Episode 24: What to do about earnings

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 I cooked dinner, ate, washed the dishes, and by the time I finished my homework, it was past 8:30.


 I hurriedly put on my VRHMD, and it seemed Bell-buchou, Mion, and Sensei were all in the clubroom.



"Evenin' ~."



[ Shou-kun. ]



"You're here~."



 Huh? Doesn't it look like they've been waiting?


 I don't think there will be a livestream from Bell-buchou today ...



"Excuse me, did something happen?"



"You don't have to worry about it. It's not like there's anything in particular, but it's a story that Mion-san's channel will be monetized."



"I didn't think you'd break through the conditions in just one week~."



 While saying that, Yata-sensei handed over a document to Mion.



"Is that a part-time job application form for the school."



"Yes~. I thought it would be better to put it out as soon as possible~. There's no need to write on here right now~. Please explain it properly to your parents and get an OK~."



 There properly are application documents. No, it's normal.



[ Shou-kun. ]



"Nn? What is it?"



[ What should I do with the money when it's monetized? ]



"Why are you asking, isn't it Mion's money?"



[ Even though I'm live-streaming Shou-kun's gameplay? ]



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"U, umm ..."



 That's true, but all the editing is done by Mion, and the channel is Mion's in the first place.



"I mean, what does Bell-buchou do? As expected, is it your parents' bank account?"



"No, I made my own account properly. If I don't do that, it could be treated like my parents' extra income."



"I, I see ..."



 It seemed that once the channel was monetized, a transfer account would of course be required, and Bell-buchou -- Katori Suzune -- it seemed to be an account in her name.


 So, from there, she needed to donate to the school and buy the game software they needed, and use it for necessary expenses.



"Before I started playing IRO, I played a lot of games and live-streamed them. But, you don't know what a game is until you try it, right?"



"Maa, that's true. Even though it was well received in advance, when you actually play it, the tempo is bad and it's frustrating."



"I did some research in advance, but after all, the excitement of the livestream is different when you play a fun game yourself."



 As expected, the self-producing power is too high ...



"Maa~, it will be a while before you actually start monetizing~. In the meantime, please have a thorough discussion between Mion-san and Shou-kun~."



[ Yes. ]






"Also~, when will you post the next video~?"



 It was edited in the daytime, I hope to be able to post it by the end of the week.



"It's scheduled for Tuesday."



"Then~, I'll have you show me on Monday~."



 You're pretty reliable, Yata-sensei. Well, otherwise she wouldn't have been in charge of my sister's homeroom.



"Umm, then, can I go to IRO?"

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"Yes, feel free~. Ah, in terms of live practice~, allow me to watch as a User~."



"Got it."



 Though I had the feeling that Bell-buchou was also going to watch, it seemed that today she had an appointment with a user who she was on friendly terms with in IRO.


 Socializing in the game was also important in an MMORPG ... I don't need to.









"Whoa, hold on, Lupi. I have to start the stream."



 Mion limited distribution started as usual. The number of viewers immediately becomes 1.



[ Shou-kun, Lupi-chan, hello. ]



"Welcome, Mion."






 Now, let's start with Lupi and food. Rather, the inside of the tent is full of wooden plates and cups I made.



< Yes, I can see it~. Ah, you don't have to reply~. >



 I hear Yata-sensei's voice during the group call, but it doesn't seem necessary to answer. Well, I assume she's only talking to Mion.



"Lupi, food."






 When I gave him the promised minced rabbit meat, he ate it greedily and deliciously.


 I thought I'll be able to improve my cooking skill during the day, but I thought I'd go check the traps when Lupi was done eating.



[ Are you checking the traps you set at lunch, desu? ]



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"Yup, that's the plan. Well, I don't think anything will happen this quickly."



 After Lupi ate the minced meat and drank plenty of water, it was time to leave.



"Lupi, let's go look around."






< Lupi-chan is pretty smart~. If your training skill improves~, will he become even smarter~? >



 I don't think I need to answer, but I'm troubled if you ask me a question ...



[ Lupi-chan, he's really smart, desu. Does he get smarter as the training skill level goes up, desu? ]



"Ah~, yup, I don't know. Even now, he's smart enough, and he's cute, so it's fine."



 I see, should Mion ask the question instead. I mean, should I think that Yata-sensei took it that way.


 It's like picking up questions that came up during the livestream and throwing them to me.



 After walking for a while, we arrived at the nearest trap location. But, it didn't seem to work at all.


 There weren't many Bicobits around here, so I guess it's as expected.



"Then, next."



[ Ye~s. ]






 We headed to the next trap setting location a little further ahead.






"Pisuu! Pisu pisu~!"



 A Bicobit was beautifully suspended on its hind legs. It made a show of hostility, but ...




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 Jump and bite the scruff of the neck. I cut the vines that hung down under the weight of Lupi.



[ It was properly caught in the trap! ]



"It went surprisingly well. No, well, it's probably because it's a game."



 After dismantling and obtaining meat and fur, I collected the rest of the trap. This was just a test.



< It's like a trap hunter~. It's really starting to look like a slow life~. >



 I could hear Yata-sensei's impression, but it's just that I'm doing the bare minimum for food, clothing, and shelter.


 In this way, build a mountain hut, I want to relax and drink coffee on a wooden deck ...



"Okay, let's go to the next."






 Little by little towards the back. The farthest back was set up around where the Goblin Settlement was barely visible, so there was a possibility.



"Come to think of it, do you think that the Goblins over there will repop even if I defeat them?"



[ Repop? ]



< New monsters appear based on the amount you defeat~. There's controversy that the number cannot be reduced even if you defeat them little by little~. >



 Yata-sensei's good follow-up enters. I mean, she's just an adviser, but she's pretty much like a gamer, isn't she.



"Even if I defeat them, if they return to their original number after a day, then I have to annihilate them all at once and set a clear flag, right."



[ I see, desu. But if the island is for just one person, I don't think they'll repop so soon. ]



"Ahh, I see."



 Even so, if possible, I would like to annihilate them within an hour, at worst within two hours. If it goes over, it will be carried over to the next day, and they're definitely going to repop ...


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