Day 3 (Tue)

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Episode 5: Club activity recruitment period


 I went from home to school, commuting to Mimori University High School by train.


 A 10 minute walk to the nearest station, 15 minute train ride, 5 minute walk to school It took over 30 minutes.



 I thought it would be possible to ride a bicycle, but it was tough when it rained.


 When the train arrived at the usual time and the doors opened, people lined up to board the train boarded from the front.


 When I looked at the people lining up and flowing in front of me ... Isn't that Izumo-san. It seemed to be the same station.



 When I, who was at the end of the line, got on the train, it wasn't extremely crowded, but it was quite crowded.


 Looking around, I noticed that behind Izumo-san was an office worker-like old man who seemed to be approaching retirement age.


 Izumo-san, seemed to be a timid person, and seeing things like that made me irritated ...



"Good morning."



 I slipped through the crowd and cut in between the man and Izumo-san.



"Ah, morning ..."



 Izumo-san turned around and had a clearly relieved expression on her face, so it seemed like she was in a dangerous position. Well, the old man behind reeked ...



 We got off the train after waiting patiently for 15 minutes.



"Are you okay?"



"Yup ..., that man, was sniffing ..."



 What kind of fetish is that, old man ...


 Before you smell someone else, do something about your own smell.


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"I'm glad. Well, if it's the train at that time, it's the same as me, so if there's something wrong, talk to me."



"Thank you ..."



 At times like this, if it were Aneki, they would be able to take care of her, but I ended up becoming the replacement.(TN:Aneki is a term for older sister.)






"Good morning."



"You, you betrayed me ..."



 I was suddenly told by Natto when I sat down in the classroom. I just gave a greeting.



"What do you mean."



"You went to school with Izumo-san, didn't you."



"That's because there was a pervert on the same train, so I just saved her."



"Why are you raising flags so easily!"



 No, because there is no flag.


 For the most part, if my sister found out that I overlooked that ... I got chills.



"You know, Natto. If a girl is in trouble, I'll be killed if I don't help her. By Aneki."



"I know that. By the way, how is your beautiful Onee-san doing?"



"Don't you know? I can't contact her because it's a women's college dormitory ..."


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 Only women could visit. A girls' dormitory at a young lady's college that even my father couldn't contact.


 I was very worried about whether or not that rough Aneki should go. I was told it was a miracle that she passed the interview.



"Let's start homeroom."



 The chime rang, and the homeroom teacher Kumano-sensei entered, so the conversation ended.



"Good morning. Today is the start of club recruitment week, so please join any club activities that interest you."



 Unfortunately, our high school, the high school attached to Bisha University, doesn't allow you to just go home.


 Why, I thought I'd try to pick a club that matched my interests. Well, I've already decided.



 When homeroom ended and the teacher left, Natto turned around and asked.



"Have you decided where you're going to do club activities yet?"



"I plan on the Cyber Club."



 In the school guide, it was a club activity that used PC(Personal Core)s for cultural activities.


 It would be best if I could play IRO there, but other games are fine. Even if games are no good, it seemed that I could watch streaming.



"What are you doing? Athletics after all?"



"That was my intention, but I'm worried."



"It suits you."



"No way. Well, I want to play, but I also like running. I plan to do it to the extent that I won't be included in matches or records."



"It's hard if you're serious about the athletic department."


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 While we were talking about such things, the chime rang and the chat ended.










"Well, I'm going to the track and field club."



 Natto quickly packed his things and left the classroom.


 The rule was that the athletic department recruits in the courtyard, and the cultural department recruits in the gymnasium.



"Ugh, it's really crowded."



 The gym was already full of people.


 Well, if all the students at very large school had some kind of extracurricular activity, that's what happens.


 And because there were so many cultural clubs, each club had a booth with a long desk and two pipe chairs, like Comiket.


 Ah, there's a barrier like a major company around the Art Club and the Concert Band Club.



"Well, where is the Cyber Club ..."



 A large layout map was pasted on the wall, and when I looked at it ... It was in the corner.


 Just like in the morning, I slipped through the crowd and arrived at my destination, the Cyber Club ...



"Hey, there's no one here."



 For the time being, there was a piece of paper with the words 'Cyber Club' written on it on a long desk -- Also, this must be the back of a printout of some kind of assignment -- and next to it was the forms to join the club.


 I was surprised that the club was so unmotivated, but on the other hand, are they saying that even if you're a ghost member, they won't get mad at you?


 Hmm, the deadline for deciding on club activities is until the end of this week, but it's troublesome to come over and over again. For now, I'll just fill it out and go to the clubroom ...

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 The corridor in the cultural club department building. There were quite a few first-year students who had already decided to join a club, as well as second and third-year students who were still being guided.


 Well, they couldn't just hang out in that gym.



"Is it here."



 It seemed that the clubroom of the Cyber Club was located at the far end of the second floor of the clubroom building on the third floor. It didn't look like a very big club room, but are there PC(Personal Core)s? I thought I could play IRO, maybe I was expecting too much ...



 Just when I raised my hand to knock, I was surprised when the door opened vigorously.


 What appeared in front of me was ... a huge chest. She was a beautiful woman with straight black hair and a princess cut that didn't match it. I wondered if she was a second year senior. Because of her tie color.


 A woman taller than my Aneki appeared in front of me, I drew back a little ...



"Oh? By any chance, would you like to join the club?"



"Umm, when I went to ask about what kind of club it was, no one was there, so I just came to the clubroom ..."



 Hearing that, she smiled ... No, she made a smiling face, and a chill ran down my spine.


 It might be better to run away ...



"Eh, no, wait!"



 The next moment, my arm was firmly grasped and I was dragged into the clubroom.



"Welcome to the Cyber Club. Come see our proud equipment.



 Hearing that, I looked around the room.


 The first thing that caught my eye was Izumo-san ...


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