Visitors from the Wilderness (3): Show

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


It seemed that they were wrong to protect the newcomer too tightly before. If they wanted to get food, they must kill as many prey as possible, and if they wanted to see the prey, they must stay away from the newcomer, and the newcomer would become a target for the predators to attack.

After killing a group of wild wolves that attacked the newcomers in front again, and obtaining a red fruit that could fill the stomach and increase agility by 0.1, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize decided to implement a new plan.

Next, the two of them took themselves as the center of the circle, and scattered the thirty newcomers in a circle from the inside to the outside out, and then the whole circle moved forward slowly together as a whole.

Xia Ruize was good at long-distance combat, and Cheng Huaiqian also had the means to attack from a distance. Next, what the two of them did was to push the circle forward slowly, while constantly dealing with the prey attracted by the “bait”.

As long as the number of attracted prey was not so large that Xia Ruize was too late to deal with it, Cheng Huaiqian would only do auxiliary attacks. He knew the reason very well. If he killed the same number of prey, Xia Ruize would get more treasure chests than him. Anyway, his teammate would always share the treasure chest with him, and Cheng Huaiqian ate it with confidence.

The newcomers gradually discovered that after the predators who tried to attack them were killed by the captains, treasure chests would burst out on the corpses of some prey. Of course, the newcomers only dared to wonder what was in the treasure chests in their minds, and no newcomers dared to touch those treasures privately.

However, as long as they were not stupid, anyone could guess that the treasure chest must be a good thing, otherwise the two captains would not deliberately make this arrangement.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize found that the seven injured newcomers were the most attractive to prey, and even attracted a group of predators to rush up in about half an hour.

After a long time and more times, the tormented newcomer lost even his eyes when facing the rushing wild wolf. Anyway, these rushing animals would definitely fall down before attacking them, where would they waste their feelings being frightened.

As for the reason, for the injured seven newcomers standing on the outermost circle to attract more predators, the biggest possibility was that the wounds on their bodies had not healed and would continue to emit a bloody smell, attracting predators.

It was a pity that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian couldn’t find a small pool until they dawdled around in small steps until about 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian could not find more animals.

Whether it was a wild wolf or a vulture, after being killed, the body would quickly turn black and deteriorate, and even the other vultures would not be interested.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian clearly realized that the animals and humans in this mission world could not eat directly. They could only get food by killing wild animals to obtain treasure chests.

So, after seeing the rare and precious small water pool from a distance, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian gathered all the newcomers who had scattered away and looked at the small water pool together.

Because there were several circles of animals vying for water around the small water pool, it was obvious that if the small water pool was regarded as a bait, the attraction was much stronger than that of newcomers.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian rode horses and stood at the front to discuss the plan in a low voice. After the discussion, Cheng Huaiqian left on horseback. Xia Ruize turned around and said to a group of newcomers who were paralyzed on the ground:

“If I remember correctly, your main mission requires killing wild animals. This mission is actually not difficult, because there is no limit to what animals need to be killed, and you still have a chance for those smaller animals.

We have been walking all morning and noon and have not seen anything to eat. At present, the only way to get food is to get the treasure chest that appears after killing the animal. There is food in the treasure chest. I suspect that in this world, if you want to eat something, you must kill the animal to get the treasure chest. ”

Saying that, Xia Ruize pointed to the small water pool in the distance and reminded:

“Next, we will attack the animals near the pool, and some may run out. If you have an idea, measure your actual ability and try to attack.”

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After the reminder, Xia Ruize left on horseback, leaving behind a dazed newcomer.

Of course, not everyone was at a loss. The newcomers had long noticed that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian would get treasure chests after attacking animals, and there were many ambitious people who had long wanted to try it themselves. Now was the best opportunity for them.

So, after Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian both left, some of the thirty newcomers struggled to get up in twos and threes and left the crowd. The rest of the newcomers saw that those who left were clearly holding thick branches or sharp stones in their hands to use as weapons.

And most of them were empty-handed before!

At this time, it was easy to tell which newcomers were quickly adapting to the environment, silently prepared in advance, and knew how to hide in the system space, while which newcomers were just being driven forward in a murky manner.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian rushed towards the water pool from both directions of the small water pool at the same time.

Xia Ruize used the unlimited energy version of the laser gun obtained in the last mission world. The yellow low-grade laser gun not only didn´t need to worry about energy problems, but also required almost no energy storage time, and could achieve rapid bursts. The terrifying laser gun was a crushing victory against these ordinary wild animals.

Cheng Huaiqian’s long-range attack method was very special. He flicked his fingers, and the small black balls shot at the target at a high speed. Without breaking the skin, they would penetrate directly into the body of the prey and burst open.

Under the joint siege and suppression of the two, the surrounding area of ​​the small water pool, which had already been fighting for water and drinking, was immediately chaotic.

There were animals that quickly dispersed and fled, and there were animals who risked injury and swam upstream just to drink two more sips of water.

In the end, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian killed more than 40 of the more than 50 animals surrounding the small water pool. Among the more than 10 animals that escaped, three hares, one elk and one python were hunted by the newcomers.

After experiencing the tragic fate of being used as bait by the two captains, the newcomers were not completely unprofitable. At least after they had faced the wild animals many times, they had gradually gotten used to it, and they were not so afraid in their hearts, successfully intercepting the fleeing animals.

When the middle-aged man ran to Xia Ruize with a blue fruit in his hand, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were observing the water in the small pool. Logically speaking, if wild animals could drink this water, they should be able to drink it too.

But in fact, the water in the pool was black, and when it was contained in a container, it didn’t take long for the edge of the container to make a slight ‘sizzling’ sound, and it turned out to be corroded after a closer look.

“The water here is not drinkable. Those animals have adapted to the environment and evolved a stomach that is invulnerable to all poisons. We don’t have it.”

Xia Ruize shook his head regretfully, and put the container with water on the side of the pool, ready to see what the container would look like after being corroded later.

“Xia Team! Xia Team!” The middle-aged man finally ran to Xia Ruize, out of breath, and enthusiastically sent the blue fruit in his hand to Xia Ruize, and courteously said:

“Xia Team, I killed a python and got a treasure chest. There was a fruit like this in the treasure chest. It is said that it can increase the spirit. I will give you a try.”

Xia Ruize took the blue fruit, and the prompt popped up:

[Blue fruit: Eating it can replenish energy, spirit +0.1]

It turned out that the fruit exploded by the python could increase the value of mental strength. This information was more important to Xia Ruize, so he turned his hand and took out a ginkgo that replenished water and improves physique and a red fruit that could fill the stomach and increase agility. The middle-aged man replied:

“I have accepted your blue fruit, and I will give you these two. These two are more practical for you now.”

The middle-aged man originally sent the blue fruit with the purpose of pleasing Xia Ruize, so how could he receive double the reward? Just as he was about to decline the politeness, the big knife in Cheng Huaiqian’s hand swayed in front of the middle-aged man, preventing him from declining:

“What Xia Team says is what Xia Team says. It’s enough to do everything Xia Team says.”

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Being stared coldly by Cheng Huaiqian, the middle-aged man immediately retracted his refusal words, and instead thanked him vigorously.

Xia Ruize smiled at Cheng Huaiqian, and suddenly felt that it was good for his teammate to be strong, at least saving a lot of trouble.

Cheng Huaiqian cupped the corner of his mouth at Xia Ruize, and then continued to ask the middle-aged man:

“Apart from the treasure chest, do you have any hints on your watch?”

“No, it just says ‘kill a python, get a blue fruit’.”

The middle-aged man was very knowledgeable and directly showed the task prompt on his watch to the two captains.

Sure enough, after he killed the python, he only got prompt for obtaining blue fruit, and did not directly obtain the prompt of attribute points.

In addition to the middle-aged man, two newcomers also chased and ran to Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize at this time. One of them did not reveal the treasure chest, and was secretly annoyed. Seeing this, they also stepped forward to show their watch and the task they received. The prompt was simpler, just “kill a hare”.

Another newcomer got the treasure chest and got a red fruit, but he was worried that the two captains would snatch the newcomer’s spoils, so he swallowed it immediately.

Now he regretted it. If he knew, he would be a good person and send the red fruit up. Maybe he would get two fruits as a reward. Now it was good, He had to take the initiative to show his watch information to express loyalty. It was really a mistake.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were too lazy to care about the thoughts of the newcomers. During the process of turning over and returning to the main force, they discussed the difficulty comparison between the two newcomers’ task worlds.

“Our novice world is more difficult, and it is more difficult to kill barbarians, so after killing, there would be attribute rewards, and there would be treasure chests.

The difficulty of this novice world is relatively low. As long as you muster your courage, those animals are relatively easy to kill, so there is no reward for killing them, but there is a possibility that the treasure chest will drop. ”

Cheng Huaiqian read the mission prompts of the two newcomers one after another, and found that the rewards that these newcomers received after killing animals were far inferior to the rewards they received after killing barbarians.

“A lower difficulty is more suitable for newcomers who have just been drawn in. Of course, it’s not bad for us. At present, the fruits that can increase the four attributes have all appeared.”

Xia Ruize was content and happy. There were four small fruits of different colors and slightly different appearances in his hand. After clicking on them, he concluded:

“It is already known that the bison will drop the yellow fruit that can replenish physical strength and increase strength by 0.1;

Wild wolves, hares and elk will drop red fruits that can fill up the stomachs and increase agility by 0.1;

The python will drop the blue fruit that can replenish energy and increase mental power by 0.1;

Vultures and squirrels will burst white fruit that can quench thirst and increase physique by 0.1. Next, if we can meet more wild animals, we can conclude more rules. ”

Don’t look at the fact that 0.1 increase in attribute points seemed to be very few, but it was worth 100 survival points in the Lord god space, not to mention that those animals will hardly pose a threat to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, as long as the number of wild animals killed was enough, it would drop. The accumulation of attribute points was also very considerable, Xia Ruize was very satisfied, this was really a welfare world, the difficulty was low, the harvest was large, and it made people feel comfortable.

After returning to the area where the newcomers were concentrated, Xia Ruize asked the nine newcomers who had just left the team to try to intercept and kill wild animals to stand in front of all the newcomers, and praised:

“These nine newcomers have done their best just now. Some of them have achieved very good results. If you want to get them, you need to fight for them yourself.”

Next, Xia Ruize informed all the newcomers about the types of fruits known to various wild animals that may drop, so that the newcomers could target suitable prey according to their abilities.

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After Xia Ruize finished speaking, Cheng Huaiqian added coldly:

“Before you start, don’t forget to objectively assess your own strength. We won’t be able to save you in time for melee combat. If you provoke an animal that cannot be solved without authorization, you will bear the consequences yourself.

Well, go on rest, haven’t you been clamoring for a rest? From now on, you can move freely around here, and we will guard this waterhole and continue to wait for the prey to come.”

Cheng Huaiqian called his teammate to leave together after the sneak training. The water pool was a bait, but these newcomers should not be wasted. The two of them should be farther away from the newcomers, so that the newcomers’ ability to attract monsters could be fully utilized.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian dashed to a higher hill on the other side, and they could see the situation of the newcomers here without any obstruction.

Here, the newcomers who were completely released looked at each other for a while, and then made their own calculations.

A newcomer asked the nine people who were praised what they got. Among the nine people, three actually got a fruit, but Xia Ruize did not specify, and none of the others knew who had such a lucky start.

After thinking for a while, the middle-aged man took the initiative to stand up and introduce himself to the other newcomers:

“I’m relatively old, so you can call me Lao Li1. I grew up in a water village, and I often encountered snakes, so I would catch snakes. I was lucky just now and killed a relatively small python. The treasure box that dropped contained a blue fruit, I originally wanted to give it to Xia team, but Xia team gave me two more fruits instead.”

As he spoke, there were two fruits, one red and one white in Lao Li’s hand. They saw that he raised the white one first and said to the other newcomers:

“This white-colored fruit is said to quench thirst and increase physique by 0.1.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Li stuffed the fruit into his mouth, and the fruit that melted in the mouth turned into a nectar, nourishing his thirsty body, and a sense of satisfaction came from the bottom of his heart.

The other newcomers looked at Lao Li’s unfeigned happy expression, and collectively swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only to feel that their thirsty throat was about to smoke.

Seeing Lao Li immersed in enjoyment and forgetting his surroundings, finally a newcomer pushed him unbearably and asked, “What about the other one?”

Only then did Lao Li come back to his senses, he himself had never thought that the white fruit had such a powerful power, so he couldn’t help but indulge in it. At this time, he was awakened, and Lao Li hurriedly lifted the red fruit and said:

“This red-colored fruit is said to fill the stomach and increase agility by 0.1.”

After speaking, Lao Li couldn’t wait to swallow the red fruit.

The red fruit will not melt in the mouth, it needs to be chewed and swallowed. During this process, the taste was soft and strong, and the pulp was turned between the lips and teeth. The pulp was very fragrant. What was even more amazing was that after the pulp was swallowed into the stomach, the belly that had been clamoring in hunger finally subsided. The satisfaction of eating welled up, there was nothing happier than eating when you were too hungry!

Looking eagerly at Lao Li swallowing the white fruit and red fruit one after another, his face was filled with happiness, and the envy, jealousy and hatred of the newcomers almost burned Lao Li.

After returning to his senses, Lao Li touched his hair embarrassingly. He originally intended to cooperate with Xia Ruize’s work, and wanted to inspire other newcomers’ fighting spirit by showing the harvest, but now it seemed that others hated him, and Lao Li was also a little helpless.

However, after eating the white fruit and red fruit one after another, Lao Li felt that his extremely tired body had recovered after walking all morning, and his head became more flexible. After thinking for a moment, he made up his mind. Taking care of himself, he left the crowd and walked to the place where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian rested.

After Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian stood on the small hill, Cheng Huaiqian noticed that no animals dared to gather around the pool for a while, so he took out a computer-sized box from the space, put it on the ground, and it bounced off at the end, expanding into a tent.

Seeing the surprised expressions of his teammate, Cheng Huaiqian proudly took Xia Ruize’s shoulders, and enthusiastically embraced him as he walked into the tent, and introduced:

“Come here, visit the mobile tent I prepared, haha, it is specially prepared for this kind of task of being in the wild, and you will no longer have to spend the night in the wilderness in the future.”

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Xia Ruize inspected it in amazement and found that although the tent was small, all kinds of facilities were readily available.

There was no shortage of lockers and small tables. A bed folded on the wall can be 1.5 meters wide when fully opened. There was a small toilet at the edge of the tent, which was equipped with automatic collection of moisture in the air to condense water for domestic use. The equipment could even supply a bath.

What was even more amazing was that there was a small refrigerator. If they put the fruit in it, they could eat the frozen fruit in a while on a hot day. The solar panel on the top of the tent was responsible for collecting light energy and converting it into electric energy. Simple fire and hot water cooking could be achieved, and even air conditioning could be used to cool down!

Of course, these were not the most important things. he saw Cheng Huaiqian washing his hands, opened the folding bed neatly, patted the clean and soft bed, and invited Xia Ruize: “Come and try, this is the bed I specially selected, according to the assessment of the Lord God, it is the most comfortable.”

Looking at the teammate who wanted to bring him into the bed, Xia Ruize was stunned for a long time and finally felt flushed, waved his hand and refused, “No, it’s not suitable.”

When they were in the Novice World before, the conditions were really poor, and the two of them had no suitable resting place at all, so they could only squeeze with each other. But the novice world had passed, and it was not suitable to continue to squeeze together.

“You… what’s the name of this tent? It’s very useful. I’ll buy one another day. And it’s okay to rest now. There are new people over there who want us to protect, and the water pool should be watched.”

Under Cheng Huaiqian’s resentful eyes, Xia Ruize forced to change the subject. He didn’t know the environment yet. Why did he think about taking a rest in the daytime?

Cheng Huaiqian said aggrievedly:

“When I bought this, I wanted to lie down with you, and I carefully selected it for a long time. I haven’t slept for three days. It will take a lot of time to gather animals by the pool, and we have been walking all morning. The new people have rested, and we can also rest.”

Seeing Cheng Huaiqian’s face slightly wrinkled, his bright eyes staring at him with grievance and anticipation, Xia Ruize covered his heart beating violently with a flushed face, hey, what was going on? Why did he think such teammate was cute, he was afraid that he was broken?


Xia Ruize’s intuition always felt that something was not right, but his brain was a little confused now, and he didn’t know what to say for a while. Fortunately, at this time, Lao Li walked outside the tent and called tentatively:

“Xia Team? Cheng Team?”

“Someone’s here, I’ll go take a look first!”

Ready-made excuses fell from the sky, Xia Ruize quickly explained, and then escaped from the cramped tent that made his heart uncomfortable.

As soon as Xia Ruize left, Cheng Huaiqian still had an aggrieved expression on his face. He touched his chin with a solemn expression and thought doubtfully: Didn’t the internet say that showing weakness and acting like a spoiled child would arouse the other party’s desire to protect and express? Why didn’t this move seem to work for his teammate?

If Xia Ruize knew what Cheng Huaiqian was thinking, he would definitely give him a head-scratcher and let him figure out what kind of strategy he was looking at?!

It was a pity that Xia Ruize didn’t know what strange knowledge Cheng Huaiqian had added for more than a month. Now Xia Ruize was forcibly forgetting what happened in the tent and listening carefully to the thoughts of Lao Li who came to the door.

“Xia team, my name is Li Mingcheng, you can call me Xiao Li2, I want to ask you something, let me tell you first, you see if you can.

That’s right, I want to kill wild animals now, but I don’t have enough weapons. Look, can you lend me a weapon first? Just like investing in me, I will give you two-thirds of the treasure chest I get, you see…”

Li Mingcheng asked earnestly, and at the same time carefully observed Xia Ruize’s face, once Xia Ruize showed offended displeasure, he would stop talking immediately.

Fortunately, Xia Ruize patiently listened to him without any special expressions from beginning to end, and Li Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

From Li Mingcheng’s point of view, weapons were actually quite necessary under the current situation. From the performance of the two captains, he could see that powerful weapons were very useful. In case the two captains felt that he wanted to borrow weapons was a restless and threatening move, he would be miserable.

Xia Ruize and Li Mingcheng thought differently. He looked at Li Mingcheng up and down, and finally remembered this middle-aged man who had performed well from the beginning.

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