Into the Zombie World

Chapter 23: 23

As the information keep on surging on Nile's mind. He also gradually understood the 'Talent', 'Weapon Master' more.

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A Weapon Master can wield any kinds of weapon. By the term 'any weapon' it means, everything. Like what the Talent description stated, weapon could be anything and anything could be a weapon.

The surroundings is a weapon. Even shoe lace could be a weapon. Heck, Nile died on the previous world because of his shoe lace.

After a few minutes, the foreign memories are now etch inside Nile's brain. On these memories were the various objects that could be use as a weapon and on how to utilize them. Of course, as the Weapon Master Talent is still only a Level One° Talent, the usage that is shown on every object is limited into various simple applications.

For example, you could use a pebble as weapon by throwing it. You could also use a pebble as an ammunition. You could use shoe lace as a trap trigger. You could use shoe lace as a means to strangle opponents. This kinds of information is now etch on Nile's mind because of the Level One° Weapon Master Talent.

As it was already past noon and even if Nile is not hungry, he still decided to eat to fill his stomach. He doesn't want to end up dying not because of zombies, but because of another hunger. That is rather embarrassing.

He ate a lot, maybe because of the side effects of him becoming a Level One° or for other various reasons. His food provisions that supposed to last tommorow is now finish all of a sudden. He decided not to be frugal as he is already at Level One° he could afford to search places such as any Baranggay and Sitio, so long as the area will not have any Level Two° zombies, he will be safe.

After eating, he scourge all of the houses around the area, all of them.

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When the sun is ready to set, Nile is also already done visiting all the houses.

After his 'home visit' act, he manage to kill a few Level Zero° zombies, half-step Level One° zombies, and one genuine Level One° zombie that is hiding at the periphery of the area.

He also looted some food supplies, according to his latest consumption, this would at the least last for more than a day.

He return towards the small mansion of the Councilor as he felt that this is an opportunity to sleep at a mansion. He returned to the room that he had use earlier.

Upon glancing at the mirror, he suddenly felt embarrass. After already finishing all the zombies at the territory, and after visiting all of the houses.

Only now did he realize after glancing at the mirror, that he is currently only wearing an underwear.

'Luckily there's only zombies around here. If there are other people or survivors I might've embarrass myself further'

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What should other people think if they see someone running across the street while only wearing an underwear.

They would probably think of him as a pervert or someone who is a clean freak.

As it is during an Apocalypse time, some may consider of you having nothing to eat. But nothing to wear?

They would probably shout at him. "There are lots of houses there, go find some clothes".

After wearing the outfits that he brought from his house, he decided to lay in the bed as it is already getting darker.

At the first month of the Apocalypse, electricity and other utilities have stopped working. Or rather, it is force to shutdown, because of the chaos, and because there is no one left to manage these facilities. These facilities are of course will be shutdown some of them might have been destroyed in the process. As the workers must have been infected, or they might've already fled to seek shelters, the facilities will be left on their on.

Over consumption of electricity, as the appliances will be left, they will heat up, some of them may caught fire, some of them may explode directly.

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The Brranggay and Sitio's situation will be light, as the houses are not overcrowded, and the appliances usage is only light. A house getting cuught in a fire will not affect the surroundings by much. At most only 4-5 houses will be cuaght with fire.

But in the city where houses, building and other facilities are very much clusstered, one building caughting a fire will create massive chain reaction.

A month after the Apocalypse, electricity, water stations, broadcasting stations and etc. are all force to shutdown.

Two months after the Apocalypse, you could only see lights during night time because of solar energy powered lights or other lighting systems that did not use the local electric company's service. And of course, because of natural lights, such as the stars and the moon.

Even though the room is dark, Nile did not have any problem seeing two meters ahead of him because of his improved 'Will' and 'Body', as the 'Body' and 'Will' improved, the senses of a human will also comes along with it. Not only the sense of sight, the sense of feeling, hearing, taste and smell is also included.


As Nile stared at the ceiling of the mansion, his brains is working rather fast as he, contemplate what had happened earlier and what he had to do in the future.

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'I'm so careless, if the one I've encountered before is a Level Two° zombie, I might have already died now.' Lamenting on his carelessness, Nile pondered on what he should do and what he should avoid in the future considering his strength.

As it is still Day 1 since Nile have started killing zombies and collecting the Apocalypse Virus.

His progress is rather fast, but this also leads to the situation were he is quite rash. Although he thinks before acting, he acts with out investigating.

Right now, Nile could be considered as strong but inexperienced.

Just like on what happened on the Level One° zombie battle. He could have defeated the Level One° zombie if he had investigated and prepared enough. The moment he realize that the 18 zombies outside the small mansion is already at half-step Level One° he should have already known that either they don't want to Level Up into a genuine Level One° or there is a stronger Zombie controlling them. And the latter scenario should have the best possibility to happen.

After knowing that there is Level One° zombie controlling the various half-step zombie. He could then prepare and not be taken in surprise the moment he enters the small mansion.

But he could no longer do anything as it had already happened. What he needed do is to avoid making the same mistake again.

His thoughts drifted from what he have done and what he needed to do. As time past by, his eyelids fall and only after the sun is already high did he wake up.

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