At this time, Xia Ruize had not soberly realized how difficult it was to exchange survival points for physical fitness. He and Cheng Huaiqian had established a solid way to obtain physical values ​​by killing barbarians and completing extended tasks in the novice world.

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Not to mention, just talk about the full attribute +8 rewards brought by the two extended missions. If converted into survival points, the value was more than 30,000 survival points. In just a novice mission, their accumulated body value has already exceeded the sum of the benefits of other trialers´ multiple mission worlds.

Now Xia Ruize only noticed that his agility and mental strength finally met the exchange requirements of the high-potential rating bloodline, so he exchanged two bloodlines for himself in one breath.

Then he bought an 8 cubic meter space ring worth 800 survival points, and swept some small, cheap and practical small objects from the black market.

In order to support his own purchases, Xia Ruize not only spent the survival points on hand, but even took some uninterested commodities from the black market and directly let the Lord God recycle them in order to quickly return to the survival point.

Next, Xia Ruize purchased the practice assist function for 50 survival points per hour.

The so-called practice assistance was to conduct closed training in a space specially opened by the main god. The main god will use the most suitable plan to help the trialer familiarize himself with his strengthened body or newly learned technique skills.

Xia Ruize’s physical fitness had improved too fast, and he had learned too many techniques and skills, let alone exchanged two bloodlines one after another, and carried out two physical transformations. In short, he was not familiar with his own body.

If his combat effectiveness should be 100 when he bursts out with all his strength, his combat effectiveness may not reach 60 if he couldn´t control and actively release his combat effectiveness.

Therefore, he urgently needed to understand and master his abilities more clearly, and the practice auxiliary function provided by the main god was the most suitable.

Practice without the concept of time until exhausted, and continue to practice after a break. Finally, after a total of 58 hours of effective practice, Xia Ruize could finally master his body and abilities. Of course, energy and pockets were also consumed.

In addition to a white middle-grade weapon that was still on sale on the black market, Xia Ruize spent his own survival points clean. Although his pockets were empty, he felt a little more confident in his heart. Compared with survival points, real strength made him feel more at ease.

The time to stay in the Endless World was also used up, the next second, Xia Ruize returned to reality, the time on the phone still stayed when he left.

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Shaking his head to eliminate the discomfort of time and space, he stood up and shook his wrists, Xia Ruize chose to go back to bed and sleep with his head covered.

The next day, five consecutive alarm clocks awakened the tired Xia Ruize. For the next period of time, Xia Ruize worked during the day and went to the gym after get off work.

In the endless world, he could quickly improve his grasp of the body through the function of auxiliary practice. In reality, he was not prepared to relax and kept exercising. Although the improvement was less, he was always improving.

Of course, the body in the real world was more likely to feel tired. After tired, Xia Ruize went home to search for various survival-related information through the internet.

Fortunately, the studio recruited new people who could take over his work in time. When Xia Ruize brought newcomers to familiarize themselves with related work, most of the colleagues in the same studio learned about Xia Ruize’s resignation.

When going through the resignation procedures on the last day, Xia Ruize walked through the corridor on the second floor of the office building to the service window of the personnel department. He did not notice that when he turned around, a group of people walked in at the gate of the lobby on the first floor, with a leading young man wearing a suit with a cold face.

If Xia Ruize’s memory was not affected, he would be able to recognize that the person who came was just teammate Cheng Huaiqian who had been fighting side by side in the Novice World for three days.

The president and vice president of the game company hurriedly stepped forward to greet them, and a crowd surrounded the young man, responding cautiously.

Minor noises such as “Inspection from the Group Headquarters” and “Big Boss” passed through Xia Ruize, who was going through the resignation procedures. He didn’t care, and what he was thinking about when to buy a ticket to go home.

After Xia Ruize completed the resignation procedures, there was no crowd gathered in the lobby, but the atmosphere in the various studios became more tense.

However, these had nothing to do with Xia Ruize, who had resigned. He easily sorted out his desk and left the company to handle other social relations.

Several colleagues who were usually close to him asked him to have a dinner together to see him off at night. The dinner place was in the commercial center near the company, and he had to rush back in time.

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A group of colleagues who had been with each other for more than three years ate barbecue lively, all teasing Xia Ruize that this was to lead a retirement life in advance and return to his hometown to provide for the elderly.

In sharp contrast to Xia Ruize, they welcomed the inspection of the group headquarters executives, and it was said that they would stay for a while. In addition to the headquarters executives being handsome and eye-catching for female colleagues, for most employees, this meant endless overtime work, when thinking of this, the still working colleagues lamented and complained.

Xia Ruize could only laugh without saying a word, feeling a little grateful that he had escaped the heavy overtime task.

Of course, if he knew that it was Cheng Huaiqian he avoided, he might regret it.

After the dinner, a group of people left talking and laughing. A female colleague suggested that an internet celebrity recently set up a slide in the central lobby of the mall, which could slide directly from the fourth floor to the first floor, she really wanted to play.

The male colleagues naturally agreed, so a group of people lined up to slide happily.

Xia Ruize also went to play with them, after returning to his hometown, a fourth-tier small town, he probably wouldn’t be able to encounter so many new things.

Sitting in the fully enclosed slide channel, Xia Ruize was sliding faster and faster, which was quite thrilling. At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly turned dark, and when he opened his eyes, his body was already lying flat and stable in a fixed plane.

Xia Ruize found that his body could not move, because his neck, chest, waist, thighs and ankles were tightly tied to the bottom of the bed by five belts!

Rolling his eyes, he barely saw that he was in a room with smooth walls. Xia Ruize was stunned for three seconds, and had to accept the reality that he suddenly entered the mission.

It was so sudden!

Xia Ruize observed the surrounding environment, after all, he was still tied up, it was better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

This was a 20-square-meter room, like a bedroom with a bed in the middle, two bedside tables next to it, a wardrobe in the corner and a refrigerator. It looked ordinary. The most unique thing was that the walls of the room and the floors were smooth and seamless, even reflecting light.

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After being trapped on the bed for two minutes, a piece of white paper slowly spread out on the roof above Xia Ruize’s head, and familiar mission prompts appeared on the paper:

[Extremely desperate, you decide to participate in a “Battle of Kings”. This is a life-saving gamble. The only way to win is to pass the test and go to the end to become the king!

Main mission: Successfully pass three levels to leave the game

Mission completed: Reward five hundred survival points

Mission failure: deduct 250 survival points

Special reminder: Novices who lose survival points in two consecutive worlds will be obliterated!]

It didn’t matter if the white paper was too high to see clearly, because the same content had directly appeared in his mind.

Xia Ruize repeatedly read the mission prompts several times, and had to admit that the novice world really had preferential treatment. Even the rewards for completing the main mission were higher. After passing the novice selection level, the rewards for the official mission were not so high.

Xia Ruize couldn’t help but remembered his teammate from the last novice mission. Under the leadership of his teammate, the two of them developed the novice world to the extreme.

According to Xiao Jinlong, there were very few newcomers who could activate extended missions. As for the ability to complete extended missions or even activate more extended missions, it was unheard of.

At this moment, a ghastly voice rang out in the room, interrupting Xia Ruize’s nostalgia for his teammate:


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“Brave warrior, welcome to the ‘War of Kings’! The first step to become a king is to leave this room within an hour. The room will be completely fill in a few hours. If you can’t leave the room before then, hehehehe…”

This voice only appeared in his ears, and Xia Ruize immediately realized that this was the voice of the mission world itself.

He looked around the room, but couldn’t find the specific direction of the sound. He only felt that there was sound in all directions.

Although he didn’t know what kind of mission world he was in this time, Xia Ruize was very “behaved”. Since the Lord God asked him to pass three levels, he will pass three levels.

Xia Ruize was not very panicked about his current state of being tied up. The bloodline he spent tens of thousands of survival points to exchange for was his greatest support.

Xia Ruize spent 12,000 points to redeem the blood of [Bright Elf Juvenile Body], and another 4,000 points to redeem the blood of [Nianzhe Chutan].

[Bright Elf Juvenile] was a powerful bloodline with a golden level of potential, so the bloodline of the juvenile requires tens of thousands of survival points, and subsequent higher-level bloodlines required even more survival points.

Of course, corresponding to the high price was the powerful ability of this bloodline, which came with three talents and four skills.

The talents were mental power specialization, natural shelter, and bow specialization, while the skills were mental power impact, spatial backtracking, charm creature, and malicious perception.

Among them, the skill of spatial backtracking was actually an application of mental power. With this skill, Xia Ruize could form a three-dimensional picture in his mind of the space within ten meters of his body. In this area, he seemed to have countless eyes, he could observe from countless angles, even penetrate through obstructions, and “see” the internal situation.

So, after using the space backtracking, the situation near the bed completely appeared in Xia Ruize’s mind. He was able to easily know that a pair of scissors that could cut the belt was stuck under the bed board on which he was lying, and there was a box with a code lock in the bedside table next to him., what was even stranger was that there was a key hidden in the pillow under his head…

The key, a key item that was very useful at first glance, was placed under his head, but his head could not be moved. Xia Ruize was speechless. The designer of this level was really very nasty.

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