The witch doctor was still treating the two commanders, but the use of a large number of precious medicines could only delay the spread of the toxins, and could not completely detoxify them. The barbarians watched the two commanders’ complexion darken.

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The anxious barbarian leader even wanted to rush into the city lord’s mansion to find out, but he was stopped by the leader’s guards. After all, the leader was still here, and a senior barbarian was required to take command of the overall situation.

The barbarians could only continue to wait anxiously, waiting and waiting, they finally heard a movement from the gate of the city lord’s mansion.

The remaining ten or so barbarians all looked at the gate of the city lord’s mansion in an instant, and then, in their expectant gaze, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize walked out side by side.

Xia Ruize was still normal, holding his top-grade crossbow with a serious expression, Cheng Huaiqian was different, this guy smiled at the stunned barbarian.

With a flick of his wrist, Cheng Huaiqian shook the blood on the broadsword off the ground. Regardless of whether the barbarians on the other side could understand or not, he sighed in a friendly and sincere tone:

“Friend, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

There were some complaints in his tone, as if complaining that an old friend was not punctual and did not arrive as scheduled. His actions and tone made the remaining barbarians creepy and even took a small step back subconsciously.

At this point, the situation couldn’t be clearer. The appearance of two Daxia people at the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion meant that the barbarians who entered the City Lord’s Mansion had stayed inside forever.

This fact irritated the big head of the barbarian tribe with his eyes flushed and blood dripping, he gritted his teeth and roared, madly raising his knife and rushing towards Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian stretched out his hand and stopped Xia Ruize of trying to stop the barbarian from approaching, and greeted him with a knife.

At noon the previous day, Cheng Huaiqian fought with the first big barbarian leader he met. Although he won, it was very difficult to win and he was seriously injured.

Today, Cheng Huaiqian had already fight with who knows how many big barbarian bosses, the strength of the big barbarian boss who rushed up has been completely ignored by him.

To be honest, if it was not for the overall situation, the priority must be addressed to the barbarian leaders. Cheng Huaiqian really wanted to keep them until the end and try his current strength as a sparring partner.

After only one mistake, the big barbarian leader was easily solved with one blow, Cheng Huaiqian looked at the remaining five small barbarian leaders and four barbarian elites, and suddenly turned to Xia Ruize and said:

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“Go try your sword, I’ll help you guard the battle.”

The tone was sloppy and usually as if discussing with Xia Ruize who will play the game first.

Cheng Huaiqian believed that it was not a good thing for his teammate to rely too much on long-range weapons. There will always be times when close combat was needed. Xia Ruize had not used it after learning the “Golden Spirit Sword Technique”.

Hearing this, Xia Ruize froze for a moment. There was a big difference between close combat and long-range combat. He had been holding a crossbow and shooting from a distance. The details of the enemy’s injury, bleeding, and fall were not so clear, and the impact was much smaller.

Just looking at Cheng Huaiqian’s countless bloodstains belonging to the enemy, you know that close combat was a completely different concept.

Did he really want to get close and fight melee?

Xia Ruize shook his hand holding the crossbow, and the heavens and people fought in his heart. In the end, he decided to follow the advice of his teammate, replaced the crossbow with the long sword, and rushed towards the remaining barbarians with it.

Xia Ruize had no confidence in his heart. Before that, he had never used a weapon like a sword. He now relied on the “physical instinct” brought to him by the white high-grade swordsmanship. The specifics were not reliable, nor was he himself clear.

Fortunately, Cheng Huaiqian followed him, giving Xia Ruize some confidence.

Now, the scene was completely reversed. The party with only two people was no longer the one who kept fleeing and avoiding. On the contrary, the two people, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who were constantly approaching, horrified the only remaining barbarians who kept retreating.

Of the five barbarian leaders, four of them were supporting the small and large leaders in pairs, protecting the witch doctors who were incompetent. In other words, there were only one barbarian leader and four barbarian elites who had the ability to fight.

The barbarians exchanged something quickly, the expressions on their faces were eager and panic, Xia Ruize’s expression was also a little nervous, only Cheng Huaiqian was the most leisurely and at ease.

Finally, several barbarians discussed it, a small barbarian leader led the four barbarian elites to rush up together, and the other five barbarians carried their commanders on their backs and fled towards the north of the city.

“Yeah, ran away? We must solve the battle quickly, and we have to chase the prey back.”

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Cheng Huaiqian looked at the barbarians who rushed over, and was free to joke with Xia Ruize.

Xia Ruize’s heart beat violently, and under extreme tension, he shot hard, clenched the long sword, and rushed forward on his own initiative.

When the two parties really rushed together, Xia Ruize sideways avoided the big sword of the barbarian leader in the front, and the long sword in his hand pierced out from the side. With the huge strength, most of the long sword pierced into the waist of the barbarian leader.

Following the trend, he turned around and withdrew the long sword in his hand. The little barbarian leader fell down, and Xia Ruize had already stepped away and wiped the neck of another elite barbarian with a sword.

Throughout the attack process, Xia Ruize’s body and the long sword in his hand seemed to have his own will. He naturally knew how to dodge, how to attack, and how to resist. Even if it was a one-to-five, Xia Ruize felt that the battle process was like moving clouds and flowing water, relaxed and natural.

This feeling was very mysterious. It was as if he learned to swim in his childhood, and he hadn’t been in the water for more than ten years. He suddenly had to swim in the water one day as an adult. Although he was very unskilled, his body had already started to move spontaneously. The essentials had been engraved in muscle memory.

This was how Xia Ruize was feeling now. His body would naturally tell him how to act. He only needed to attack instinctively, and then rely on strong physical fitness to crush.

In a trance, Xia Ruize had already crossed his opponents, solving five barbarians one after another. Before he recovered, his opponents fell behind him one after another.

In surprise, Xia Ruize wanted to turn his head to see what was going on, but Cheng Huaiqian stretched out his hand to block his head, embraced him and walked forward, and said with a smile:

“Go, this time it’s our turn to chase them!”

After being suppressed and chased by the barbarians for two consecutive days, Cheng Huaiqian was very aggrieved, and he was very interested in the current identity conversion. While pushing Xia Ruize to run, he blew a whistle. Not long after, there was the sound of horseshoes behind him. It was the warhorse that Cheng Huaiqian had patted before.

Cheng Huaiqian got on his horse quickly, then bent over and hugged Xia Ruize’s waist and hugged the person in front of him. He clamped his legs hard, and the horse galloped away.

In the end, in front of the northern gate of Bianlu City, Cheng Huaiqian immediately stopped the barbarians who wanted to escape. In this pursuit, Xia Ruize kept shooting.

Although he himself was on a bumpy horseback, hundreds of shooting experiences in the last two days and his precise aiming skills allowed his arrows to hit the enemy steadily.

The last one to fall was the witch doctor who Xia Ruize though to be the least threatening. Then, the whole Bianlu City fell into silence again. Except for the bewildered barbarian war horse, only Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were left.

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The watch vibrated violently, and the two raised their hands to check, Xia Ruize saw the reminder that the extended mission was completed:

[Extended task: to block the offensive progress of the barbarian support team.

Task status: completed.

Complete evaluation: perfect.

Task reward: reward three thousand survival points. All attributes +3. ” The spring of a withered tree”]

[The spring of a withered tree (yellow lower grade): It can slowly enhance the physical fitness of the practitioner, increase the speed of body recovery, and nourish the spirit. Cultivation to high depths, there is a chance to generate the ” The spring of a withered tree” skill. ]

The only difference from Xia Ruize was that the practice method in the mission reward that Cheng Huaiqian received was “Spear Warriors”:

[Spear Warriors (yellow lower grade): Not moving like a mountain, moving like a thunderstorm, with both virtual and reality, and a combination of rigidity and softness.]

“This reward arrangement is quite appropriate.”

Cheng Huaiqian looked at the different exercises of the two and found it interesting. He was brave enough to attack and was rewarded with marksmanship. The desire of his teammate to attack was relatively weak, and the reward was the exercise of self-protection. Both of them were very satisfied.

In addition to the reminder of task completion, although the drop rate was very low, the base of the barbarian was large enough, and there was the first appearance of the barbarian leader. Under the aura of lucky emperor, more than forty treasure chests were finally dropped. More than 30 of them were dropped by Xia Ruize, and Cheng Huaiqian only dropped single-digit treasure chests.

Among them, the treasure chest of the commander was shining brightly, and a total of seven treasures have been revealed:

[Sunbow bow (white top grade): The shooting range is very long, the arrow shot is powerful, and it has a penetrating effect. The matching quiver is replenished with 120 arrows per hour, two arrows are automatically restored every minute, and a maximum of 240 arrows can be stacked.]

[Fire Spear (White Top Grade): Great attack power and strong hardness. Additional piercing attributes.]

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[Shock bow (White Top Grade): A technique that is perfect for every success.]

[Sweeping stick (white middle grade): A beautiful power frame, full strength, vertical and horizontal sticks, and varied techniques.]

[Riding skills (white top grade): Master riding skills well and improve the skills to control the mount.]

[Goshawk: A goshawk can be released to assist in detection.]

[Warhorse: A warhorse can be released to assist travel.]

The heavy bow, bow technique, stick technique, and riding skills were all assigned to Xia Ruize, while the spear, unique goshawk and war horse were assigned to Cheng Huaiqian.

Cheng Huaiqian was really curious about the goshawk and the warhorse. He received two thumb-sized ambers with frozen goshawk and warhorse respectively from Xia Ruize.

Cheng Huaiqian immediately released the goshawk according to the instructions for use, and saw a huge goshawk swooping down from the sky, retracting its strength as it approached the ground, and finally stopped obediently on Cheng Huaiqian’s arm.

This goshawk had agile movements, smart eyes, like a living thing, but it was not alive, it was just a simulated summoning thing, it did not need to eat, drink, or even rest.

Put it out of the amber when you needed it, take it back when you didn’t need it, and then put it directly into the system space.

The two of them looked at the goshawk in surprise, and saw Cheng Huaiqian raise his hand, and the goshawk immediately rushed to the sky. The information seen by the eyes of the goshawk would be simplified, summarized and fed back to Cheng Huaiqian to let him know what happened in the distance and deal with situations that he shouldn’t have known.

The goshawk’s eyes were very sharp, and the wind and grass couldn’t escape its eyes. The goshawk that kept hovering in the sky was equivalent to Cheng Huaiqian releasing a “small satellite” that could observe the surroundings, and their safety was greatly improved.

The war horse was the same. Once released, it was taller and more powerful than the high-end war horse of the barbarian. It looked like a horse, and it was very easy to control. It could even be said that it was connected with Cheng Huaiqian’s concentration, and even the ride was far more comfortable. Far beyond the barbarian war horse, Cheng Huaiqian was very happy.

In addition, the last witch doctor killed by Xia Ruize broke out unexpected gains.

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