C30— I’ve Made You Laugh

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Posted on April 22, 2022by UntamedS

 “Of course!” He Tingting lifted her chin even higher.



    “But this is only what you think now, can you guarantee that ten years, or even twenty years from now, your thoughts will still be the same as they are now and nothing will change?” He Yishu opened his mouth to confirm again, “Maybe at that time, even if the person who apologized to you kneels in front of you and pleads for your forgiveness, you won’t forgive him?”



    “That’s impossible!” He Tingting frowned angrily, she felt that He Yishu asking her over and over again was a deliberate attempt to make her change her statement, but that was obviously impossible, “Even if fifty years or a hundred years have passed, my opinion on this matter will definitely not change!”




    He Yishu finally stopped asking questions and instead sighed gently, “Well, seeing as you’re guaranteeing that your thoughts will definitely not change, I think I might consider accepting your apology.”




    Hearing these words, He Tingting froze for a moment, and even her voice was strangely distorted: “Can you …… really accept my apology and forgive me?”



    “Of course,” He Yishu nodded graciously with a faint smile on his face, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes, “At the same time, I’ve also made a very interesting decision, in the next ten years, I will do my best to bully you, humiliate you, hurt you, and ten years later, I will sincerely go to you to apologize and repent for all the harm I have caused you in those ten years, I believe that at that time, you will be very forgiving and choose to forgive me, right?”




    He Tingting hadn’t even had time to feel smug before she was caught off guard by the second half of He Yishu’s words. Stunned, she looked at He Yishu who said these words with an amused smile, she was so shocked that she didn’t know what to say in response.




    How thick was this man’s skin to say such ridiculous words with such an attitude!




    He Tingting was so angry that her chest rose and fell, and it was only after a while that she replied in a sharp voice: “He Yishu, you’re deliberately bullying me! If you refuse to forgive me, just say it directly, who are you to humiliate me in such a way?”

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    “Wait, did you misunderstand something?” He Yishu raised his eyebrows in surprise, his tone still calm and collected, “These words I just said are completely borrowed from your logic, using your logic to deal with matters related to you, is there anything wrong with that? Moreover, even if there are really problems with my words, you can point them out calmly, why must you make such a fuss? Are you trying to slander me again?”




    He Tingting was on the verge of tears: “You’re talking nonsense! This isn’t my logic at all!”




    He Yishu looked at He Tingting with a puzzled expression, “But didn’t you just say that even if a person bullied you for a whole ten years, as long as he was willing to sincerely apologize to you after ten years, you would forgive him?”



    He Tingting’s face instantly turned red, she had indeed answered certain questions under He Yishu’s deliberate questioning, but how could those words be used in such a way? This was simply a deliberate misinterpretation of her words! And when she just said those words, she didn’t think that He Yishu would do that!




       Wait! Could it be that the reason why He Yishu asked her those questions was actually premeditated, in order to humiliate her with such a tactic?




    The more He Tingting thought about it, the more she felt that this must be the case. When she thought about how she came to apologize to He Yishu in a low voice, but instead of forgiving her, the other even used such a scheme to deliberately humiliate her, He Tingting became so angry that her body trembled, she could barely suppress the anger in her heart.



    “He Tingting, I’m recording, so what you just said has been recorded in full,” as if he could read He Tingting’s thoughts, He Yishu smilingly gestured to his light computer, “and your next actions, will also be recorded in full. “




    Such a clear threat was like a pot of ice water poured on He Tingting’s burning heart, instantly suppressing her strong desire to hit someone, but at the same time the resentment in her heart became more intense, why did He Yishu calculate against her like this again and again?

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    He Yishu was just a waste with low qualifications, he was kicked out of the house by his father, if he wasn’t lucky enough to be hired by Adrian as a rune card assist master, maybe he wouldn’t even get normal living expenses now, what qualification did such a waste have to humiliate her?




    “Classmate He Tingting, have you already forgotten what you just said?” He Yishu kindly reminded He Tingting, “You just said that even if someone hurt you for a whole decade, as long as he apologized to you sincerely enough on the surface, you would believe that he really knew what was wrong and choose to forgive him, even if fifty or a hundred years had passed. This idea of yours will definitely not change, my summary should not have any problems, right?”



    Although He Tingting was so angry that her body was shaking, her chest was tight, and her brain was burning with thick anger, she didn’t forget what she had just said.



    And although she didn’t want to admit it, what He Yishu said was indeed what she had just said, and He Tingting had no way to argue even if she wanted to refute it.



    “Since you also acquiesced, what exactly is wrong with my logic? Treating you the way you like to be treated, isn’t that the optimal solution when getting along with others?” He Yishu spread his hands incomprehensibly, his eyes full of innocence, “In fact, I admire you, to be able to completely disregard what kind of suffering and torture you have gone through before, and regardless of whether the person who has hurt you is seriously admitting his mistakes to you or not, then unconditionally choose to believe in the other and forgive them, this is really the necessary good quality of a saint. “



    “Shut up! Stop talking!” He Tingting covered her ears and roared out in annoyance, she thought she was hitting He Yishu’s face with her reply, but it turned out to be her own face, how could she not feel angry and annoyed?



    Even if she felt ashamed and angry, she had nothing to say now, because those words came out of her mouth, and under the monitoring of the light computer, she couldn’t beat up He Yishu and use force to vent her anger, so at this moment He Tingting felt like she was suffocating!



    This kind of feeling of being set up, but there was no way to say anything, and it was impossible to vent the complicated emotions in her heart through any effective means, it was really too bad!



    If she had known that she was facing such a terrible situation, even if she was beaten to death, she would never have come to apologize to He Yishu!



    However, it was she who took the initiative to come over and do such a humiliating thing, and was caught by He Yishu and calculated and humiliated by him, such self-inflicting behavior made He Tingting’s face hot and painful, and also made the bitterness and suffocation in her heart become more intense.

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    “Are you angry? If you think I’ve said something wrong, you can just point it out, as long as it’s something I’ve said myself and there are any problems, I won’t deny it, but it’s a very rude behavior for you to directly shut me up like this.” He Yishu was satisfied with He Tingting’s reaction, and the smile in his eyes became a few points thicker.




    He Tingting heard the sarcasm in He Yishu’s words, which was like slapping He Tingting’s face again, making her feel extremely ashamed and indignant, plus feeling the different gazes from people around her, He Tingting felt that if she stayed here, she would definitely go crazy!



   She covered her face and ran out of the classroom.




    He Yishu sat in his seat and looked at He Tingting’s back with regret, he could only silently turn off the light computer’s monitoring system. Seriously, he still had some things to say, he didn’t expect He Tingting to be so vulnerable.




    Then He Yishu noticed the strange glances cast around him, he looked at the students with a smile on his face and nodded politely: “I’ve made you laugh.”




    However none of them could give a reaction because at this moment their brains were all madly filled by the same phrase: Cr-ap! This person is so scary ah ah ah ah!




    Then they immediately sprang up with a second and third …… thought.



    I don’t think I’ve offended him before Σ( °△°||||).



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    Is it too late to apologize? _(:зゝ∠)_




    Suddenly I want to hold his leg and cry! (*/ω\*)




    I want to quit school!



    I think I hear the sound of flowers blooming. (*^ワ^*)






    After leaving the classroom, He Tingting didn’t come back that day. He Yishu wasn’t interested in where she went, after all, he really didn’t have the extra heart to care about the scum that he had abused.



    However, he was quickly forced to learn what He Tingting went to do during that time, because that night, He Yishu received a communication request from He Chengkun.



    Looking at the name flashing on his light computer, He Yishu pursed his lips, directly declined the communication request, and then added the communication account to the blacklist.




    After thinking about it, He Yishu decided to blacklist all the other communication accounts of the He family, so he wouldn’t be harassed again later.



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