Into the Zombie World

Chapter 22: 22

After his little inspection, Nile took a moment to go and glance outside, and indeed. The Level Zero° zombies is back at walking limply with out direction.

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As only a few minutes had passed, this Level Zero° zombies is still clustered at the gate.

Now that he have already reached Level One°, he now had now fulfilled the requirement to wield ang buy weapon on the store.

As Nile had the plans on buying a Weapon and a Talent in the System's store, he decided to kill all the zombies on the outside first, so that his Apocalypse Points will increase even if only a little.

He is not worried of Level One° zombies suddenly appearing on the crowd. With his current strength of 6.0, even the Level One° zombie Councilor from before would not be his match.

At Level One°, a slight increase in stats will result in tremendous strength increase.

Take the Level One° zombie Councilor from before, its stats is only at 5.0, but it could overpower Nile when his stats is only at 4.9, only an increment of 0.1, but look at the difference of strength, it is more than doubled.

With his 6.0 strength, will Nile still be afraid?

On this, Sitio with few houses, of course, Nile will not be afraid.

Nile concluded that the only Level One° zombie on this area would only be the Councilor himself.

Inside the small mansion of the Councilor, there would certainly be other zombies that had already finished hibernating.

But from the looks of it, the first zombie to get out of hibernation would be the Councilor himself. With the weak A.V. surrounding him, and being the first to awaken, the Councilor devoured the weaker A.V. and strengthen himself, even those who have already awaken must have not been spared.

As the Councilor have already reach Level One°, evolving further would no longer be possible with only this weak A.V.'s around him.

The zombie Councilor must have already scouted the entire area and finished those who are stronger than the rest.

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The 18 zombies inside the small mansion, the 15 maids and 3 guards, must be those weaker zombies, hence making the zombie Councilor ignore them.

But after sometime, the A.V. inside them had already finished hibernating, and while the zombie Councilor no longer needs the A.V. inside them, it may have then decided to make them his underlings instead.

Around this area, the Zombie Councilor can be considered as the boss.

Of course he did not rule out he possibility of other Level One° zombies lurking around the area. But should he be afraid? Even their 'Boss' was slain by him with only 4.9 of strength, with help of the shotgun of course.


Nile search for a moment and found the butcher knife lying on the grass. After getting punch by the Level One° zombie Councilor from before, his hands at that time suddenly let go of the butcher knife.

Currently, aside from the guns inside his Storage Space and the kitchen knife that is also on his storage space, the butcher knife is the only weapon he have.

As he wants to test his Level One° strength, guns is out of option, using his bare fist is also out. The only thing left for him to use is the butcher knife and the kitchen knife. But Nile preferes the butcher knife as it is heavier than the kitche knife.

After picking the butcher knife, Nile did not dally any longer and bolted towards the gate.


With out even a second, he arrived at the front gate which is 13 meters away from his current location.

Swiping the butcher knife towards the head of the first lucky zombie. The dulled butcher knife, cuts the zombies head in half horizontally like a butter getting cut by a hot knife.

No obstruction, a perfect and clean cut.

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This not a perfect and clean cut produce by a sharp object. Instead, this clean and perfect cut produced because of strength.

Nile did not stop with this, while moving towards another zombies location, he collected the dead A.V. inside its head even before their body could fall to the ground.

After a minute, he have already finished all the zombies outside the gate. These zombies could no longer gave him an increase of stats. Even Level One° zombies will only make stats increase with a meagre amount.

He did not bother to count how many zombies he had killed, the most important thing is that, his Apocalypse Point count have increased.

Host: Nile

Level One°

Will: 6.5

Body: 6.0

Strength: 6.0

Energy: 6.0(5.9999)

Talent: N/A

A.P.: 63.0

L.P.(Level Points): 0

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With these 63 points, Nile could buy many weapons and talent if he chooses those items on the very front of the list.

But Nile did not plan on buying them, in fact he doesn't really fancy them at all.

Aside from the function of directly collecting the A.V., those weapons on the forefront have no difference from his butcher knife. Why waste his 'Hard-earned' Apocalypse Points on something weak?

The same can also be applied towards the talent store, the more a Weapon or a Talent is at the rear of the list, the more powerful they are.

Before buying a weapon, Nile choose to buy a Talent first, and then base on the Talent that he choose, he will then buy a weapon.

*Talent Store:

Level One° Knife Talent - Allows the Host to wield any kinds of Knife more naturally.

/20 A.P.

Level One° Staff Talent - Allows the Host to wield any kind of Staff more naturally.

/20 A.P.

Level One° Close Combat Talent- Allows the Host to fight in close combat more naturally.

/20 A.P.


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Nile merely took a glance at the first three before he scrolled down and search for some amazing talent that he could buy.

If he could buy an amazing talent, even if his current stock of A.P will be depleted it will be worth it. He could just then farm for more A.P. later for his chosen weapon.

After browsing and contemplating for a few minutes, Nile decided to buy this talent that is sold for 60 Apocalypse Point. This Talent is one of the top 10 Talents that is at the very rear of the list. As for the Shooting Talent, it could only be considered as decent compared to this one.

*Level One° Weapon Master - A master of all weapon. Wield any weapon like an extension of the arm. Anything could be a weapon and a weapon could be anything. A Level One° talent at the Pinnacle Phase.

/60 A.P


*Level One° Weapon Master.


60 Apocalypse Point will be deducted.



'Of course, It's a Yes' Nile then tap on the Yes button inside his mind.

A surge of information then poured down on Niles mind that makes him startled a bit.

'Luckily it is not another painful experience' The traumatized Nile sigh in relief.

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