Episode 4: Relaxing alone

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"I finally got in. I wonder what to do with the streaming ..."



 Mion-san, who came before, said she would come again.


 Hmm, well, if a lot of people find out and it's annoying, why don't I just stop streaming.


 For the time being, I'll leave the default settings as they are.



 Aside from that, I have to make the tent that was half-made yesterday.


 The abandoned driftwood ... There's still more. Good, good, I'm relieved.



"Funfun ~♪"



 If I use two sets of driftwood as a tripod, I can pass the driftwood that will the the spine on top of it to complete the frame. After that, instead of cloth for this ... I guess there's only leaves ...



 Well, maybe I'll explore the island while looking for leaves from near the tent. And, the number of viewers becomes one.



【Mion started watching】



[ Hello. ]



"Hello, Mion-san."



[ I came to see you because I was curious. ]



"Thank you, thank you. I don't think it's very interesting."



[ That's not true, desu. ]



 I gave her a thumbs up while thinking that she was a strange person.



"Now then, I should explore the southeastern side of the island first."



 The safe zone is the southern sandy beach. I will go counterclockwise.


 The forest I went a little ways into yesterday is basically covered with tropical trees, so it would be nice to bring back some big leaves from around here.



"Oh, it's a rabbit."



 Dagger after stone-throwing. Yes, demolish. Meat GET.

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 Throw it into the inventory and proceed further inside.



"Hmm, will my inventory increase?"



[ It seems you have to be equipped with a backpack or something, desu. ]



"Oh, I see. In that case, I guess I'll have to get a sewing skill at some point."



[ Are you going to be able to do everything by yourself, desu? ]



"That's right. My purpose is to relax alone on this island."



[ It's the first time I've heard that you can relax alone in an MMORPG. ]






 When I play with a large number of people, I tend to play a supporting role, and I find myself not enjoying myself.


 Especially with my big sister and an idiot little sister, it's almost the same as being at home. I'm going to have to run around to entertain the two of them ...



 I proceed deeper, but all that comes out is the rabbit monster Bicobit. Defeat it quickly ...



【Character level has risen!】



"Oh, my character level went up."



 Oh, level up!


 When the level rises in IRO, you receive bonus points (BP), which can be allocated to skill points (SP) or status increases.


 Of course, if you use them, you can't return them to BP, so you need to be careful, but you can only accumulate BP up to 100.



[ Congratulations. ]



"Thank you, thank you. For the time being, it's all status."



 I still have some extra SP that I received as a special reward when I started on the uninhabited island, so I'll give priority to raising the base level.


 3 to STR, 2 to DEX/INT/VIT, 1 to AGI, and LUK is ignored. I have to do a lot of things by myself, and I'm not going to go to the extreme.





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 I felt like something was on the other side of the bush, but was it just my imagination?



[ Was there something in the bush just now, desu? ]



"As I thought, there was something."



I calm my impatient heart and look at the list of available skills.


 Ah, it's there, it's there. I should have taken this first.


 With a click. Acquired 'Presence Detection: Lv1'. It seems that basic skills can be obtained with 1 SP. Skills that are always activated seem useful, should I take them all?



"Nn? As expected ..."



 In addition, acquire 'Presence Blocking: Lv1' and activate it. I feel relieved.


 With the intention of muting my footsteps, I proceed towards the direction I saw.



"Is that it."



 I crouch down and peek through the bushes, there's an easy-to-understand goblin.



[ It's finally become like an RPG. ]



"That's true."



 I answer Mion-san with a wry smile.


 After looking around for a while, the goblin seems to have given up and left.



[ Huh? Aren't you going to defeat it, desu? ]



"Well, look at it."



 When I chase the leaving goblin at the last minute ...



"Look, it's a goblin settlement after all."



[ Amazing, desu! ]



 For the time being, after counting the number of goblins that caught my eye, I sneak back to where I started.


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[ Aren't you going to fight, desu? ]



"Hmm, there were about 20 of them just at a glance. I think it would be impossible to go solo."



[ I see, desu. ]



"I want to defeat them eventually, but I have to think of some way ..."



 Well, it's on hold for now.


 I'm the only one on this island, so I'll have to raise my level for a while and prepare properly.



 I avoid the goblin village and return to exploring the eastern side of the island. Most of the coastline seems rocky.



"It looks like I can do something like fishing. Hmm, I wonder if I should acquire the skill ..."



[ Fishing is good, desu! ]



"It's fine. When you say slow life, it feels like fishing. There's woodworking, and I should be able to make a fishing rod ... Oh, but I don't have a hook or string."



 When I go along the coast, weaving through the trees, I eventually reach a cliff.



"Hmm, there seems to be a special way to get to the north side. Maybe a quest?"



[ Is that so, desu? ]



"I guess it's a normal in games. Mion-san, don't you play games very much?"



[ I like watching, but that's about it. I don't have good reflexes. ]



"Hee, then maybe a turn-based strategy game that gives you time to think things through."



[ I won't be able to come to see this stream, will I, desu. ]



"Well, isn't it more meaningful than watching this stream?"



[ That's not true, desu. Besides, I'm a student, so I can't play games for a long time, desu. ]



 Ah, yeah, I'm a student too. I'm sorry.

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 While having a long conversation with Mion-san, I avoid the goblin village and collect many large leaves before returning.



"Well, roughly speaking."



 I weave the leaves into the frame (Provisional) of the tent (Provisional) and hang them, it looks like something like that ... It's not invisible.



"Oh! It's a good feeling that the sun is blocked inside ... Isn't it on the ground!"



[ Ahahahaha. ]



 It seems like it was a hit. That's fine, but I have to put something on it.



"Hmm, there's no straw ..."



[ Can't you use rabbit skin, desu? ]



"That's right. Why can't I get it. What if I raise the level of dismantling?"



[ Is it because it's small, desu. ]



"Ah, is that possible. I wish there was a pig. I wonder if I can beat it."



 Well, my skills and level have slightly increased by hunting horn rabbits -- Bicobit, so maybe it's worth trying.


 Tomorrow, I'll investigate the west side, and I'd like to do something about the goblin settlement as well.


 I have too many things to do ...



[ The date is about to change, so I'll excuse myself for today. ]



"Ah, yes."



 Well, I have to go to sleep soon too.


 Let's try sleeping here and logging out ...



 In this game, if you don't log out at a bed, your MP won't recover while you're logged out.


 Yesterday, when I logged out on the sandy beach of the safe zone, my MP hadn't recovered at all.


 When I log in tomorrow, I'll cry if the tent is broken and I'm dead ...


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