Episode 17: Food settlement

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"Kuu ~ n ..."



 Picked up? Helped? The wolf-like animal was probably still a child. It had big feet compared to its body.


 It was fine to bring it to the tent, but I didn't know if it was fine being on the ground. For the time being, I should collect driftwood and make a simple bed.



"Hey, can I give you some water before that?"



 When I poured water into a crude wooden cup that I made for myself and brought it in front of it with elemental magic purifying water ... It started to drink quickly and I felt relieved.



[ I'm glad it drank it properly, desu! ]



"IRO is amazing. It felt like I had found a real puppy, and I was so flustered."



[ That's true, desu. Even as an observer, I was nervous. ]



 Well, next is food ... I took rabbit meat out of my inventory and put it in front of the puppy ... in front of the cub. After sniffing the scent, it bit into the edge.



[ Isn't the meat too large, desu. ]



"Oh, I see. Thank you."



[ No, no. ]



 Well, I wanted to cut somehow, but I didn't have a cutting board!



"Wait a minute."



 I dashed and fished along the coast on the east side, and found a fairly large flat stone. I held it under my arm and dashed back.



"Please wait. As a substitute for a cutting board ..."



 For the time being, I washed it with purified water magic, then put the rabbit meat on it. Finely ... is it better to mince or something?


 I thought I would eventually take 【Cooking:Lv1】! I shouldn't make mistake with mincing rabbit meat with this ...



 The beginner's dagger cut it into chunks ... Is it like this?

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"Can you eat it?"



 I put it on a wooden plate and brought it to its nose, and it slowly started to eat it deliciously.



[ It's so cute, desu ~ . ]



"They're especially cute when they're little."



 I couldn't have a pet because my Aneki was afraid of dogs and cats, so I wondered if I could get one in IRO? Taming? Training?






"Oh, how is it?"



 I took out another rabbit meat and minced it. It felt like rough minced meat, but it was okay since I didn't have to make beautiful minced meat like those sold in packs.



[ Shou-kun is very caring, aren't you, desu? Like making dinner for your Imouto-san. ]



"Eh? Really?"



 Rather than being good at taking care of her, I've been forced to take care of her, and it's become normal ... I was getting sad.



[ Shou-kun? ]



"Ah, it's nothing. Well, I guess I'll continue my search in the west."



[ Ye ~ s. ]



 In the meantime, I had to replenish the rabbit meat for this guy.






 The cub? I tried wandering around there area where it was, but I didn't find a monster that hurt that kid.


 I collected Hermit Bamboo that looked like it could be used as bandages. On the other hand, I also went to the east side and got two Bicobits.


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 When I went back to the tent, the cub was sleeping peacefully, seemingly relieved.


 I was relieved that it could just rest like that.



"I'll stop here for today."



[ Yes. Thank you for your hard work, Shou-kun, desu. ]



"See you tomorrow?"



[ Yes, I'll be waiting for you at the station. ]



 Ah, yes.


 I said it meaning in the game, but that's okay.


 I logged out of IRO and returned to Real View. Bell-buchou was already offline.






"Ah, wait a minute."



 I removed the VRHMD and got up from the bed. I was envious of the gaming chair in the clubroom. I didn't get tired in that kind of thing.



 When I got up and opened the door to the room, I saw Miki holding her VRHMD in her arms -- Miki had a puzzled look on her face.



"What's wrong?"



"No, is sage time over already?"



"Really, you ... So, what do you want?"



 When I asked that, Miki sat on my chair and put on the VRHMD. Well, I guess I'm supposed to wear mine too.



"Isn't the one in the picture here, my brother?"



 Miki confirms that I'm wearing mine, takes out a video and plays it. That video is ...



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"Ahh ... , You, haven't told anyone about this, have you? You didn't post on Saezutter did you?"



"Umu, I thought it was my brother, so I kept quiet. Besides, I came to confirm if it was this girl that sister was talking about?"



"Haa, I'm saved. I was about to get caught out of nowhere. However, I understand well."



 My IRO character name is Shou as usual, but since it's a game character with a different hairstyle and hair color, I didn't think I'd be found out just by talking.



"Kuukuuku, don't think you can deceive my eyes. Besides, I made a character in IRO, but I couldn't find my brother."



"You started too."



"I wanted to play with my brother, but it seems like it's troublesome ..."



 Miki's eyes flickered and appealed to me.



"That's a club activity, so it would be helpful if you could just keep quiet ..."



"If only there was a price for it?"



"... What do you want to eat tomorrow?"



"Sirloin steak."



 Saying that, she held out her hand with a grin, so I shook her hand.


 It was going to be a big budget overrun, but I would bill Dad for that amount. If I said it was for Miki's sake, it would probably pass.



"Well, that's good, but the number of views and subscribers is somehow amazing. Some of the content is unusual, but it seems like the next video is being looked forward to."



 When I was told that, I checked.



"Eh, the number of views has exceeded 100,000!? The number of subscribers has reached nearly 3,000."



 The growth since I checked after school was amazing. Damn ...



"Because I subscribed too. So, when will the next video be posted?"

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"Hmm, when is it. We were working on editing today, and I think it'll be up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. ... Can you keep it a secret?"



"I understand. There's no need to spread it with my Saezutter, right?"



"Oh, honestly, I didn't expect the first video to jump like this."



 It was planned to be a little more like this, gradually.


 I told Miki about today's club activities and told her that my main focus was a slow life.



"Fumu. But, if I go to the island where my brother is, will you play with me?"



"As I said before, is it possible to come?"



"Fumu. I won't be able to go right away, but I have a goal to play IRO. I made a character, but I couldn't find my brother, so I was worried about how I would play."



 She laughed as she said that.



"Ah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said something strange. Wait, aren't you going to play with your friends?"



"Everyone's preparing for exams?"



"Is that right."



 Everyone around her seemed to be picking up the pace for the high school entrance exams, so I didn't think she would invite them to MMORPGs or games from now on.



"So, I didn't hear about anything important?"



"Nn? Was there something else?"



"Isn't this Mion the girl in question?"



"Yes ..."



 In the end, I was asked about Mion by Miki, and by the time it was over, the date had changed. I took a bath and went to sleep ...


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