you?” He’s definitely referring to me.


Griedrich didn’t reply to Edward-san’s question, well, it couldn’t be helped if I was found out, but Griedrich gave off a terribly displeased expression. Contrary to his expression, he politely took my hand and lifted me up from the sofa. Afterwards, Griedrich gently guided me to his side, and I finally saw the appearance of the reaction artist acquaintance of Griedrich, Edward-san.


The sparkly blonde hair, long enough to touch the shoulders, was tied with a red ribbon. The blue eye that was glancing at my direction, stopped and opened widely. Although it wasn’t an amazing beauty, he still gave off a gorgeous atmosphere. Looking at Griedrich, he introduced me to Edward-san with an annoyed tone, “My wife”. I bowed my head and said, “Nice to meet you” Edward-san stared at me for 30 seconds, then looked at Griedrich, me, then Griedrich again, then opened his mouth.


“A very cute girl which makes me very nervous –but isn’t she just a minor?”

“Twenty years old”

“Ha!? This is rude, but you’re very cute, so……”


I wasn’t following what’s going on. It didn’t seem like Edward-san was trying to be mean. Since I have been teased till now, I could take it to a certain extent, so, I thank you from my heart. Griedrich seem to be hiding me from Edward-san’s gaze by standing in front of me again, but, Edward-san doesn’t give up. By appearing beside Griedrich side, he smiled and said, “My name is Edward Steiner. Nice to meet you”.


The hand that is stretched out, is it meant to be a handshake? To that, I held out my hand to shake back, only to be stopped by Griedrich. The hand that was about to touched was grabbed back. Isn’t this rude? But Edward-san didn’t seem angry about it, instead, raised his voice and shouted, “Griedrich!” The reaction was strict.


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“Greed, I’m glad to be your best friend. Of course you will get such a cute wife, but! To think that you were such a jealous guy!”

“Shut up”

“No no, no need to be so humble. No matter how many women I introduced, and the number of letters sent from women, you always refused all of them! That you! Oh, Greed, I’m happy for you!”

“Shut up”


Griedrich really have very unique friends. By the way, how was that a sign of jealously? When you reject a handshake? As I listened to their conversation, Edward-san continued to speak.


“Oops, I forgot to ask for Greed’s cute wife for her name. Hey Greed, what is your cute wife’s name?”


Instead of asking for my for my name, he asked Griedrich, so I decided to just stay quiet. However, if Edward-san knew my name, the value of my name decreases, so Griedrich kept quiet. “Why, you don’t even want to tell me her name? Really, you are a jealous man!” Edward-san teases Griedrich and laughed. Then, he gave me who was hidden behind Griedrich a light kiss on my hand.


I’m not the only one who was startled. Griedrich pulled my hand away from Edward-san with a tremendous speed. He wiped the part where the kiss was –it was painful—and said, “Don’t touch”. Edward-san laughed at the actions of Griedrich.


“No, I’m sorry. Because it was a cute lady, so” I laughed at that flattering mouth of his, while Griedrich gave an unpleasant look and looked away. Then, he stared at me who was laughing. Why?


And this time, Griedrich helped me sit on the sofa once more, and stood in front of me. The back that was trying to block Edward-san’s line of sight, seemed like a parent bird protecting a hatchling. I leaned towards Griedrich’s action, secretly deciding to let him do whatever he wanted. It’s not easy to say “Let’s go home” as it might be a bother.

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