Day 1 (Sun)

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Episode 2: First meeting


"I did it! Starting on a deserted island, great! Success! Achievement!"



 Full-dive VR new MMORPG 'Iris ・Revolution ・Online', abbreviated as IRO.



 There are three starting points that are normally selected. The capital of an empire, kingdom, or republic. Most players choose one or the other.



 However, as a result of enlarging the map to its maximum and examining every nook and cranny, I discovered that I could choose several microscopic points. As a result of examining those places and their surroundings, I settled on this place.



【You found an uninhabited island!】



【Uninhabited island found: 10 SP acquired】


【First Person to Land: 10 SP acquired】


【First Islander: 10 SP acquired】



"Wow, unexpected luck."



 I didn't expect to get 30 SP -- Skill Points --. This makes 40 SP together with the initial SP. I think it will be useful for my life on this island, so I'm very grateful.



"For the time being, should I learn Elemental Magic?"



 Check 'Elemental Magic' by acquiring skills from the menu. The equipment needed to activate Elemental Magic ... Good, I should be fine as long as I have the beginner's ring from the initial equipment.


 Once I have acquired 'Elemental Magic: Lv1', I will be able to use <Water Purification> to produce clean water and <Ignition> to start a fire.



"The safe zone looks like this sandy beach, so I have to explore a little deeper.



 If I continue to be alone, I'll be talking to myself a lot. Well, no one is listening, okay.



 If I go further inside, monsters will come out normally.

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 If I log out in the safe zone, I don't have to worry about getting attacked by monsters, but then I'll have to wake up on the beach.



 Even if it's okay for the time being, I'd like to build a hut in the near future.


 As I cross the sandy beach while thinking about such things, I see a forest on my right hand side. It would be correct to call it a dense forest.


 And, before that, let's check the equipment.



'Main Weapon: Beginner's Dagger'


'Head Armor: None'


'Body Armor: Beginner's Leather Armor'


'Hand Armor: None'


'Foot Armor: Beginner's Boots'


'Accessory: Beginner's Ring'



 Definitely equipment for beginners. I should be able to win against goblins, but for the time being, I acquire 'Dagger: Lv1'.


 Also, I'll take 'Dismantling: Lv1'. If I can kill a rabbit, deer, or wild boar, I should be able to get edible meat.






 I immediately find prey, a snake. It looks like a normal striped snake, but it's called 'Sousnake'.(TN:Guess it's a mix between south and snake.)


 I should have learned 'Poison Resistance' for this. Let's beat it anyway. Cut it into large pieces. Then dismantle.



 Oh, somehow, meat is secured! Umm ... This one. I try to acquire the skill 'Appraisal: Lv1' by consuming 1 SP.



'Sousnake Meat'



 That's all. I wonder if I have to raise my skill level.


 As I move forward thinking that it would go up as I use it, I start to see some nuts.

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'Papu Fruit'



 What is a Papu ... I'll collect them for the time being. Acquire 'Throwing: Lv1' and pick up a stone that is lying at my feet.



 I couldn't hit it right away, but after throwing it a few times, I manage to secure a few Papu Fruits.


 I'm not hungry yet, but if I properly grill the snake meat and eat it, it should last for a while.






 Yes, it came out, the promised rabbit monster. A two-horned rabbit. Name is ... 'Bicobit' it says.(TN:Bi=two co=horn bit=rabbit)



 Throw a stone ... Doesn't hit.


 Throw a stone ... Doesn't hit.


 Throw a stone. I got it!


 I face the approaching target, then I cut it into large pieces with the dagger. And dismantle.



'Bicobit Meat'



"Good, good."



 I have a feeling it's going to taste even better than the snake meat, so I'll go back to the coast and start cooking.


 I collect some fallen branches and ignite them with fire magic. Rabbit meat ... No skewers.



 I cut off a random tree branch and use the dagger to make something like a skewer ... Failure.


 I guess this requires a skill. Well, this is it. Take 'Woodworking: Lv1' With 1 SP and try again ... Wooden skewer completed.


 I thought the first producer would come out, but it's no good. Someone else must have taken it.(TN:He's talking about first time of making something with a production skill achievement.)



 Anyway, skewer the rabbit meat and snake meat and put them on the fire. Hmm, I want to make it look a little more like a stove. So I take 'Masonry: Lv1' and pile up suitable stones to create a stove.

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"... Well, it should be practical."



 In this way, the skewer won't be burnt and the meat won't fall in the fire.


 Should I make a wooden cup before it's finished cooking ...



 It's browned nicely, so let's start with the snake meat. Bet on it being on the non-poisonous side.



"Hmm, it's bland. It doesn't taste like much ..."



 I'm relieved that it doesn't seem to be poisonous. Next is the rabbit meat ...



"Oh, this is passable. The simple meat tastes fine. But I want some seasoning ..."



 Out of clothing, food, and shelter, 'Clothing' is fine with the initial equipment for the time being. I can consider having secured 'Food'. Well, what to do with the last 'Housing' ...


 Hmm, I search the mountain of skills in the list. Searching. Searching.



"Looks like I can build a log house with a combination of woodwork and carpentry? But I need logs."



 A skill that looks like it's for securing logs. Gathering ... Maybe it's logging. And I need an axe to cut trees. I have no such thing as an axe ...



"Well, it's fine. For now, I'll collect some driftwood and make a simple tent."



 I hang around the coast and collect a few pieces of driftwood of similar size.


 Since I can't build a tent in the safe zone, I move to a place just before entering the forest.


 While making the framework,



【Mion started watching】



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 is displayed.



[ Hello. It's our first meeting, desu. ]



 Ah, streaming ...


 That's right. This game is streaming with default settings. Whatever.



 The greeting voice sounds like a synthetic voice of a woman, but she may not be the same person. Rather, there is also the possibility of being an ossan.(TN:Ossan is a middle-aged man.)






 While returning a safe greeting, I reconfirm the settings. The viewers' comments are also voiced, and I wonder if I was a little careless ...



[ This is IRO, desu, right? ]



"It is."



[ Aren't you completely different from other people? ]



"Ah, yes. It's a completely different place. I'm calling it a day shortly."



[ Yes, I will come again. ]



 I spent too much time looking for this place, so that's all for today. I think the date will change.


 I guess I'll make a tent tomorrow and explore the island.



 I log out of the game, remove the VRHMD(Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display) and get out of bed.


 The tablet on the side table shows the information about the previous stream. There is only one visitor, Mion.


 New players are restricted due to the limited opening, but nearly 50,000 people should still be streaming. How did you find mine ...


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