The uncomeatable witch doctor unexpectedly dropped two bottles of white middle-grade wound medicine, three bottles of low-grade wound medicine, and five bottles of recovery potion, which was simply a mobile medicine supply box.

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In addition to the wound medicine, the witch doctor also broke a technique:

[Herbal medicine (White Middle Grade): Learn to identify herbal medicines and make preliminary use.]

This technique was very unique. After learning, it did not improve combat effectiveness. What it improved was “knowledge and experience” in the identification and use of herbs, but it was also placed in the area of ​​[techniques].

In addition, several other high-level barbarians also dropped some useful items:

[Broad sword (White Top Grade): strong attack power, strong hardness. Additional sharpness attribute, continuous bleeding attribute.]

[Serial Knife (White Top Grade): An endless, interlocking sword technique.]

[Wolf Tooth Stick (White Top Grade): strong hardness and elasticity. Additional heavy attributes.]

[Wind Shadow Knife (White Middle Grade): Swift as the wind, with a large sword technique where reality and emptiness grow together.]

[Storm Pear Flower Needle (White Middle Grade): Three hundred and sixty poisonous needles are fired instantly. Poisonous needles are automatically replenished every twelve hours.]

[Mace (White Middle Grade): strong attack power, strong hardness.]

[CangHai Bai Er: Oral, Physique +1]

[Cordyceps: Oral, spirit +1]

In the end, the wound medicine was divided equally between the two, and the white top-grade knife, top-grade knife technique, mace and Canghai Bai Er were given to Cheng Huaiqian, who preferred to use the knife in group attacks compared to the sword.

The white top-grade stick, the middle grade knife technique, storm pear flower needle, cordyceps and “herbal medicine” were given to Xia Ruize.

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The other treasure chests dropped some ordinary items such as white gems, poison gems, Mongolian sweat medicine, bandages, sesame oil, etc. The two of them easily and happily completed the “dividing the spoils”.

Although there were not as many treasure chests as before, for two people, the rewards of extended tasks were rich enough.

After dividing the spoils, Xia Ruize looked at his own space and couldn’t help feeling:

“Our goal is not to gather 18 cold weapons, ha.”

Cheng Huaiqian thought of the knives, swords, spears, maces, and sleeve arrows in his space, and Xia Ruize’s crossbows, sticks, heavy bows, swords, knives, and hidden weapons. He couldn’t help laughing together, and nodded in agreement.

Inadvertently, their collections combined could open a cold weapon exhibition.

After finishing the extended mission with great difficulty, Cheng Huaiqian, who was joking and relaxed, suddenly got serious and turned to look at the south of Bianlu City

After waiting for a while with a serious expression, Cheng Huaiqian suddenly rolled over and rode on the amber horse, then pulled Xia Ruize in front of him, and ran towards the south of Bianlu city

“Interesting, there is an army approaching south of the city, it seems to be Daxia’s army.”

“Daxia’s army? Approaching Bianlu city?” Xia Ruize blinked, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Did they complete the extended task too quickly, so as soon as the task on their side was completed, something new happened immediately?

“You will know the specific situation. The traps in the City Lord’s Mansion have not been used up yet.”

Cheng Huaiqian comforted lightly. The deep pit outside the city gate and the fire ground of the Jixiang restaurant buried more than expected enemies, so that the most prepared City Lord’s Mansion had not fully shown its hideousness, and the enemy had been wiped out.

Therefore, Cheng Huaiqian didn’t worry at all. If the person who came was an enemy or a friend, the City Lord’s Mansion would come in handy and give play to the remaining heat.

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Cheng Huaiqian dived to the south gate of the city.

Compared with the north of the city, both the city wall and the city gates in the south of the city were much lower and random. After all, the main defense of the city wall was the barbarians in the north.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize boarded the tower and looked south.

Before long, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and a sergeant riding a war horse and holding a battle flag approached Bianlu City. One of the battle flags was marked with the word “Xia”, and the other battle flag was marked with the word “Da”. Now, this may really be Daxia’s army.

Xia Ruize looked inexplicable, but Cheng Huaiqian’s mouth was already smiling.

New changes meant that new tasks may be triggered. He never feared that the difficulty of tasks could increase. After all, the strength of him and his teammate was constantly improving.

The distant army gradually approached Bianlu City and stopped when only a few tens of meters left, and then ran out of the team alone, waving his arms vigorously and ran to the front of the city wall, shouting at Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize on the tower. road:

“Strong man! Strong man! It’s me, I’m back! Back with the barbarian riding camp!”

The visitor had worked with the two for one night. The short, fat middle-aged man, one of the three leaders of Bianlu city residents, left Bianlu city with the city residents in the early morning, and now he was back again?

The middle-aged man explained aloud to the two people on the top of the castle. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize realized that when the residents of Bianlu City were moving away along the road, they happened to meet the barbarian riding camp who came to support the northern Xinjiang.

Thus, Lieutenant Man Qi learned the news that Bianlu city had been invaded by the Barbarians and was followed by the Barbarian support team. Of course, He also learned that two martial arts fighters rescued Bianlu city.

The Lieutenant of the Barbarian Cavalry was eager to arrive at Bianlu City as soon as possible. The middle-aged man volunteered to lead the army, hoping that the Barbarian riding camp could help the two strong men fight against the barbarian support team and defend Bianlu City.

“With Captain Ma, don’t worry two strong men!”

The short and fat middle-aged man ran sweaty, watching Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize standing on the wall in a relaxed manner, thinking that the barbarian support team had not yet arrived in Bianlu City, and he was happy to bring reinforcements back in time.

He did not expect that the Barbarian support team had not only arrived, but had also “departed”.

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Seeing that the middle-aged man and the people in the city had communicated well, the army behind them approached the city gate. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize did not stop them. They turned the mechanism together, and the huge city gate slowly opened.

This army, which was dominated by cavalry, with a number of about a hundred people, was led by a captain surnamed Ma. When he led his men into the city of Bianlu through the opened gate, he couldn’t help standing by the side of the road frequently. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize cast their attention.

Although the southern gate of Bianlu City was not as tall and majestic as the northern gate, it usually requires more than a dozen guards to open and close. The two strong men in the mouth of the city residents really have two brushes, and only two people quickly opened the gate. Which shows that they were born with brute force.

When all the cavalry entered the city completely, they were truly dumbfounded.

Starting from the City Lord’s Mansion in the south of the city, the whole main street leads to the north of the city. The road was full of fallen barbarians, densely packed with blood on the ground, and the ruins of the Jixiang restaurant was still smoking. Fortunately, the surrounding houses were not involved.

The whole city was exactly what it looked like after a major war, but the silent city clearly showed that there were only two people on one side of this war. God, they won intact?

When captain Ma led his subordinates into the City Lord’s Mansion, he was hit again. The entire City Lord’s Mansion was full of traps. If the trap-arranging person were not for the traps to be eliminated in the forefront, their team would have to stay here as well.

From the captain Ma to the cavalry under his men, they were all too quiet. It was true that the sturdiness of the two strong men in front of them was beyond their comprehensible range. They knew for the first time that one person against two hundred barbarians actually existed.

If there were more such strong men, why should Daxia raise a large number of troops?

In addition to the captain of the Man Cavalry Camp, the short and fat middle-aged man was also completely stunned.

The night before, he personally participated in the transformation of Bianlu City. He naturally knew what the transformed city would look like, but he really did not expect that the city after using it would turn out to be like this. His legs were all weakened for a while. He moved to the guest room of the City Lord’s Mansion and sat down to rest.

After closing the unused trap with his own hands, Cheng Huaiqian clapped his hands and sighed regretfully. He sighed and chilled the back of a group of ten cavalry who were following him to help. A strong man went to the main hall to meet.

Captain Ma had entered the central hall of the city lord’s mansion. When Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize followed the cavalry, the generals in the hall were arguing fiercely.

Seeing Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, captain Ma quickly greeted them to sit down gently, and first asked them briefly about their identities.

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Cheng Huaiqian seemed to be prepared for a long time, with a face of righteousness, he said with a straight face, and even Xia Ruize didn’t know his background. The two brothers are brothers of different surnames, worried about the country, they heard that the barbarians were making trouble, and they would like to do their best to serve the great Daxia.

Xia Ruize listened with expressionless silence. If he didn’t know the truth, he would have believed it by six points.

Sure enough, the generals all over the hall were very moved when they heard that “the humble person did not dare to forget about the country”, especially Captain Ma, with a few words of excitement on his face, and the words all meant to solicit.

Such a brave and loyal warriors should be recruited under his command and two more warriors should be added.

As soon as captain Ma’s voice fell, the watches on Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize’s wrists suddenly vibrated violently.

Just at this moment, a soldier rushed in to express an urgent report. Cheng Huaiqian took the initiative to say that the two outsiders should avoid first. After captain Ma agreed, a cavalry brought them to the side hall to wait.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize just had the opportunity to check the watch, only to see a new reminder in the [Mission] area:

[The ambition of the barbarians is already clear to the world, and the frontier is in desperation. Daxia urgently called on the army from all over to help the northern border. However, before the reinforcements arrived, the barbarian army has arrived near the border deer city, intending to seize the border deer city, all the way south, to take the great Daxia capital. Captain Ma is optimistic about you two and intends to invite you to fight against the Barbarians together.

Extended task: blocking the progress of the barbarian offensive

Mission completed: Reward according to the degree of resistance to the barbarian support team]

It turned out to be another extended mission!

Xia Ruize was surprised to check the mission again and again, and then couldn’t help but look up at his teammate. Well, he didn’t need to ask anything. The teammate was already eager to try, and the answer was clearly visible.

Xia Ruize thought of his main mission, survived for three days, they had a day and a half unfinished. It seemed that it didn’t want them to spend the last time “boring”.

Fortunately, there was no penalty for failure in this extended mission. As long as they protect their life, they could earn as many rewards as they could get.

The reason was clear, but Xia Ruize still sighed helplessly in his heart. He felt like a scumbag that was dragged by the good student to run forward and compete for the upper hand. But what choice did he have?

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