C26— I Refuse

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  “But don’t you think it can bring you the highest honor in the interstellar army? 




“No.” He Yishu shook his head honestly, he wasn’t moved at all.




“…” He really wanted to smash the head of the man sitting opposite him to see how strange his brain structure was, what could make him have such a strange response? “Well, isn’t there anything that interests you?”





“Yes, money.” He Yishu shrugged innocently and answered honestly.




Vulgar! No knowledge! No self-restraint! Allen added these three labels to He Yishu, and even the expression on his face couldn’t remain pleasant for a moment. Why was Adrian taking care of such a person who had no advantages at all, and even left such a person around as his auxiliary card maker?




It was ridiculous. Although he didn’t deal with Adrian, Alan had to admit that the guy was normally a man with excellent vision. Wasn’t it that there was an impure relationship between the two?




Thinking of this possibility, Alan’s dislike became a little stronger. If so, Adrian’s taste was really not flattering.




However, no matter what the truth was, it was true that Adrian favored this guy with ridiculously poor qualifications and no advantages. Based on this fact, it was very necessary for him to draw in He Yishu and give Adrian a good blow in the face.




A man who had Adrian’s favor mercilessly abandoned him and turned into the arms of the enemy. Just the thought of it made him very excited. This was the best way to hit Adrian in the face under the current situation.




As for how to deal with He Yishu in the future, it was a piece of cake to deal with people like him who were dependent, mediocre and greedy for money.


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Allen sneered in his heart but tried to keep a kind and friendly smile on his face: “He Yishu, do you know how much bonus you will get if you win the top three spots in the Mecha competition?”




As soon as he heard the word “bonus”, He Yishu finally had a little more interest in his eyes: “How much?”




While mocking He Yishu for being greedy for money, Alan smiled and responded: “The first place can get a reward of 500,000 credit points, the second place is 200,000, and the third place gets 100,000.”




At first glance, 500,000 sounded like a lot, but thinking of the money he had made in this period of time, He Yishu quickly calmed down. 500,000 wasn’t so high.





He Yishu nodded lightly: “Oh, it’s very good.”




Allen’s lips twitched uncontrollably because of this reaction. This guy must have finally realized how uncivilized his performance was, and now he was using such lousy acting skills to remedy it?




    Allen really didn’t want to continue to deal with such a person with no self-restraint and taste. After taking a deep breath, he finally revealed his purpose: “Mr. He Yishu, would you like to partner with me to participate in this year’s mecha competition?”




“Partner with you?” He Yishu looked at the senior who he just met for the first time today with surprise, and asked him mercilessly, “Are you sure you’re not playing with me?”




“Do you think I’ll make fun of you on such a thing?” Alan threw the question back unhappily.




He Yishu shrugged and asked playfully, “Please tell me your reason. Why do you want to partner with me to participate in a competition that is obviously very important to you?”


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If he hadn’t thought about it carefully before, Allen would probably have choked, but since he did, he responded with awe inspiring dignity: “Although your mental energy level isn’t high, since you could get into to First College, it is enough to prove your ability in making runes, so I choose to believe you!”




“So according to your logic, all the students majoring in Rune card meet your selection requirements.” He Yishu took a sip of coffee and spoke slowly, “So why me?”




Allen was a little confused about He Yishu’s reaction. If he was a normal person, shouldn’t he be very happy and agree directly after getting his invitation? Why was he asking such superfluous questions?




Allen pressed the centre of his eyebrows and looked at He Yishu sincerely: “You are different from them. Generally, students who can be admitted to the rune major must have mental energy that is above level C, but you are different, so you are the most special one. That’s why I chose you.”




After saying these words, Allen put on a look of expectation that made him felt a little disgusted: “He Yishu, you know, it will be a miracle if we can win the championship of this mecha competition together after we form a partnership!”




He Yishu wasn’t infected by Allen’s impassioned words. Instead, he calmly pointed out a problem: “it seems that you haven’t introduced yourself in detail.”




The fake expression on Allen’s face suddenly cracked. Could this guy understand the key points in his words!?




However, his purpose today was very clear, that was to lead the other to form a team, so he couldn’t get angry. Allen could only take a deep breath in secret, then he started introducing himself gently: “It’s probably because I was so excited after seeing you that I forgot such an important thing. Let me introduce myself. My name is Allen, a sophomore majoring in Mecha. My mental level is A and my Mecha operation level is also A. In addition, I also have some understanding of making runes. If you are interested, we can discuss it together.”




As a sophomore majoring in Mecha whose level of Mecha operation could reach grade A, he was very powerful. Even Allen’s tone was a little proud when introducing himself.




But He Yishu didn’t think he was very powerful, because he clearly remembered that Adrian’s Mecha operation level had reached level S.




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Naturally, He Yishu’s attitude seemed a little cold: “Can I ask you a few questions?”




“Of course.” Allen smiled on the surface, but secretly scolded He Yishu for his ignorance. He obviously didn’t even know how powerful the operation level of level A was. Otherwise, how would he react like this?




    He Yishu stretched out his first finger: “First question, how did you know my name and the level of my mental energy?”




Allentouched his nose unnaturally: “I overheard a classmate.”




He Yishu raised his second finger: “Second question, how important is the Mecha competition to you?”




This question was a good opportunity for Allen: “It’s very important. It should be said that for every Mecha soldier, the answer to this question is the same. After all, the result of Mecha competition represents not only winning or losing, but also honor and future.”




He Yishu nodded and then stretched out his third finger: “The last question, how much do you know about my rune card making level? Do you know what level of cards I make, and what effect it has?”




Allen was stunned by this question. He did briefly investigate He Yishu’s situation before, but it was just enough to deal with him. How could he know his affairs so deeply?




So sadly, he couldn’t answer this question at all.




He Yishu, who was sitting opposite him, was still looking at him carefully and waiting for his answer. Allen disguised his expression and took a sip of his coffee, trying to make his attitude look more sincere: “You are only a freshman in grade one now, so you don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself, and I believe that no matter what your current level of making runes is, you will make great progress in the future.”




It seemed feasible to regard He Yishu’s inquiry as a manifestation of inferiority, and then give comfort and encouragement, but the premise was that He Yishu was willing to buy it.

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He Yishu looked straight at Alan and stressed, “Please answer my question.”




An abnormal person!



Shouldn’t the normal reaction to hearing such words be for him to be moved to tears?



Allen felt extremely depressed. He increasingly felt that He Yishu might have a problem in his head. Otherwise, how could he agree to terminate the relationship with his family when he was in a bad situation?




So how on earth did Adrian fall in love with such an incompetent and eccentric guy? Wasn’t that a strange preference?




Allen coughed twice and still didn’t response, but continued to play the  emotion card: “He Yishu, I came to you today with full sincerity and I hope to partner with you, so must we discuss this kind of problem to further the relationship between us?”




He Yishu chuckled, “I’m sorry, I refuse.”




One moment he asked questions, but the next moment he refused. Alan was confused by He Yishu’s attitude: “You just said… you refuse?”




“Yes, I refuse.” He Yishu repeated his answer with a smile.




“Why?” Allen’s expression was almost distorted. He was rejected by a guy with terrible qualifications! It was more embarrassing than losing to his opponent in the arena!




He Yishu’s expression was very indifferent: “In the face of a person who doesn’t really want to form a team with me, I choose to refuse. Isn’t it the most correct choice?”

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