Day 2 (Mon)

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Episode 3: Natto and Prez


"Good morning."



 I greet my close friend Natto, Kashihara Naoto.



"Oh. I didn't see you yesterday, but did you just finish with character creation?"



"No, I got in properly."



"Character name please."






"I'll kill you."



 While I'm dodging, the chime rings and the homeroom teacher appears, so the continuation is carried over to break time.










"So, what's your character name."



"It's the same Shou as usual."



"Really. I searched and couldn't find it ..."



 Is an uninhabited island outside the player search range. I hear something good.


 It would be annoying if he finds out later, so I should tell Natto the truth.



"No, actually ..."



 One way or another ...



"Are you serious. Is that the world announcement about the discovery of an uninhabited island."



"Seriously. That's me."



"Hmm, should I remake my character too?"



 Natto begins to worry seriously, so I stop him in a hurry.


 Wait, the uninhabited island finding was a world announcement. Well, that's fine.

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"Don't. Don't come here. I enjoy being alone in IRO."



"You're twisted. Well, it's okay. I'll go out to sea soon, so I'll barge in on you."



 Go for it. As far as I can see from that map, it'll be the end by the time you reach my island.



"Ise-kun, is it okay?"



 While I am chatting with Natto, I'm suddenly called out to. The other party is Kashima-san, the class president.



"Nn, it's fine, what's wrong?"



"You're on duty today, aren't you. You were chatting, but did you submit your class report properly?"


"Wow, are you serious. I'm sorry."



 On the day shift, I had to report the contents of each class to my homeroom teacher, but I completely forgot.


 The school knows it anyway, so I don't want the students to go through it one by one, but it can't be helped because it's the custom.



"Huh? It's done."



 I mean, it seems like the other day supervisor, Izumo-san, did it.


 I look around the class thinking that I should apologize properly, but she is nowhere to be seen.


 Hmm, well, I'll apologize during the next break ...










 The 2nd period class is over so I quickly dash. I am able to meet Izumo-san in the front seat.



"I'm sorry about earlier. I'll do the class report for the 2nd period."



 She hasn't combed her messy hair. It bothers me ...



"Ah, yes ..."



 Izumo-san answers in a faint voice and leaves the class.



"Huh? Izumo-san?"



"Ah, when I said I was going to give her the class report, where did she go?"

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 I was asked by Prez who was passing by, so I just told them what had happened.


 Prez who hears that, looks a little troubled.



"Hey. Izumo-san, what happened?"



"What is it?"



"No, see, bullying ..."



"Huh? There's no way when I'm the chairperson! She's just nervous because she hasn't gotten used to the class yet ..."



 As expected of Prez. Completely devoted to taking control of the class ...



"For the time being, it would be nice if Prez would become her friend."



"I think so, but the timing isn't right. When I tried to talk to her, she wasn't there."



"Hee, well, you can talk soon."



 When I reply, a big sigh is let out.


 Eh, did I say something wrong?










"What are you doing today?"



 The moment the 4th period ends and lunch break starts, Natto asks.


 If he asks me what I want to do, Natto must be undecided.



"Hmm, it's okay to buy it."



"Okay, let's go."



"Wait, wait, I'm on duty, so go ahead."



 Saying that, I drive Natto away.


 Izumo-san did the class report for the 3rd period, so it's my turn for the 4th period.


 When I look at Izumo-san and nod that it's okay, Izumo-san seems relieved to see that and leaves the classroom.



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 When I quickly submit the class report and go to buy, there is already a crowd.


 Oh, there's Natto in front of me. Well, it's against the rules to ask from here, so I"m sorry.


 The popular items at this school are sold out, but not all of them are sold out, so it's okay if you wait patiently. I'm not picky. Not really.



 The crowd in front of me has cleared, and when I look around to see what I should order, my eyes catch Izumo-san holding a loaf of bread.


 She has a quiet voice and doesn't get noticed by the sales lady ...



"Izumo-san, are you going to buy that?"



"Eh, ah, yes ..."



"Oba-chan! This child, here!"



"Oh, yes. I'm sorry, I didn't notice."



 Izumo-san, who is able to buy it safely, bows her head over and over and leaves.


 Well, what should I do ...






"I'm back."



 At my voice, my younger sister Miki comes running down the stairs from the second floor.



"Hey, Bro. I'm hungry!"(TN:I don't really feel like leaving it as Aniue, just doesn't sound that great.)



 It's my job to make dinner. No, what is work.


 It's because my father, who is a stay-at-home husband, accompanied my mother, who is the breadwinner of my family, to a job away from home ... Let's stop thinking too much about it.



"I understand that, though. You, I thought you were taking the exam next year?"



"No way!"



 Since she should have graduated from middle school, I think she should graduate from chuunibyou, I think so as an older brother ...



"Well, what do you want for dinner?"



"I want curry! Ingredients have already been purchased!"



"Yes, yes. Just as you say ..."



 When I go to the kitchen, there are various root vegetables and chicken thighs. Do you want chicken curry, how troublesome ...


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"You should either wash the dishes or clean the bath."



"Understood! Leave the bath cleaning to me!"



 Strange. I can't believe this stupid sister is the top junior high school genius in the country.


 No, as expected, there's a fine line between a genius and something ...



"By the way, did Bro start IRO?"



"Nn, I started."



"I want to play too?"



"Did you win the limited open beta?"



 Currently, 10,000 people in the closed beta group can play IRO, and 50,000 people who won the limited open beta. I won the prize so I can play, but ...



"Of course, I won."



"As expected."



 Considering this guy's LUK = Luck Value, it's only natural.



"Then, you should do it. You can go to a high school where you can play a little."



"I'm going to go to the same high school as Bro?"



"Hey, wait. You, is it that easy to be affiliated with Mimori University? Is Father okay with that?"



"Of course. Would he say no?"



 That's right. My Father is very sweet to this guy, and there's no way he can win an argument.



"Well, that's fine. If you find my character, I'll play with you."



"Kuukuuku, it's a promise!"



 It's fine, I'm done teasing...


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