Episode 16: In times of trouble ...

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"I'm baack."



"Welcome back, brother! Do you want to take a bath? Do you want to have dinner? Or ..."






 No, thank you, to conventional arrangements.


 In the end, I couldn't play IRO because I checked the comments on the video after that, so I just wanted to eat and play games.



"You're a brother who won't play along. I made Chinese rice bowls, so let's have dinner."



"Oh, thank you."



 As if you made it, I wanted to retort. If I let my stupid sister make Chinese rice bowls from scratch, the kitchen could explode.



"Should I at least make miso soup and spinach with sesame sauce?"



 For our health, I made a quick side dish and added it. She had a lot of likes and dislikes, but since she doesn't leave anything behind, my stupid sister was still easy to handle. If it were Aneki, there would be even more trouble ...









 My stupid sister, who was ravenously eating deliciously, suddenly raised her head and looked at me.



"What's up? Tea?"



"No, you've been smelling like milk lately, but could it be there's a woman?"






 Dangerous, the Chinese rice bowl almost burst out ...



"What is it, that 'Milky' smell."



"Your uniform smells like neither Mother nor Aneue."(TN:Aneue = older sister, her version of Aneki.)



 Seriously. If there is such a thing, it's definitely Izumo-san -- Mion, but ...


 We haven't linked arms or done anything that would make you envious. Sometimes she grabs the hem of my blazer ...


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 I put down my chopsticks and sniffed the hem of the blazer I was wearing ... I don't know!



"Oh, you seem to know what I mean?"



"Geeh, you, no way!"



"Fuufuufu, Aneue sent me a DM saying, 'Shouta seems to be on good terms with a girl in the club, so if he flirts with her, punish him'."



 Are you serious ... Or rather, Kumano-sensei leaked it! Personal Information Protection Law!



"Well, if brother can have a girlfriend, it's a happy thing. I won't bother Aneue."



"Oh! She's not like that! We're just in the same class and in the same club."



"What, is that all. If you ever bring her home, introduce me to her, okay? If you don't ..."



"Please let me do it."



 Well, I don't think it's possible for such a shy Mion to come along.



"By the way, was the DM on Saezutter?"



"That's right. I heard that brother won't do it, but did you change your mind?"



"I don't like spoilers, so I'm not going to do it. And if Mashiro-ane finds out about my account, I'm sure she'll say, 'Buy me some anpan'."



 Let sleeping dogs lie. After all, being afraid is the best for SNS ...






 I ate, washed the dishes, did my homework, and it was past 8:00. Should I start soon?


 I lay down on the bed and put on the VRHMD in Real View. Looking at my friends list, it seemed that Mion was already online and in the virtual clubroom.


 Was Bell-buchou livestreaming on IRO? She was talking about doing it on Thursday this week.



" 'Sup."



[ Shou-kun. ]



 Mion welcomed me with a happy wave. It looked like she was editing the next video to upload? She moved it to her side and waved her hand.


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"Is that the next one?"



[ Yeah. Up to around the time you chased the Goblin the other day. ]



"Good. But, how am I going to defeat them ..."



 It seemed a bit impossible with the current beginner equipment, and of course there was no shop.


 In that case, I would have to make my own weapons and armor, but even if I could acquire the blacksmithing skill, where would the raw materials be ...



[ Shou-kun, don't push yourself too hard. ]



"Ah, yeah. Well, should I just take it easy. Then, today I'll be wandering around the west side."



[ Okay, have a good day. ]



 Something like this ... , it might be a bit ...






"Good, good, I'm in the tent again today."



 I went out, west side today ... I turned on Mion-limited delivery first.



【Mion started watching】



[ Hello, Shou-kun. ]



"Welcome, Mion."



 I gave my greetings and waved to the people in the camera.



[ What are you going to do today, desu? ]



"Today, I'll explore the west side of the uninhabited island."



[ Yees, do your best. ]



 Hmm, I felt like I was playing IRO properly for the first time in a while. I checked my equipment, checked my inventory ... Not much of anything.



 Without delay, I started walking to the west side, after a bit of grasslands and grassy areas, a forest with a different feeling from the east side came into view. Is it cedar or cypress?

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"The east side was a southern country style, but this one is a Nordic style."



[ It's interesting, desu. Is it unique to the game, desu. ]



"I guess. But, maybe I have a prospect of wood to make a log house with this?"



[ Log House!? ]



"Well, I have a problem with how to cut trees."



 Even if I got the logging skill, I didn't have an axe. I wondered if an axe was lying around somewhere.


 But, once I got an axe and could cut trees, I would have to use carpentry skills like saws, hammers, and nails ...






 Something weak was caught in my sign perception.



[ Is something wrong? ]



 If I answer, I might be noticed, so should I raise my hand lightly to answer? Whatever.


 When I activated the presence blocking skill and slowly approached the something ...



"Kuun ..."



 Ha? Puppy? Ah, that's right, I can use appraisal.



【Wolf?:Minor Injury】



 Eh? Wolf? What's with the '?', is the appraisal Lv insufficient?



[ That child, is it injured? ]



"Looks like it. Umm ..."



 I looked at the skill list and searched. A minor injury was an injury, so I looked for a skill that healed injuries.


 'Holy Magic: Lv1' seemed to be the best, but it wasn't possible to obtain due to some restrictions.



"Hmm, I can't take Holy Magic. Elemental Magic wasn't the condition ..."


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[ Then, first aid or medicine? ]



"That's it!"



 Both skills seemed to be effective when I got injured or sick, so I wanted to take them.


 Umm, 'First Aid: Lv1' and 'Medicine: Lv1'. Also, take 'Gathering: Lv1' so that I could get medicinal herbs efficiently. I had 28 SP left so I was still fine.



 So, first aid for the cub ...



【Insufficient tools】



"Hey, tools are like bandages. How do I get them here?"



 Or rather, it's like a quest in the first place, so I should be able to substitute something nearby.


 I looked around ...



【Hermit Bamboo Grass】



"Can I use this?"



 First aid after tearing and pounding it ...



【Great success in First Aid】






[ Amazing! ]



 At times like this, calm down and appraise again.



【Wolf?:Minor Injury(About 12 hours until complete recovery)】



 I see, it worked like that. Hmm, leaving it here for half a day would be really bad ...



"For now, I'll bring this kid back."



[ Yes! ]



 There was still rabbit meat in the Inventory, and water could be gotten with magic. First of all, in order to cure it, I had to feed it properly.


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