Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 70.1

Bloody battle in the wild (2): Sneak

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


“The square-faced captain is good at melee combat, and there are two other team members who are also good at melee combat. The female team member is good at magic, and the last member is good at distance combat. From two newcomers, the middle-aged lady is good at guns and weapons, and the other is good at swordsmanship.”

Xia Ruize combined the seven people in front of him with the trialers he had met before, and found that the trialers with the largest number were all using cold weapons, and the number of trialers using guns and weapons followed closely, the number of magic used was very small, as for Gao Hexuan encountered in the previous world, he was a very special case of ability.

It seemed that the mission world that most trialers had been exposed to couldn´t be separated from the world of cold weapons and the world of hot weapons.

On the surface, the abilities of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian seemed to be close and long-range combat with cold weapons, but the real specialty of the two was their bloodline.

Soon, the break was over and all the soldiers were called up to start their afternoon training.

Among the 300 soldiers, except for the 60 corporal leaders, only a 100 or so of the other 240 people still maintained a good mental state.

The training tasks in the afternoon were mainly physical training. The items were very common, frog jumping, push-ups, high-leg jumps, and short-distance round-trip running. What was unusual was that the soldiers had to wear heavy full-body armor to do it.

The bearded man thought he was familiar with Xia Ruize; Xia Ruize’s taciturnity did not prevent him from taking the initiative to talk:

“Hey, look at this anti-spirit armor, it’s real! It protects people tightly, and it is indeed a special supply for the city protection team! It’s like the leather armor we usually use, and it can protect our stomach.”

Xia Ruize saw that the other party was wearing the armor while cherishing it, and realized that the free spirit hunting warriors should have less weapons and protection than the official defense team, so he nodded in accordance with his identity.

In his heart, he wondered if his protective armor was useful to the so-called evil spirits in this world?

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It was not enough to let the soldiers wear armor. Whether it was frog jumping or push-ups, the soldiers needed to carry iron blocks on their backs.

The training program was ordinary, but the training intensity was very high. After an hour, some soldiers began to faint and were dragged to the edge of the martial arts field by the corporal, while the others continued to train.

After four hours of training in the afternoon, no more dust was raised in the martial arts field, because the ground was soaked by the sweat of the soldiers.

Even with Xia Ruize’s physical fitness, he felt exhausted. As soon as the training was over, he immediately walked to the edge of the martial arts field and sat down to rest.

At this time, from the group he was in, only the corporal and him were still sober.

The soldiers who missed both breakfast and lunch were the first to fall. The soldiers who only missed breakfast finally collapsed after two hours. The bearded man also passed out at the fourth hour.

Including the sixty corporals, only one hundred people persisted in completing all the training tasks.

“Xiao Xia, right, you’re really good, try your best, maybe you have the chance to become a full-fledged defense team member.”

The corporal leader was also too tired to sit down beside Xia Ruize, panting in admiration.

Today’s training volume was heavier than their official defense team’s daily training volume, but after the high-intensity training, it could be seen that there were still some good seedlings among these temporarily recruited spirit hunting warriors.

Xia Ruize nodded repeatedly, showing the attitude of a taciturn person expressing gratitude.

Then came an hour-long dinner, which was as hearty as lunch, and served to all soldiers, except, of course, those who were unconscious.

After dinner, all the soldiers were gathered in front of the high platform of the martial arts field, and the captain of the defense team introduced them to the situation of the evil spirits, only to hear the captain exhort:

“I know some of you have been spirit hunting warriors for many years, but I promise, you will see more types of evil spirits in the full moon tribulation. If you don’t want to lose your life, you’d better listen to me obediently.”

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Xia Ruize didn’t know whether others were good or not, but he was listening very carefully.

In the second mission world, he got a booklet introducing mutant creatures at the beginning, which was very helpful for his subsequent missions. Now he had the opportunity to get acquainted with the enemy, of course he wouldn´t let it go.

“The low-level evil spirits that need to be paid attention to are the ‘possessed evil spirit’, the ‘sad laugh evil spirit’ and the ‘giant evil spirit’.

You must have heard of possessed evil spirits. If you have big wounds on your body, you may be targeted by possessed evil spirits. As for what those disgusting possessed evil spirits will do with your body, you´re not interested to know.

The strength of the sad laugh evil spirit is relatively ordinary, but it is only the size of a fist. The consequence of it being small is that if you are not careful, you will ignore it and be approached by it. If you hear a comrade beside you suddenly laughing, you can attack directly without any hesitation.

The giant evil spirit is large and destructive, but it is also the easiest to find. When you see a giant evil spirit, don’t hesitate to shoot the spirit crossbow. Wearing the spirit stone of the giant evil spirit can gradually increase your power, and the more you kill giant evil spirits, the more spirit stones you can get.

Among the middle-level evil spirits, it is the ‘shadow evil spirit’ that is more difficult to deal with. If the shadow evil spirit is allowed to hide in your shadow, you should seek more blessings for yourself…”

After introducing all kinds of intractable evil spirits, there was a more important process in this evening gathering, the distribution of spirit stones.

When the captain said that he was going to give out the spirit stones next, Xia Ruize obviously felt that the spirits of the people around him were shaken. Even the soldier who was about to fall asleep suddenly woke up and stared at the captain on the high platform.

“Today is the first day of our temporary defense team training. In order to reward everyone’s cooperation, everyone who has eaten three meals today can get two spirit stones! Those who have only eaten two meals can get one spirit stone!”

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of cheers at the scene. There were about forty soldiers who ate all three meals in the morning, noon and dinner, but there were about 150 soldiers who ate two meals.

That was to say, the training mission on the first day allowed nearly 200 soldiers to get the spirit stones. As a result, for these free spirit hunting warriors, it was only a matter of hard work and sweat to get the spirit stones, which was far easier than usual.

In the cheers of the soldiers, the captain then emphasized:

“Of course, the special reward is only today, starting from tomorrow, those who eat all three meals can get a spirit stone, those who eat two meals in two consecutive days can get a spirit stone, and at the same time, three meals for two consecutive days can get a spirit stone. Those who do not eat will be eliminated.”

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The training in the afternoon was very hard, and some soldiers missed dinner while in a coma.

At this time, when they heard that there was still a punishment of elimination, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quite tense. Spirit hunting warriors knew the importance of spirit stones best, and of course they were unwilling to leave the temporary defense team and give up this good channel to obtain spirit stones.

In Xia Ruize’s group, Xia Ruize and the bearded man got two spirit stones, and the soldier who passed the training of the spirit crossbow in the morning received one spirit stone. The one who persisted not only did not get the spirit stone, but also faced the risk of being eliminated. At this time, his face was very ugly.

In addition to placing the two spirit stones in Xia Ruize’s hand, the corporal also handed a pamphlet to Xia Ruize, exhorting:

“This is the [Spirit Transformation Art] specially provided by our city defense team. It is twice as fast as the common spiritual transformation methods on the market. This is specially approved by the city owner. I will borrow it for you temporarily. You can read it first and remember it.”

Xia Ruize was in doubt, but the bearded man solved his doubts in time:

“Wow, corporal, this year Ping´An City is really generous. If we use our own spiritual transformation method, it will take ten days to dissolve a spirit stone. After learning your spiritual transformation art, wouldn’t it be possible to dissolve one in five or six days? ”

“Hum, that’s right, so you have to perform well, maybe you can take this opportunity to become an official defense team member, and then there will be benefits for you to enjoy. Okay, okay, look at it, it’s time to finish. Go back.”

The corporal answered proudly.

The sergeants of the official defensive forces were naturally superior to the scattered spirit hunting warriors. Both the treatment and the cultivation method were much better than the scattered spirit hunters who were unorganized and unreliable, and now that he saw the envious eyes of the bearded man, the corporal naturally felt good.

Xia Ruize understood now, he turned over the two plain stones in his hand, and began to read the booklet handed over by the corporal leader in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The booklet contains three pages in total. The most critical part was a formula. When you recite this formula while wearing a spirit stone, the speed of dissolving the spiritual power in the spirit stone would be faster.

After Xia Ruize wrote down the formula, he handed the booklet to the bearded man. Compared with Xia Ruize’s casual attitude, the bearded man was much more cautious. He rubbed his hand on his body a few times before carefully taking it, he read the booklet patiently and meticulously for a long time before handing it to the teammate who got a spirit stone.

As for the last soldier in their group, because they didn’t get the spirit stone, they didn’t even have the qualification to read the booklet. They could only sit and stare at Xia Ruize and the three with envy in their eyes.

After memorizing the formula of the spirit transformation art, Xia Ruize kept reciting it silently. However, it may take a long and meticulous process to dissolve the spiritual power in the spiritual stone, and Xia Ruize didn’t feel anything special after reading it for a long time.

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Was this so-called spirit stone inferior to the fruits of the previous mission world?

Xia Ruize’s heart moved, and he took the initiative to activate the [Natural Shelter] that could quickly extract life energy. This time, he could clearly feel a thin silk-like energy connecting to him from the spiritual stone, and began to transmit spiritual power to him.

With the combination of formulas and talents, Xia Ruize finally confirmed that the spirit stone had a beneficial effect.

After the distribution of the spirit stones, today’s training for the whole day was over. Taking advantage of the last rays of the sunset, the soldiers took a quick shower in the open-air grass hut and then returned to their barracks to rest.

Cheng Huaiqian absolutely didn’t want to be separated from Xia Ruize, so the two spirit stones he had just obtained changed hands and were given away. At night, Cheng Huaiqian was allowed to squeeze in the barracks where Xia Ruize was, so that the two “brothers” could rest together.

The two corporal leaders just sighed that the two brothers had a good relationship. In front of spirit stone, this trivial matter could still be accommodated. They just told Cheng Huaiqian to be smart and to return to his group in time when they assembled.

Xia Ruize watched Cheng Huaiqian deal with the two corpsmen with three or two strokes, and gave Cheng Huaiqian one of his spiritual stones with a smirk.

“We can sleep in a tent at night. I will try to set up an illusion on the bunk.”

“Yes, then we might as well take the opportunity to leave the barracks and see what’s outside.”

Cheng Huaiqian was eager to try, he and Xia Ruize had already arrived in the barracks, so they only needed to set up an illusion to hide from others.

The night fell, and everyone in the same barracks went to bed. Xia Ruize activated the [Illusion of the heart] skill, and patiently added an environment for himself and Cheng Huaiqian, in this way, others see them as if they have seen a layer of glass, and can see the situation directly opposite, thus ignoring the two people in the middle.

Then Xia Ruize set up an illusion on the pavement of the corps´ barracks. No matter who looked at it, he thought that Cheng Huaiqian was sleeping soundly next to the wall, and this illusion would not only deceive the eyes, but also deceive the sense of touch, even if someone reaches out take a photo, when they shoot the quilt, they would think that they have photographed someone.

Just in case, Xia Ruize also released the ghost bats made by the system to guard, and the ghost bats perfectly integrated into the environment. If someone made a special trip to find the two of them, the ghost bats would pass the situation to Xia Ruize.

After everything was ready, the two walked out of the barracks generously, followed the unclosed small door of the barracks, and walked out under the eyes of the sergeants on duty on both sides.

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