Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 70.2

Most of the residential areas in Ping´An City have entered a rest period as the sky darkened, but there were still a small number of areas that were still active.

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Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian wandered around the city at will, and then found a small street full of taverns. It was very lively. Interestingly, some of them wore cloaks with large hoods, covering themselves tightly.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other. They had no money and took two cloaks from a roadside stall without being noticed. They would pay back when they had money.

With the cloak, Xia Ruize removed the illusion, the two blocked themselves with the cloak, and merged into the liveliness of the street.

While walking slowly on the street and watching the movements of the people around him, Xia Ruize found that many people wearing cloaks had entered a small tavern in the middle of the street.

The two also walked to the door of the tavern. Cheng Huaiqian took the lead to push the door and went in. As soon as he pressed his hand on the door, he realized something interesting. This seemingly old and ordinary wooden door was actually very heavy, it wasn´t easy to move.

Seeing that Cheng Huaiqian opened the door easily, the gatekeeper at the entrance of the tavern let them in without saying a word.

The two entered the tavern and found that there was a cave inside. Compared with the low and dilapidated door, the interior of the tavern was very large and spacious.

At this time, most of the area was full of people, and many people were wearing cloaks. After taking off their hoods, they drank wine and chatted, which was very lively. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sat in the corner of the edge of the bar and listened to the people in the tavern chatting.

Words such as “full moon tribulation”, “evil spirit”, and “spirit stone” kept ringing around, and after sitting for a while, the two of them figured out what this tavern was for.

This tavern named “Guitu1” was specially designed for spirit hunting warriors to relax. In addition to drinking and chatting, it also provided a platform for spirit hunting warriors to contact each other and form a team.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian sat in the corner for more than ten minutes, when they saw two people standing on the small platform in the center of the tavern recruiting teammates loudly.

“Hey, the full moon tribulation is getting closer and closer. Recently, there are more and more foreigners in Ping’An City, and more and more people have posted recruitments.”

“Who said no, pull up a team and boldly go around the beach, if you can kill a few evil spirits and get a few spirit stones, you will eat them in a few months.”

“Yo, the old Baitou2 has also come out to recruit people. This old Baitou has some strength, but he is too timid, he dares to hunt before the full moon tribulation, but when the full moon tribulation is here, he would hide under the bed!”

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Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian listened to the information casually in the crowd, and found the latest recruiting team standing on the central platform of the tavern. The friend was a man with gray hair, but his movements and mental state were more like a middle-aged man than an old man.

Looking at each other, the two decided to try it out for themselves, so Cheng Huaiqian took the initiative to step forward and asked:

“When are you going out of town?”

“We´ll go when we the team is full, and return at two in the morning.” The white-haired middle-aged man looked at Cheng Huaiqian, who was blocked by his hood, and handed him a metal bar.

Cheng Huaiqian had seen that the previous two spirit hunters who recruited teammates would do the same, and he naturally understood, so he took the metal bar and bent it with a grip of his hand.

Cheng Huaiqian handed the metal bar bent into a “U” shape to Xia Ruize by his side, only to see that Xia Ruize easily straightened it again.

If a spirit hunter who had no fixed teammates wanted to recruit temporary teammates, but also wanted to test the strength of temporary teammates, they would use this simple and decent way to break the metal bar with hand strength.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize moved the metal bars as easily as playing with toys, which made the white-haired middle-aged man’s eyes light up, and he couldn’t help but smile, and said enthusiastically:

“Welcome welcome, you can just call me old white head. I have taken the seat. You go and sit first; I will recruit another person and we should be ready to go.”

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize sat at a large table in the direction at which the old Baitou´s finger was pointing. There was already a big boy waiting. He poured two cups of milk for the two from the kettle in the center of the table, and said embarrassedly:

“My uncle said that you can’t drink before the action, but the goat’s milk from Guitu is delicious. You can try it.”

The young boy couldn’t hide his excitement and continued to introduce:

“You can just call me Xiao Nan. I was not qualified to leave the city three years ago. This is my first time participating in the hunting before the full moon tribulation. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Don’t worry, my uncle is very reliable and strong, I was taught by him ”

The big boy named Xiao Nan didn’t wait for Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize to say anything, he just started giving a lot of information excitedly, he didn´t stop until the old Baitou took the last tall and strong man to the table and sat down.

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Old Baitou patted Xiao Nan on the shoulder to calm him down, and then introduced to the newly recruited three:

“This is my nephew, this time I will take him out to meet the world. Before we go out of the city together, let’s get to know each other. Just call me Old Baitou. I am from Ping’An City, and I´m familiar with the surrounding area. I’m good at using knives, so I’ll be in charge of this operation.

If the three of you follow me, you may not be able to harvest many spiritual stones, but I can guarantee that safety will be no problem. I will take you out of the city safely, and I will bring you back to the city safely.

Let’s talk about how we will divide the spirit stones in advance. If we kill the evil spirits alone, whoever kills them will own them. If we kill them together, we will take turns in order.

The three of you can ask any questions directly, and we can speak freely. ”

After old Baitou finished speaking, he patted Xiao Nan next to him, and Xiao Nan immediately said excitedly, “Just call me Xiao Nan, I am also good at using knives.”

With the old Baitou watching, Xiao Nan had obviously restrained a lot, and he dare not say more after a brief introduction.

“Just call me old Cheng, I’m good at using knives.”

Cheng Huaiqian introduced himself casually.

Xia Ruize followed closely, “Just call me Xiao Ze, I’m good at using swords.”

The two introduced themselves in a calm tone, but in fact the two of them didn’t even know whether their own weapons would work against evil spirits.

“My name is Big Head, and I use a shield.”

The last big man introduced in a loud voice.

The old Baitou couldn’t help but glare at Xiao Nan speechlessly, this child was too restrained when it was time to let go, Xiao Nan started introducing himself like this, and the people behind him all introduced themselves very briefly.

However, old Baitou had already tested their strength in advance, and he never thought that among the people he recruited, there were still two “spirit hunting warriors” who had never seen evil spirits. Seeing that everyone had reported their names, he arranged:

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“If it’s a joint effort to kill the evil spirits, the order of taking the spirit stones is first me, then old Cheng, big head, Xiao Ze, and Xiao Nan. Let’s go now, leave early and return early.”

After Old Baitou set the order, he took the lead first, led the other four out of the tavern, lit the torches, and turned left and right in the dim city of Ping An.

Xia Ruize memorized the route with the ability of space backtracking. He was also observing the weapons of the other three indigenous people. There were some strange patterns on the big knives of old Baitou and Xiao Nan, as well as the oversized shield of the big head. He wondered if these patterns were specially used to deal with evil spirits.

After more than 20 minutes, the group gradually approached the city wall. Old Baitou extinguished the torches and secretly climbed up a section of the city wall with the four of them. After running over the city wall, he jumped directly from the other side.

All five of them jumped off the seven-to-eight-meter-high city wall unharmed, and ran after the old man for a while before the old man lit the torch again, and at the same time let Xiao Nan light a portable lantern and walk in the middle of the team. When the lamp was lit, it emitted a strange green flame.

“I and big head will walk in the front, old Cheng and Xiao Ze will be behind and we all keep an eye on the lantern. If the light turns blue, be careful of evil spirits around.”

After speaking in a low voice, old Baitou walked in the front.

After walking in a straight line away from The Peace City, after walking for more than twenty minutes, Xia Ruize watched as the flame of the ‘spirit illumination´ lamp in Xiao Nan’s hand turned into a faint blue, at the same time, he noticed that within the scope of the spatial backtracking, a black cloak floated up from a palm-sized hole.

Almost at the same time, Xia Ruize pulled out the breaking cloud crossbow and shot it at the shadow.

Xia Ruize clearly saw that the arrows shot quickly passed through the shadow, leaving a hole, but then the hole was filled by the surrounding black air.

Of course, the action of the shadow itself was still affected by the arrow, and after a brief pause, Xia Ruize fired two more arrows in succession.

The second arrow was fired, and another hole appeared in the shadow. Although the hole was filled immediately, the entire shadow became thinner. When the third arrow shot through the shadow, the shadow suddenly dissipated.

Just when Xia Ruize thought that this evil spirit was killed by the breaking cloud crossbow, in the next second, the originally disintegrated black gas suddenly crossed a distance of more than five meters, and re-condensed into a smaller black shadow in front of him.

With a stroke of the long sword in his hand, the shadow completely collapsed.

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Immediately afterwards, a stone fell from the shadow that was floating half a meter in the air, and rolled twice in the direction of Xia Ruize.

At this time, the old Baitou and the big head, who noticed the discoloration of the spirit illumination Lamp, had just turned around.

“Brother Xiao Ze’s weapons are good, that spiritual stone belongs to you, you can put it away.”

Old Baitou was first happy when Xia Ruize solved the evil spirits cleanly, and then decided the allocation of spirit stones out loud.

Xia Ruize stepped forward and picked up the spirit stone, and communicated with Cheng Huaiqian in his heart:

“These evil spirits are stronger than the enemies encountered in the White Paper area mission, but our weapons can still be used.”

The two were a little relieved, but Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian didn’t think their weapons were easy to use. The breaking cloud crossbow was a low-grade yellow weapon, but it took three arrows and one sword to deal with the low-level evil spirit that an old Baitou man said. Such efficiency was really low.

Soon, the lamp turned blue again. This time, the evil spirit appeared in front of the old Baitou. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian stared at each other, and found that the old Baitou pulled out a talisman from his arms and stuck it on the big knife in his hand, then slashed at the evil spirit with a it.

After two slashes, the evil spirit completely disintegrated. Unfortunately, this evil spirit had no spirit stone, and the old Baitou seemed to be used to it, and he was not dissatisfied. He just tore off the talisman paper on the big knife and took it back into his arms.

Immediately afterwards, big head also dealt with an evil spirit. After seeing the evil spirit, he also quickly took out the talisman paper in his pocket and put it on the shield that was more than one meter high and half a meter wide in his hand, the spirit was completely scattered.

After the attack, the big head also put away the talisman paper.

At this time, an evil spirit was found within the scope of Xia Ruize’s retrospective observation, but because the evil spirit was far away from the five people, the illumination lamp did not respond, and Xia Ruize unceremoniously issued a [Mental shock] against the black shadow floating in mid-air.

In addition to a variety of powerful weapons, Xia Ruize’s strongest attack is actually [Mental shock], but the consequences of this attack are uncontrollable, Xia Ruize has not used it on people before, and now it is found that the cold weapon has a poor attack effect on evil spirits without that strange rune paper, and Xia Ruize made a decision to try the means of mental attacks.

The result of the mental power attack was unexpectedly good. When the mental power hit the spirit, the shadow completely dissipated.

The mind power was activated, and the spirit stone that rolled to the ground was taken back by Xia Ruize.

At this time, an evil spirit that appeared nearby was slashed by Cheng Huaiqian.

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