Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 39.1

Under the unknown circumstances, Xia Ruize was not prepared to easily expose his bloodline ability.

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He struggled pretentiously at first, but of course he couldn’t get rid of it. There was nothing he could do, he tried to trace his hand along the gap between the belt and the bed to the bottom of the bed.

Knowing that the scissors were tied to the bed board on the right side, Xia Ruize still explored the left side vigorously. After no results, he went to the right side. Sure enough, he managed to touch the scissors.

The next step was the process of cutting the belt with scissors without acting.

The sound of “grumbling” and “grumbling” was accompanied by Xia Ruize’s movements, but the corners of the wall had already started to pour water into the room. The current rate of watering was relatively slow, but the sound seemed to have a life-threatening effect.

Xia Ruize didn’t know that at this time, he was not the only poor creature fighting with the belt. At the same time, there were 99 people in the same situation as him.

A total of one hundred contestants who participated in this issue of “The battle of Kings” were distributed in one hundred identical rooms. They all heard the rules of the game read by weird sounds, and all heard the sound of urging water.

The contestants had different methods to deal with the dilemma, and several of them had outstanding performances.

A burly man with a height of two meters and big muscles roared, his whole body was accumulating energy, and he tried to break his belt directly!

The strong man blushed and his neck was thick. Although he failed to break the belt, he bent the metal bed board, enough to see his strength.

The brawny man was particularly unsatisfied and continued to exert his strength. He still failed to break the belt, but broke the buckle at the junction of the belts tied to his chest. After success, the brawny was inspired and continued to exert his strength, getting out of the bondage state.

Another middle-aged man, who was originally tall and tall, seemed to be able to shrink bones. He squirmed for a long time, and his whole body shrank. The belt that was originally tightly bound suddenly became much looser. He just rubbed it like that. Climbing out from under the straps.

Of course, these performances could only be regarded as ordinary, there were even more amazing ones.

Someone didn’t find the scissors tied to the back of the bed, but for some reason a knife came out of their hands and started cutting the belt neatly. What’s more, someone cast fire out of their hand and burnt the belt.

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Such an unexpected scene made the organizers and the audience watching these contestants dumbfounded. What was the situation?

All contestants had undergone strict inspections and body searches before being put on the arena. How could these people hide weapons on their bodies?

That’s right, the hundred players who participated in the Battle of Kings were not alone in the game, because countless cameras were aimed at them, and outside the arena, there were strong organizers and countless spectators witnessing their performance.

Decades ago, a sudden cataclysm broke out on the planet Rogge. The human world was captured by mutant creatures. After years of arduous battles, mankind relied on the development of science and technology, especially the upgrade of weapons, to obtain the ultimate victory and successfully suppress mutant creatures and once again become the overlord of Rogge planet.

After the life-and-death crisis had passed, humankind had developed rapidly. Relying on the continuous development of technology, ordinary people could live easily, and the upper-class powers could enjoy the prosperity and wealth in peace.

Over time, some human beings at the top of the pyramid felt that life was too boring and began to pursue excitement, and the “black games” came into being.

The so-called “black games” were underground games held privately that were not allowed and recognized by the federal government. The characteristics of this type of games were very bloody and thrilling, so as to attract the attention of people seeking stimulation.

“Battle of Kings” was a typical black game, and it was the black game with the largest scale and the highest ratings.

The Battle of the Kings was held every six months, and 100 contestants were called in each period. The organizer reaped wealth by opening gambling games based on the performance of the contestants.

Therefore, in the unknown situation of the contestants, there were countless cameras tracking their performance, and a large number of viewers commented on them.

Today’s battle of kings was destined to be interesting, because among the 100 contestants on the scene, there were mixed trialers from the endless world. Those few who brazenly took out their weapons directly from the space were exactly this group.

However, their unusually reckless behavior had caused the organizers of the background monitoring to spot them.

The scissors weren’t very sharp, but the belt was tough enough. After a long time of grinding, Xia Ruize finally broke the belt on his neck, and immediately felt that his breathing was much easier. Next, he cut off the belt on his chest, and then his body twisted and twitched, pulling himself out from the remaining three belts.

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When he was scanning the space, he noticed that there were prints on the back of the belt. After getting out of trouble, Xia Ruize pretended to discover the secrets on the belt and kept in mind the five letters engraved on the back of the five belts.

Xia Ruize’s performance in getting out of trouble was too ordinary, it was the correct method designed by the organizer to get out of trouble, so his ordinary performance was not noticeable, except for a few viewers who pay attention to appearance, most of the audience who pursue excitement focus on the performance of strong players.

Xia Ruize, who didn’t know anything about it, continued his performance cautiously.

He walked back and forth in a closed room, seemingly looking for clues aimlessly, but in fact, he was using the ability of space retrospective to form a three-dimensional view of the entire room in his mind, or a three-dimensional view of a non-private version.

For example, a locked refrigerator was piled full of ice cubes, and one of the ice cubes was wrapped with a code.

The closet door was locked tightly because there was a piece of clothing in the same color as the bed sheet, and there was a letter containing the password information in the pocket of the clothing.

Inside the bedside table was a password box with feathers in it…

After all the key points were discovered, Xia Ruize had already deduced the correct way to open the door in his mind. But he still pretended that he didn’t know anything, step by step to crack the way the people behind it wanted to see.

For example, the letters on the back of the five belts that tie him could open the combination lock on the refrigerator door.

After opening the refrigerator, it was filled with ice bricks. Pushing all the ice bricks to the ground, Xia Ruize pretended to look for a bit but couldn’t find a clue, so he vented his anger and smashed all the ice bricks on the wall. Then, after one of the ice bricks broke, it revealed a unique inside-there was a picture of a child’s graffiti.

Of course, the real meaning of this graffiti was that the respective quantities of the four fruits painted on it add up to a four-digit code that could open the code lock on the closet door.

After the wardrobe door was opened, all kinds of clothes were hung inside. Xia Ruize tasted the sweetness of violence, and immediately began to ruin the clothes. Each piece of clothing was lifted up and shaken vigorously, even tore the inner lining, looking for clues violently.

Sure enough, he shook out a piece of letter paper in the pocket of one of the white clothes, on which were written three inexplicable love poems. The first word of each love poem was combined to be the unboxing secret of the lockbox in the bedside table.

As a matter of course, the safe in the bedside table was also opened, and a white and soft feather was neatly placed inside.

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After this series of performances, the water level in the enclosed room had already flooded Xia Ruize’s calves, and he was not ready to continue the performance. After picking up the feathers representing the clues, his gaze turned decisively to the only item in the room that contained feathers—the pillows on the bed.

After violently tearing the pillow, a key fell out of it, which was the key to open the door of the closed room.

Xia Ruize took the key and walked towards the door of the room. There was a strong ridicule flashing in his eyes. The person who designed this level was really bad. Putting the final pass key in the pillow closest to the contestant at the beginning, making the whole search process seem like a joke.

This game was called “Battle of Kings” and there must be other contestants.

If there was a player who couldn’t connect the clues smoothly and was driven crazy by the rising water level, under the pressure of death, he would vent and destroy all the facilities in the room, and would eventually get a key to the clearance from the broken pillow. I am afraid that he could experience a change in an instant. From being on the brink of desperation to the feeling of a bright future, he had to say that the scene must be very dramatic.

Xia Ruize guessed right. At this time, the contestants in each room were showing their magical powers.

Others didn’t have Xia Ruize’s blood abilities; whose mental powers could ignore obstacles and know all the areas around their bodies, easily getting all the clues and successfully finding the key to open the door.

From the beginning of groping for the scissors to opening the door with the key, Xia Ruize spent a total of 20 minutes, of which six minutes were used to get out of the state of being bound, four minutes were used to explore the entire room, and the other time was deliberately use for show.

The contestants who were stuck in the first step and couldn’t break their belts aside, except for Xia Ruize, most of the contestants tried to attack the closed door as soon as they were unbound.

This time, someone even had a powerful thermal weapon in their hands, and started to vent bullets at the door of the room.

Seeing such a scene, the director of the organizer monitoring the overall situation was so angry that he yelled:

“Check it out for Laozi1! How did those bastards bring such big weapons into the arena! Get them to death! All bastards who break the rules must die!”

Compared with those inexplicable and wonderful players who had more weapons in their hands and were obviously prepared to break the rules and affect the ratings, Xia Ruize was a very comfortable player who was “well-behaved” and “obediently” clearing the game according to the rules.

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Therefore, when Xia Ruize successfully opened the door of the room, the floor of the room suddenly opened the drain, and the stagnant water quickly passed away. At the same time, the eerie and weird voice sounded again:

“Congratulations on becoming the second warrior to pass the first level. The remaining time in the first level will be your rest time. As a reward for the second place, we have prepared a generous gift for you. I hope that there will be another exchange, hehehehe…”

Xia Ruize was a little surprised. He had already procrastinated to perform, but turned out to be the second person to walk out of the room? Are the contestants too bad or too few contestants?

What Xia Ruize didn’t know was that the first player who managed to get out of the room, after trying his best to get rid of the bondage, immediately tore his pillow to vent his anger, and got the key with ease, omitting all the links in between. Xia Ruize walked out of the room in three minutes and successfully cleared the level.

In fact, not only Xia Ruize was surprised by his own results, but the organizers and audience were also surprised.

In their opinion, this contestant looked too gentle and harmless. Apart from a little grumpy temper, he did not show much strength, but he passed the level quickly.

Such a weak, white-faced niche, they were afraid that he was happy to pass the first level successfully. They really wanted to see the scene of him being torn to pieces by the mutant creature in the terrifying second level. Thinking about it made people excited.

In fact, when Xia Ruize successfully found the letter in the clothes, the director of the organizer noticed this young player who was not visible. He didn’t make any big movements, but the progress was progressing too smoothly every time. The random movements just hit the spot.

After wondering for a long time, the director had to attribute Xia Ruize’s success to his good luck, and he was always able to bump into the right path indiscriminately.

Therefore, without Xia Ruize’s knowledge, he was once again labeled as “lucky”, and the screen tracking his performance was adjusted to the position recommended by the organizer to allow more viewers to see his performance.

Although Xia Ruize didn’t know that he was seen as a monkey, he could easily guess that someone who worked so hard to design such a game would definitely be happy to watch the little poor performance trapped in it, otherwise, wouldn’t it be no fun?

The gloomy voice that appeared in time also confirmed Xia Ruize’s guess that there were indeed people who were paying attention to him all the time. Therefore, he was not prepared to expose all his abilities easily. Of course, the more cards he had, the better.

After the door of the first room was opened, there was a smaller room outside. What caught the eye was that various weapons and equipment were hung on the wall of this room.

In the middle of the room, there was a box wrapped in silk ribbon, which was probably the so-called “gift.”

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