C29— Can You Forgive Me?

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Posted on April 8, 2022by UntamedS

    He Xiaochen couldn’t help but sigh again, he was very tired: “The premise is that you can prove that it was indeed him who stole the five thousand credits, but the fact is that it was you who took the initiative to allocate those credits to him, which cannot be reported as fraud.”



    “But it’s obvious that he cheated me! If he hadn’t cheated, how could I have given him that much money? That’s a whole 5,000 credits, which is my pocket money for more than a month!” He Tingting cried and stressed again, her tone full of aggression, “And I can find the surveillance video, everyone just needs to watch the video, they will be able to judge that I was cheated by him!”



    He Xiaochen had also been viciously abused by He Yishu, how could he not know the pain of this? But that guy He Yishu had become so cunning, if she directly posted that video, not only would it fail to achieve the purpose, but she might also be accused of slander and get another credit deduction, it would be worse than the loss of credits.



    And this wasn’t the worst situation, He Yishu may also take this opportunity to tell the whole story of the unfair treatment towards him in the He family, since he dared to threaten his father with this matter, who knew if he really had any evidence in his hands?



  Even if he didn’t have any tangible evidence in his hands, once he said something, it was likely to have a huge impact, plus He Yishu had really left the He family, so others would believe at least half of what he said, even if they didn’t believe him completely.



    And that would be very bad for him, for He Tingting, and for the whole He family.



    Thinking of this, a thick haze flashed across the bottom of He Xiaochen’s eyes, if he had known that He Yishu would turn out to be the way he was now, he wouldn’t have ignored his sister’s obvious targeting.



    “Brother? Is it okay for me to do this or not? What should I do in the end?” He Tingting waited for a long time for her elder brother’s response, she really hated that trash He Yishu!


    He Xiaochen retracted his thoughts and sighed lightly, even he himself was no match for He Yishu now, let alone his sister who was simple in character, so even though his heart was itching with hatred, He Xiaochen couldn’t let He Tingting do this: “Tingting, I know you’re very sad now, but you must calm down, never let these negative emotions be used by He Yishu again. Got it?”

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    “But I really don’t want to apologise to him!” He Tingting cried, not to mention how sad she was, asking her to take the initiative to apologise to He Yishu was like slapping her in the face.



    Worried that his sister might do something she shouldn’t do because she was emotionally unstable, He Xiaochen took a deep breath and warned He Tingting, “Tingting, you know as well as I do how cunning He Yishu is now, if you don’t want to get another credit deduction, you’d better not make a decision based on your emotions, do you hear me? “


    Although she was very unconvinced, He Tingting knew that her brother was indeed thinking of her, but she still asked one last time, “Do I really have to go and apologise to He Yishu?”




    He Xiaochen helplessly gave a cruel answer, “If you want to change your current situation, this is the most effective and direct way, as long as He Yishu forgives you publicly, no one else will have any position to continue blaming you.”



    In the classroom, when He Tingting suddenly appeared in front of him, his first thought was, didn’t this person give up a while ago? Did she want to make trouble again?



    Then the next moment, He Tingting suddenly bowed and said loudly: “He Yishu, I was wrong before, I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive me!”


    In an instant, all the students in the classroom turned their eyes to them.



    The suspicion in his heart was verified, He Yishu pursed his lips helplessly, he reached out and tapped on his light computer, then sighed, “He Tingting, are you seriously apologising to me?”



    “Yes, I really already know that I was wrong, I implore you to give me a chance, I will never make that kind of mistake again.” Although she was reluctant, since she had already made this decision, He Tingting had also done a mental construction, so her attitude seemed quite sincere on the surface.

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    He Yishu nodded and asked bluntly, “Then can you first tell me what you’re apologizing for today? Is it for your bullying of me at home all these years, or for deliberately allowing others to isolate and bully me at school? Or maybe those things that you deliberately said about me in front of my father?”



    With these words, He Tingting directly turned red, and there was instantly a lot more anger in the eyes of the other students.



    An illegitimate daughter born from a mistress, how dare she bully the child born from the original spouse like this, this was too much!




    How could He Tingting not notice the eyes of others?  Seeing He Yishu’s calm expression, she was more sure that this person must have said this on purpose to embarrass her!




    But she was already apologising, even if she was indignant, she couldn’t show it directly, otherwise her words would be like slapping herself in the face.



    He Tingting secretly took a deep breath and tried to hold a little mist in her eyes: “I know, I did a lot of wrong things before and made you suffer a lot, but after the previous lesson, I already know my mistakes, and I will definitely not do that kind of thing again in the future, please believe me!”



    “Oh, I probably understand what you mean,” He Yishu responded lightly, “but I’m sorry to say that I don’t intend to accept your apology.”



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    He Tingting’s eyes glazed over, “Why won’t you accept my apology? I am really sincere in apologising to you, so why won’t you accept it?”



    “You want to know why, fine,” He Yishu nodded at the table in front of him and raised a finger, “First, although your attitude does seem sincere, given the countless times you’ve hurt me over the years, I can’t fully believe that you are indeed sincerely apologising to me, and if you have really reformed yourself. I subjectively can’t even help but wonder if the reason you took the initiative to apologise to me was simply because you were so devastated by your experiences during this time that you have to bow down for a while. After all, before that, you had countless opportunities to open your mouth and express your apology to me after hurting me over and over again, but you never did.”



    Hearing these words, He Tingting subconsciously wanted to retort, but saw He Yishu wag his finger and continue without giving her a chance: “Second, in my opinion, even if your apology is sincere and your attitude is sincere, it is not enough to offset all the mistakes you have made over the years. After all, the mistakes you have made are not just one or two, or ten or eight, but hundreds or thousands of various means that were used to hurt me.”



    Even if He Tingting wouldn’t admit it, the others already had their own judgment in their hearts.




    Although He Tingting couldn’t admit it, what He Yishu said was the truth, so she had no way to refute it. “ …”



    He Yishu waved his hand and didn’t let He Tingting interrupt: “Please hear me out first, I still have a most important reason that I haven’t said.”



    He Tingting could only shut her mouth for the time being and endure the strange gazes cast around her, waiting for He Yishu to finish his words.



    “The third and most important reason is that an apology is not a sufficient reason to obtain forgiveness, I don’t want to put an end to the hurt and suffering I have suffered all these years before through a simple apology,” He Yishu’s gaze was leveled in front of him, as if he was gazing at something. “He Tingting, if someone who has hurt you for a whole decade suddenly comes to you and apologizes, saying that he already knows that he was wrong and will not continue to hurt you, can you really choose to forgive him without any hard feelings?”



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    After saying that, He Yishu just looked at He Tingting seriously, waiting for her answer.



    He Tingting was furious, since He Yishu had already said this, what difference would it make if she answered the question or not?


    But He Yishu dared to ask, so don’t blame her for not giving him face, He Tingting slightly raised her chin, with teary eyes looking straight at He Yishu: “No matter what happened before, as long as he is serious about apologising and will not make mistakes again, why can’t I forgive him?”




    He Yishu raised his eyebrows: “Even if he did a lot of excessive things to you before, you can still choose to forgive him completely?”



    “Yes, as long as he is sincere in admitting his mistakes, I will choose to forgive him.” He Tingting nodded firmly, thinking sarcastically in her heart, ‘Even if I can’t achieve my goal this time, your reputation won’t be any better.


    After all, who would want to deal with someone who is calculating and particularly vindictive?’


    He Yishu, however, didn’t seem to realise this, he asked a second question: “How can you tell if the other party is sincere? After all, you don’t know exactly what’s in his heart. Just like the situation between us at this time, although your attitude of admitting your mistake seems sincere, I can’t see what’s really in your heart.”



    “Isn’t a person’s attitude sincere enough?” He Tingting’s voice had a bit more accusation and aggravation that couldn’t be concealed, with a crying undertone, “As long as his attitude is sincere enough, I will choose to believe him, just like you just said, we simply cannot see what is in someone’s heart, if we go to ruthlessly deny someone’s sincerity just by virtue of our own guesses, isn’t it too unfair to him? “



    The corners of He Yishu’s mouth curved into a smile: “Are you sure this is what you really think?”




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