Visitors from the Wilderness (4): Know

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


For the newcomers who were dragged into this world, a few experienced trialers were actually the biggest guarantee for them to live safely and make the most of their profits. The simplest, as long as the newcomer borrowed a weapon from the trialer, the starting point would immediately be a lot higher.

Unfortunately, most of the newcomers did not realize this. Most of the newcomers were deeply immersed in the anger of being forced to walk constantly, and most of them were hostile and distrustful of the trialers.

Didn’t they know that the more hostile and distrustful they were, the more hostile and distrustful the trialers would be towards them, and why would they care to protect them?

Li Mingcheng was different. After he was rescued from the carriage and divided into groups, he quickly recognized the reality, and immediately expressed his affection and closeness to the two captains. In the eyes of Xia Ruize, his performance was very good.

So, Xia Ruize looked Li Mingcheng directly in the eyes and asked him:

“Will you attack both of us if you could get the weapon?”

When Xia Ruize became serious, his usually gentle and harmless aura suddenly climbed and became sharp and powerful. In addition, he majored in spiritual power, so when facing the suddenly serious Xia Ruize at close range, Li Mingcheng only felt the pressure hit his face. Fear arose spontaneously, and the heart seemed to be clenched tightly.

Stabilizing his mind, Li Mingcheng vowed firmly:

“I can swear to you that at any time, I will never have unfavorable thoughts on you and Cheng team, and my weapons will never be aimed at you two! If I go against it, you can kill me without any complaints!

Me, my family lives in Guangfu Community, Modu City. I have a loving wife, a son in junior high school and a daughter in elementary school. I don’t want to die or cause them trouble. I just want to work hard to live! I beg you! ”

Li Mingcheng said so sincerely that his voice was hoarse, and he even prepared to kneel down for Xia Ruize.

Xia Ruize grabbed his arm and held Li Mingcheng down, unable to kneel down, smiled and shook his head:

“That’s not necessary. Okay, I believe you if you say so. I’ll lend you a weapon, and you can give me half of the treasure chest you get. You pick first, and give the rest to me. Do you want a ranged weapon or a melee weapon? ”

Xia Ruize tried it out, but he didn’t feel any malice from Li Mingcheng, so he simply agreed.

The next thing to consider was what weapons to lend. The weapons in Xia Ruize’s space were very rich, and he could lend him the most suitable ones according to Li Mingcheng’s behavior.

Xia Ruize’s readily agreed answer exceeded Li Mingcheng’s expectations. He was stunned for a moment. After he reacted, he was very excited. He immediately wanted to flatter and said that he still had to offer two-thirds of his harvest to Xia Ruize. With cold eyes, Li Mingcheng choked, remembered something, didn’t dare to bargain any more, and could only think about it seriously:

“It’s still a long-range weapon. I may not use melee weapons very well.”

Li Mingcheng was a middle-aged office worker. He hadn’t exercised for many years. His beer stomach was not small. Even if he was given a big sword and a long sword, his arms and legs couldn’t be used flexibly. Long-range weapons were more suitable for him.

Li Mingcheng saw that the long-range weapons that Xia Ruize had used were crossbows, bows, and weird guns. In addition to the bows, the other two were lent to him, and he should be able to play a part of the effect.

Xia Ruize really took out a top-grade white crossbow he had used and a top-grade white laser gun in front of Li Mingcheng and let Li Mingcheng choose.

Of course, Li Mingcheng chose a laser gun, and he couldn’t hide his excitement when he actually got this hot weapon in a sci-fi style with his own hands.

Xia Ruize briefly introduced how to use the laser gun, reminded Li Mingcheng to pay attention to the energy storage time, and finally reminded: “Be careful to use it, and don’t face the crowd.”

Li Mingcheng solemnly agreed.

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Li Mingcheng knew that the laser gun could exert huge lethality in anyone’s hands. Even if he was a scumbag, after getting the laser gun, he became a mobile danger. He couldn’t be too careful when using it.

Until Xia Ruize was pulled back into the tent by Cheng Huaiqian, and when Li Mingcheng walked back in a trance, he couldn’t help shaking his hands with excitement, and his feet were deep and shallow.

Where did he think that he could actually borrow a weapon from Xia Team, or a laser gun? It went more smoothly than he could have imagined!

With this laser gun, even if a wild wolf came, he was not afraid. He would definitely get more treasure chests. He only needed to give half of it to the captain, and the rest was enough for him to eat and drink well and become stronger quickly.

Thinking of such a scene, Li Mingcheng couldn’t help being even more excited!

As soon as Xia Ruize and Li Mingcheng finished talking, Cheng Huaiqian couldn’t wait to grab him back to the tent.

As soon as Xia Ruize turned around, he saw that Cheng Huaiqian had already taken a shower. He was wearing only his underwear, and the unwiped water droplets continued to slide down his well-organized muscles. Xia Ruize watched helplessly as a drop of water dropped down his teammate’s chest and finally disappeared. In the only cloth, with a “boom” in his head, he finally remembered the topic discussed earlier.

However, this rhythm was not quite right, he always felt that there was a gap in the middle… weren’t they still discussing? Didn’t he refuse? What was going on now, what happened in the middle?

“Quick, quick, there is enough water in reserve, take a bath and cool down, then take a nap to recharge your energy, and then you can harvest the treasure chest energetically in the afternoon!”

How could Xia Ruize think that after Cheng Huaiqian felt that the skill of showing weakness and acting like a spoiled child was not useful, he completely exposed his true colors and released a direct and neat strong and domineering Cheng.

While talking, Cheng Huaiqian had already pushed Xia Ruize towards the bathroom, and even wanted to help Xia Ruize undress, Xia Ruize was so frightened that he quickly clenched the edge of his clothes, his face flushed, and he hurriedly said, “I’ll do it myself, I’ll do it myself!”

Seeing that the plan succeeded, Cheng Huaiqian was very happy, but at the same time he felt that his teammate was still too introverted and shy. What did it matter if they took a shower together?

Fortunately, worrying about bringing his teammate onto the bed for a while, Cheng Huaiqian thoughtfully put on the pajamas next to him, turned and walked out of the tent, leaving space for his introverted and shy teammate.

Cheng Huaiqian flicked his finger after walking out, and a black ball bounced onto Li Mingcheng’s shoulder who had walked some distance. Cheng Huaiqian waved to Li Mingcheng who turned around in panic. Li Mingcheng hurried back and asked respectfully:

“Cheng team, what are your orders?”

Li Mingcheng had been struggling in the society for many years. With his eyes to see countless people, it was easy to see that the two captains were very different. Xia Ruize was a kind and talkative ordinary person, but Cheng Huaiqian was a terrifying and unpredictable dangerous person.

Li Mingcheng didn’t dare to play any tricks in front of Cheng Huaiqian at all, and he didn’t even dare to lean on him to please him. Who knew if Cheng Huaiqian hated others to please him, and it would be bad if he committed a taboo.

Therefore, seeing Cheng Huaiqian summoning him now, Li Mingcheng felt uneasy.

Cheng Huaiqian turned his hand over, a bottle of recovery potion and a roll of bandages appeared in his hand, he motioned to Li Mingcheng to take it, and said casually:

“Just move around where you just walked, don’t let other people get close to the tent, and of course, animals, too. Whatever it is, we’ll talk about it later.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Li Mingcheng nodded again and again and agreed. He was very happy that the two captains were optimistic about using him. He didn’t feel ashamed at all for guarding the tent for the two captains. This was a position that no one else wanted. In case of any accident, of course he was the one closest to the two captains and was safer.

After casually waving his hand to indicate that Li Mingcheng could leave, Cheng Huaiqian pointed casually, and the Gorefiend bull who had been locked up before appeared in front of the tent, obediently lying at the door to guard the tent.

The other hand pointed, and a tall skeleton horse cavalryman and a small skeleton with a height of 1 meter but holding a 1.5-meter-long sword appeared on the other side of the tent, under the command of Cheng Huaiqian, one went to the newcomers to protect the newcomers, and the other went to the edge of the waterhole to guard the waterhole and attacked the animals that came to drink secretly.

As for whether those newcomers would be scared to cry when seeing the terrifying skeleton horse cavalry, it was not something Cheng Huaiqian would consider.

After walking in the wilderness of more than 40 degrees all morning, Xia Ruize was inevitably sweating, and he couldn’t resist the temptation to take a bath.

Xia Ruize took a bath comfortably, put on the pajamas prepared by his teammate, walked out of the bathroom and saw the large and soft bed, Xia Ruize couldn’t help opening his mouth and yawned.

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Then Xia Ruize saw that Cheng Huaiqian, who was already sitting on the bed, had eyes lit up. Cheng Huaiqian happily waved to Xia Ruize, patted the bed beside him, and sent out a straightforward invitation.

Xia Ruize tangled for a while, thinking that this was the end of the matter, he simply gave up resistance, so he released the ghost bat created by the system, ordered it to protect the newcomer, and then lay down lazily.

The temperature in the tent had dropped to a cool and comfortable 26 degrees. Xia Ruize sighed comfortably. He had to say that the most comfortable bed evaluated by the Lord God really lived up to its name, and his sleepiness increased a bit.

Cheng Huaiqian suddenly leaned towards Xia Ruize’s neck and took a deep breath, startling the relaxed Xia Ruize, shrinking subconsciously, and quickly asked, “What’s the matter with you? Are you a dog?”

“Did you use the body wash I put there? Why does it smell better on you?”

Cheng Huaiqian squinted his eyes, and felt a strange expression on his face, coming to this conclusion, Xia Ruize didn´t know if he should laugh or cry.

“Come on, don’t you want to take a nap, go to sleep.”

Xia Ruize covered the quilt and sighed comfortably again. In the hot summer, it was very comfortable to cover the quilt in the air-conditioned room and take a nap~

“Ha, actually I tried to find you before. You seem to be working in the game industry of the Magic Capital. I went to a few larger game companies to hold meetings. I met everyone, and I don’t know if I saw you.”

Cheng Huaiqian lay down beside his teammates comfortably, and while he was relaxed, he chatted about private topics that had nothing to do with the Endless World, and there was already a bit of sleepiness in his voice.

“What company?”

Xia Ruize was stunned for a moment, his half-closed black and white eyes instantly widened, and he hurriedly asked.

Cheng Huaiqian casually named the names of several game companies, and the company that Xia Ruize worked for was among them.

Hearing Cheng Huaiqian’s drowsy voice, Xia Ruize’s throat became sore, and he was silent for a while, and he asked, “When did it happen?”

Answering the time in a daze, Cheng Huaiqian was already asleep.

He hadn’t slept well for a long time, and the fact that Xia Ruize was by his side made him very relaxed and happy, almost falling asleep in seconds.

Xia Ruize didn’t fall asleep for a while. The time Cheng Huaiqian mentioned was the time when he left. He remembered that during the dinner party on the day he left, a colleague who knew him complained that the executives of the headquarters would hold a general meeting just after they arrived, and asked all employees to arrive, he now seemed to know what the reason was.

The feeling of happiness at that time was now a bit more complicated. It was a pity. He just left when he went, and the two missed it like that.

If he left one day later, he wondered if their memories of meeting in reality would be unsealed?

Xia Ruize turned his head to look at Cheng Huaiqian, who was already asleep. This handsome face was usually domineering. Now that he was asleep, he looked quiet and well-behaved, and the sharp lines were much softer.

For a moment, Xia Ruize’s mind was short-circuited and he took a breath of Cheng Huaiqian’s body. It smelled really good.

As soon as the conclusion came out, Xia Ruize was shocked to realize that he was broken by Cheng Huaiqian, and hurriedly shrank to the wall.

But he couldn’t help but think of an article he accidentally read before, saying that the hormones secreted by everyone were different. In this world, there were just people who think each other’s secreted smells are very good.

Xia Ruize went to the hospital to test his sexual orientation when he was in high school. His sexual orientation was liking the same sex. Although he would not be discriminated against, he belonged to a minority group. For so many years, Xia Ruize had not met anyone who make him feel good, even if it was a “homosexual fantasy”. He also had no interest in the outstanding male stars on the lists.

But he never expected that after a major change in his life, he would meet someone who always caught his eye…

Before he met Cheng Huaiqian again in this mission world, whether it was the second mission world or the real world, Xia Ruize would always think of his teammate from time to time. He firmly believed that it was a pity that he failed to remember his teammate who cooperated well. Now thinking about it, he didn’t seem to miss his colleague who cooperates tacitly…

The always single Xia Ruize was confused. The slow breathing of the teammate next to him gradually affected him. Xia Ruize fell asleep thinking about it. The breathing of the two people was staggered and the distance was getting closer.

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It was quiet inside the tent, but not quiet outside the tent.

When the skeleton cavalry sent by Cheng Huaiqian rushed towards the newcomers, the newcomers were so frightened that they screamed and begged for help.

Even if there was speculation in their hearts, under the surveillance of the skeleton cavalry, the newcomers sent three representatives to personally go to the captain to inquire about the situation.

Of course, the three newcomers who came as representatives failed to get close to the tent, and were stopped by Li Mingcheng from a distance.

“What’s the matter with you? What are you doing here without a good rest?”

With the attention of the two captains, Li Mingcheng spoke a lot harder.

“Can’t we come if we want to come?” one of the tall and thin newcomers asked in dissatisfaction.

Another squatter newcomer quickly persuaded him: “Forget it, calm down, don’t forget the business, we came to ask the captain, is that skeleton theirs?”

“Definitely yes, the skeleton doesn’t match the environment here. That skeleton on horseback was specially sent by Captain Cheng to protect you. Not only is one there, there is also one by the pool, and there is also one in front of the captain’s tent.”

Li Mingcheng saw Cheng Huaiqian summon these terrifying creatures with his own eyes. Although he was too frightened at the time, he was used to watching it. In the face of the newcomers’ questions, Li Mingcheng did not hide it, told them what he knew, and helped the two captains to appease the newcomers.

Following Li Mingcheng’s instructions, the three of them really saw the small skeleton by the pool and the bull in front of the tent. While they were completely relieved, the tall and thin newcomer couldn’t help but complain:

“Why are there such terrifying things, this can open a haunted house.”

“What did you say? The two captains didn’t forget to keep you safe when they were resting. Don´t you know what´s good?! ”

Li Mingcheng educated in an unpleasant tone, but he didn’t expect his words to stimulate the other party.

“They are still resting? We go, they hide in the tent to rest, and let us bask in the sun outside? Are they not afraid of suffocating in the tent?”

The thin and tall newcomer’s skin was red and peeling from the sun. Naturally, he was very unhappy that Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize had a tent to hide in, and he didn’t have a door when he spoke in a fit of anger.

Li Mingcheng was instantly angry, and his expression turned hideous. In the end, he suppressed his anger and said in a low voice, “Go back and lie down, don’t be presumptuous here!”

“You are so willing to kneel and lick their dog’s legs. That’s your business, don’t take us with you!”

The tall and thin newcomer scolded back, not to be outdone.

Seeing that the conflict between the two became more and more intense, the other two newcomers quickly and forcibly pulled the tall and thin man back. But the tall and thin newcomer was already stunned by the heat, and even wanted to rush up to fight with Li Mingcheng.

Li Mingcheng ducked, took a few steps back, took out the laser gun in the space, and threatened with the muzzle pointing upwards:

“I’m too lazy to entangle with you, hurry up, let’s go!”

After Li Mingcheng took out the laser gun, as if pressing the pause button, the scene fell into silence for a while. The three young people opposite looked at the laser gun in Li Mingcheng’s hands in surprise, and asked suspiciously:

“How could you have this?”

They had seen Xia Ruize use this gun with their own eyes before, and a bunch of animals fell down by the pool could also prove the power of this gun. Now that Li Mingcheng, who was treated the same as them, actually had a gun in his hand, they immediately became uneasy.

“This is what I borrowed from Captain Xia. Captain Xia lent it to me temporarily.”

Li Mingcheng cherished the gun and then waved at the three newcomers to drive them away.

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This time, the tall and thin newcomer did not dare to be too excited. The three returned to the newcomers with full of doubts. Soon, the news that Li Mingcheng borrowed weapons from Xia Ruize spread to all the newcomers.

This news stimulated the sensitive nerves of the newcomers. Who wouldn’t envy the weapons in the hands of the two experienced captains? If they had powerful weapons in their hands, why did they need to be so careful?

Why could Li Mingcheng borrow a weapon from the captain?

If Li Mingcheng could borrow it, could they also borrow it?

Maybe Li Ming succeeded because he dared to speak, and Captain Xia lent it to him because he couldn’t save face. How would they know the result if they didn’t try?

There was a dark tide surging among the newcomers. It didn’t take long for someone to stand up and walk out of the crowd to the hill where the two captains were. Seeing that some people acted first, others were not far behind, for fear that they would not be able to borrow weapons one step later. Everyone got up and run to where the tent was.

Li Mingcheng held a laser gun and aimed at a hare that sneaked to the side of the water pool to drink water. Unfortunately, the first shot did not hit, but the hare was startled. He jumped three times and ran away and could not see the figure.

Sighing lightly, Li Mingcheng continued to search for other prey. He now had the weapon, but his shooting accuracy was a little bit worse. After working for a long time, he killed five or six prey and exploded a treasure chest, but he tried to attack more than ten prey.

Li Mingcheng finally knew how much Xia Ruize took care of him by asking him to hand in only half of the treasure chest. If he really asked him to hand in two-thirds, he might not even have anything to keep for himself.

However, Li Mingcheng was not too frustrated. First of all, he had already figured out how to see the remaining energy of the laser gun, and confirmed that the laser gun in his hand still had a lot of energy, which was enough for him to continue trying.

Secondly, with the increase in the number of shots, his shooting feel was much better than at the beginning, and even if he missed the last few times, he would not miss too far.

When Li Mingcheng continued to look for prey, he saw the newcomers from a distance rushing towards this direction faster and faster. Li Mingcheng simply took the initiative to meet them and stopped the newcomers farther from the tent.

“Brother Li, don’t forget brothers, come and share, how did you borrow weapons from Xia Team?”

Someone greeted Li Mingcheng warmly and wanted to learn from Li Mingcheng’s successful experience.

Li Mingcheng smiled and didn’t hide it, and said to the newcomers who came around:

“If you want to borrow weapons from the captain, you must first let the captain see that you dare to fight, right? It doesn’t matter what animal it is; you have to kill a prey and explode a treasure chest before you can tell the captain.”

“Is this what Xia Team said?”

The newcomer asked suspiciously.

“No, I thought of it myself. Anyway, after I met this condition, I dared to ask the Xia team to borrow a weapon. Xia team is very good. He really agreed, and lent me a gun.”

Li Mingcheng said frankly.

Hearing that Xia Ruize did not explicitly request to bring a treasure chest to borrow weapons, newcomers would be reluctant to accept Li Mingcheng’s suggestion. It was much harder to hunt animals when you were unarmed than to borrow weapons before hunting. Why did they need it? It was easier to ask for more, you could borrow a weapon first and then hunt the prey.

“Okay, thank you, I’ll go to Xia team and ask.”

The newcomer tried to bypass Li Mingcheng and continued to approach the tent, but as soon as he finished speaking, Li Mingcheng reached out and blocked his way.

Li Mingcheng stretched his arms around all the newcomers who were trying to continue to approach the tent, and refused: “Even if you want to find Xia team, you can’t do it now. The captain is taking a lunch break. If there is anything else, you can talk about it in the afternoon.”

The newcomers looked at Li Mingcheng and looked at the tent on the hill with ugly expressions. They suspected that Li Mingcheng didn’t want them to get close to the captain, and indirectly didn’t want them to borrow weapons.

Li Mingcheng didn’t hesitate, and instead lowered his voice and threatened: “This is what Cheng team personally ordered. You don’t want to make him angry, do you?”

This threat was really effective, and the newcomers looked at each other and hesitated.

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