C25— Rare Things Are Precious

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“Yes, I know.” Adrian’s expression became serious.



At present, when no card maker could produce so many super standard cards in a short time, once there was a special case, it was bound to cause huge fluctuations in the whole industry. After all, this kind of thing had affected the interests of many people.




Arman sighed helplessly: “So you still won’t tell me the truth? Even if your personal ability is outstanding, when you’re facing the whole industry, you have to admit that you are likely to be run over by them.”




But Adrian didn’t change his attitude: “When I need father’s help, I will take the initiative to speak. For example, now, I hope father can prevent some people from reaching out. After all, as your son, reaching out to me is tantamount to provoking you.”




Arman was stunned by his son’s words. He didn’t tell him anything yet he still had the guts to ask him for help. When did his face become as thick as his!?




Wait, he was scolding himself. The angry Arman immediately found the problem and his mood became worse: “In short, if you screw this up, I won’t help you clean up the mess!”




“Thank your father.” Adrian knew that his father would say so. He had accepted his request.




Arman scolded Adrian angrily, but Adrian could tell that his father’s tone seemed to ease a lot. This change made Adrian a little confused, but it was a good thing in the end.




But actually, Arman just suddenly felt that the fact that his son could make such a big noise at such a young age was good. When he thought about it, his mood wasn’t so bad.




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After hanging up, Adrian began to seriously think about the problems mentioned by his father before. Now the store had just opened yet it attracted the attention of the Rune Card industry. What would happen after a period of time?




But the heaviness in his heart only lasted for a while. He Yishu made those runes just to make more money and live a better life, Adrian suddenly felt better when he thought of that.




  If He Yishu knew how much sensation his actions would bring to the whole Rune card industry, what kind of lovely expression would he have? Thinking of this, Adrian’s mood completely cleared up. Since He Yishu simply wanted to make more money, he’d solve the other troubles.




Since it was He Yishu’s choice, Adrian was willing to be his shelter from the wind and shelter him from all the wind and rain.




In the study, He Yishu, who was happily making runes, didn’t know what Adrian was thinking about. If he knew, he would tilt his head and laugh innocently: What happened that made you see me as a silly white rabbit who only cares about making money?




In fact, although He Yishu had fair skin, he wasn’t stupid at all. Since he found out about the basic situation of the Rune Card industry before, he naturally knew the impact his current move would have on the whole Rune card industry.




At the same time, he was also very clear about the disadvantages of the current industry. This industry looked bright and prosperous, but it had bred more and more corruption and injustice.




A high level Rune card master would get countless people’s admiration and pursuit, so they were treated extremely well.



Gradually, they had become accustomed to such a detached status and treatment, forgetting their original intention of making runes, and forgetting that the production of runes should never be content with the present, but should continue to explore.




Even if they had the ability to make more and better runes, they would stop because of various scruples, because only in this way could they always be regarded as masters and be seen as rare.



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After all, the world of Rune Cards had always been that rare things were expensive. Once each Rune card was published, it was equivalent to directly making the rune characters on the rune card public. It was easy for rune card masters with the same level to imitate and copy it.




In this way, it was better to hold it in their hand and wait for the right time to sell it at a sky high price. In this way, they could take the opportunity to raise their identity, which could be seen as ki-lling two birds with one stone.




Under such a vicious circle, the more famous the card master was, the less rune cards would he make. 




Occasionally, a rune card master’s newly made card appeared. Often, in the auction, people could only see the test results of the card first, but not the card itself.




   Such a situation was tantamount to complacency. Even though it seemed to be still prosperous on the surface, it was slowing down and in a way, it had even stopped.




Of course, He Yishu didn’t think he was great enough to break this situation, but if he could carry forward his beloved Chinese characters while breaking this situation a little, the nature of this matter would be completely different for him.




At the thought that with his own efforts, all the people of the whole Star Empire would regard Chinese characters as treasures, He Yishu naturally had a strong sense of pride and honor, which couldn’t be compared and replaced by any personal achievements.




So from the beginning, He Yishu didn’t plan to hide. He even thought about how to carry forward the Chinese characters step by step, but before that, he had to make more money.




But there was no one who knew his thoughts, which had no impact on him, but it had caused some misunderstanding to someone who wanted to protect him, but it didn’t seem to be a bad thing?




After all, some misunderstandings would bring a happy ending.

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He Yishu, who planned to do big things didn’t know yet. The rune card industry was already paying attention to his virtual store that had just been open for two days. In addition to classes, his daily life was to make money by working part-time, secretly making Rune cards, and making money in the virtual charging area.




In short, apart from classes, He Yishu devoted all his energy to making money.




From another perspective, He Yishu spent almost all his spare time with Adrian, because he worked part-time as an auxiliary rune card master for Adrian. The virtual shop selling rune cards was opened with Adrian, and he also formed a team with him in the virtual arena.




Such a day looked very full, but it was very simple to sum up. He Yishu enjoyed the current state of things, calm and full of hope, everything was slowly becoming better.




Until one day, He Yishu was suddenly stopped by a stranger.




“Hello, I’m Allen, a sophomore majoring in Mecha. Nice to meet you.” The tall boy with short light gray hair stood in front of He Yishu and smiled with a slightly prideful expression.




He Yishu looked at him with a puzzled expression: “What can I do for you?”




Allen looked around before making a suggestion, “I do have something I want to ask you. I wonder if we can talk in detail in another place?”




They were on school ground and the other directly revealed his identity. He Yishu didn’t worry about what danger he would encounter.


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In addition, although the man looked a little arrogant, his attitude was pretty good. After thinking about it, He Yishu nodded: “There is a café nearby. Let’s go there.”




“OK.” Allen came here in a spaceship. He called the spaceship with the controller and opened the door for He Yishu. But after He Yishu bent down and sat in, his eyes flashed with contempt.




But when he sat in the spaceship from the other side and looked at He Yishu again, a smile hung on his face.




   After arriving at the café, the two ordered a cup of coffee and sat opposite each other. He Yishu asked bluntly, “What can I do for you?”




Allen didn’t answer, instead he asked, “You should know the annual Mecha competition hosted by the virtual arena?”



He Yishu really didn’t know about it. He hadn’t known this information before: “Mecha competition?”




Allen despised He Yishu’s ignorance,  but he smiled and explained to him: “There have always been a lot of competitions related to Mecha, but the Mecha competition hosted by the virtual arena is the most authoritative Mecha competition of the whole star empire. Even the military department recognizes the results of this competition. As long as you can enter the top ten of the mecha competition, you can directly enter the military department and gain high honor. Of course, the virtual arena itself will also provide generous rewards to the players who win the awards, because every year, countless groups sign up for it. “




After the explanation, Allen raised his eyes and looked at He Yishu. He thought the other would be very interested in the Mecha competition after hearing this, but to his surprise, his expression didn’t change at all, as if he wasn’t interested in it at all.




Allen was surprised for a moment, but then he thought that He Yishu’s reaction might be due to his lack of awareness of the benefits that the Mecha competition could bring to him. After thinking about it, he added: “Do you know how difficult it is to enter the military headquarters now? Unless your mental level can reach above level A and your physical quality can reach above Excellent, it’s impossible to enter the military headquarters at all.”




He Yishu blinked and couldn’t catch Allen’s key point: “So?” How difficult was it to enter the military headquarters? Did it have anything to do with him?

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