Episode 23: Don't fight head-on

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"Now then, let's start streaming."



 After being warned not to engage in a reckless battle against the Armor Bear, I logged into IRO.


 As usual, streaming was started exclusively for Mion.


 Lupi looked happy to sit in my cross-legged position lap.



[ Shou-kun, Lupi-chan, hello. ]



"Welcome, Mion."






 Adding Lupi's greeting was quite nice. Lupi who answered properly could also be a clever appeal.



[ What are you doing today? ]



"I think today's work will be simple? I guess I'll have to acquire some skills first."



 While answering thus, I opened the skill list.


 What I'm looking for is skills necessary for a plan given by my idiot sister -- Miki. They were skills that wouldn't be wasted even if it failed, so I felt like trying it out.



"Found them. 【Trap Creation】【Trap Placement/Removal】, and 【Trap Detection】, three things ..."



[ Traps, is it, desu? ]



"Yup. Even if my level rises, it's definitely going to be dangerous if I'm surrounded,



 The strategy Miki suggested was to set up a trap zone a little ways away from the Goblin Settlement and lure them there.


 Well, considering the future, the trap-related skills won't be wasted. The problem was that I didn't know how many traps I could create ...



"Trap Creation and Trap Placement/Removal are each SP4, Trap Detection is SP1, total SP9. I feel like I don't need to detect traps, but I feel like I'll forget where I set them up ..."



 I made up my mind and got them with a click. Remaining is SP19, huh. It's still okay. Pioneers during this time have huge special rewards.


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"Now then, let's investigate the usability of the trap skills while hunting rabbits."



[ Shou-kun, before that, please give Lupi-chan some food. ]






 Ahh right ...






 In the southeast part of the island, Lupi and I were walking through a shallow area in the jungle.



"Pisupisu ~!"






 Lupi easily defeated a Bicobit and left it to me to 'Dismantle'.



"Yo~shi yoshi."



 When I quickly dismantled the Bicobit,



【Dismantling skill level has increased!】



"Oops, did the level of dismantling go up first. Rather, 【Bicobit's Hide】 as well."



[ Sounds good, desu. Isn't it possible to make leather straps, desu? ]



"Ah, indeed. It looks like it could be used as a trap or something."



 Nn? Isn't it necessary to turn the hide into leather? I'll have to find out later if such skills are necessary.



"Oh, this vine looks good."



[ For traps, is it, desu? ]

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"Yup. I think the snare trap is the easiest."



 The one that you get hung up with a ring that caught your leg that was common in movies. It was impossible to be that extreme, but it was the same as a trap for catching deer or wild boars.



 I secured a sturdy vine, and then secured some tough-looking branches. Maybe this is okay? When I look around while setting a trap ...



【Trap can be set: Snare Trap】



 It taught me how to properly set up traps.



"I'll try using this tree to set it up."



[ Yes! ]



 When I was conscious of where I was going to install it, the procedure came to my mind, so I moved my hands to complete the installation.



"Lupi. It's dangerous, so don't go near that area, okay?"






 A doya face with a feeling of understanding. He's smarter than me, he'll be fine.


 After that, I set up similar snare traps in several places before returning to the tent.



[ If it's that place, do you think a rabbit monster will be caught, desu? ]



"Maybe. There might be something else, so I'm a bit excited. I'm thinking of going to check it out when I log in at night."



[ I'm looking forward to it, desu. Until then, what are you going to do? ]



"Hmm ... I didn't really think about it. Carving driftwood and tableware ... Ah, let's make a flying disk for Lupi first."



 Since it's an MMORPG, it's normal to hunt monsters, accumulate experience points and money, and strengthen characters and equipment.



[ Lupi-chan, it's so nice ~. ]

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"Wafu ~."



 Somehow, it seems that Mion's voice reaches Lupi. Lupi, can you hear when I stream?



 While strolling along the beach with Lupi, I picked up suitable driftwood. Or rather,



"Lupi! Here goes!"






 I threw a piece of driftwood that looked like a shoe and Lupi ran towards it. Yup, well, just when I thought such ...



【Throwing skill level increased!】



"Ehh, it went up doing something like that ..."



[ It seems that it will go up to level 5 quickly, desu. ]



"I see. But, well, it's better to raise the level quickly at the beginning 'I did it!' it gives that kind of feeling."



 If it took me a month to go from level 1 to 2, I'd probably quit during that time.



[ Shou-kun, you have a lot of skills, so you have to improve them all, desu. ]



"Well, in moderation. I think the skills necessary to relax by myself will improve eventually."






 Ah, yup, one more time.



 I felt like I was only going to improve my throwing skills.






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【Masonry skill level has increased!】



 From there, I played with Lupi, appraised and collected here and there to raise my skill levels, and after coming back, I did woodwork, masonry, and cooking, and my skill levels reached 2.



 I could still use daggers for woodworking and cooking, but masonry was a bit difficult. The stones were beaten together to sort out the hard ones, which were then used to make a new stove and cutting board.



[ The more plates and cups you have, the more you'll want a house, desu. ]



"That's certainly true ~."



[ You talked about a log house before, but do you have any plans, desu? ]



"Tentatively for now. But, it's still a secret."



 For now, I was thinking of mopping up those goblins and staying there.


 They lived in a somewhat open area, so I'd like to move my base there and build a hut in that space.



"Now, I'll be getting ready for dinner soon, so I'm going to log out."



[ Ye ~ s. Speaking of which, weren't you shopping with someone today? Was that your little sister next to you, desu? ]



"Eh, yup, that's right, but. If you saw me, I wish you would have called out to me."



[ There's no way I can call out to you in real life, desu. ]



 Ah, yup, that's right ...



"Well, Miki too ... Ah, that's my sister's name. She's been watching me and Mion's videos, she's playing IRO, and she said she'll be coming to Mimori next year, and she's going to join the cyber club, so I think you'll meet one of these days."(TN:Mimori is their school.)



[ I, is that so, desu. I'm nervous ... ]



 Yup, if this was found out, it would be the sirloin course again ...


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