Episode 25: Various Drop Items

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 The third and fourth traps were swinging emptily. And, as for the fifth ...



"Uwa, there's a Goblin hanging."



 The Goblin with its legs tied and hanging lazily looked like it had fainted.


 It was fine because the monster graphics were relatively popular, but if it were real, I would have been taken aback, I would.(TN:Not sure if that's the right meaning for 'Poppu', as far as I can tell it means either popular or electronic, which I guess could mean something like computer graphics as opposed to realistic.)



"Ah~, it doesn't feel bad?"



[ Yes. It's a game, desu. ]



 I wonder if girls are stronger with things like this. Anyway, let's quickly defeat it.



【The level of the dagger skill has risen!】



"Ah! ..."



 It's kind of weird that the skill level goes up like this, but it's fine, isn't it.



[ Aren't you going to dismantle it, desu? ]



"Ah, that's right. Now, what will I get?"



 When I cut the vine and dismantled it ...



【Magic Stone(Very Small)】



"What is a magic stone?"



[ In town, these items can be exchanged for money at the Adventurer's Guild or the Magician's Guild, desu. ]



< Shou-kun, you really haven't looked at any websites, have you~. >



 Yes, I didn't look at them because I was afraid of spoilers.



[ Shouldn't you be looking at strategy sites, desu? ]

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"Yup, not at all. Well, if I don't understand something, I'll ask you."



[ Yes. Let me take care of that. ]



 Mion, she won't play, but she will watch? Ever since I decided to play solo, I thought I'd ask Natto if I didn't know something.



"And, is there a way to use the magic stone?"



[ So far, it doesn't seem like there are any other uses other than exchanging money, desu. ]



"Then, I guess I'll hang on to it for now. On this island, it won't be stolen by anyone."



 It's amazing that the things left inside the tent didn't disappear. Was it just because it was a home? I wonder if it would disappear if left alone ...



"Wafu wafu."



"Nn? What happened?"



 Lupi tapped around the base of the tree with his paws ... Did something happen?


 Squatting down and pushing through the grass ...



"Ooohhhh! Kanazuchi!?"



[ Did it drop, desu? ]



"Yup, it dropped, or rather, the Goblin may have dropped it."



 Come to think of it, I didn't really check that Village properly. I have to go check it out more properly before the operation is carried out.



< Humanoid monsters~, they may drop weapons and armor~, so it's better to check for drops carefully~. >



[ Maybe there's something else you missed, desu. ]



"Certainly. Lupi, is there anything else on the ground?"



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 When I asked him that, he happily ran to the grass a little further away.






"Oh, a knife ... It's in tatters. Hmm ..."



 Let's see, 【Knife with a nicked blade】 is it. I wonder if I can use it if I sharpen it again? I don't know if a whetstone is something that drops somewhere.



[ Rather than fixing it, how about using it for masonry, desu? ]



"Ahh, I see. I also got a Kanazuchi, should I think of it like a chisel."



 I didn't have any plans to make something that complicated at the moment, but it didn't hurt to have one.


 Let's see, did anything else drop?






"OK. Then, I should keep going."



[ Yes. ]










"Nn~, maybe I should go back for a while. Is it past 9 o'clock now?"



[ Desu. ](TN:It is.)



 After looking around the remaining 7 traps, there were 2 Bicobits and 1 Goblin.


 Rabbit meat, fur, and 1 tiny Goblin's Magic Stone was a small harvest. Maybe it was just good enough that I got a Kanazuchi.



 I think I was happier with the increase in my character level and the increase in my Presence Detection, Presence Blocking, and Trap Placement/Removal skill levels.


 All BPs were put into status. This time, Dex was 3, STR/INT/VIT was 2 each, AGI was 1, and LUK was Pass as usual. By the way, it didn't seem like your muscles would become bulky just because your STR had increased.



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"Lupi, let's go home~."






< I'm starting to lose track of whether you're really playing an MMO~ ... >



 I know Yata-sensei is dumbfounded, but I'll ignore it. I don't have to answer.



 I want to raise my character level and skill levels to the level necessary for a slow life on this island, but I don't think I'll push myself beyond that.



 On the way home, I took it easy while collecting Papu Nuts. Come to think of it, putting first aid aside, I could prepare medicine ahead of time ...



[ Are you going to put down your luggage and set up traps again, desu? ]



"Nope, time is a bit tight, so I thought I'd try my hand at making medicine. You can make healing potions, right?"



[ Yes. But, do you have the materials? ]



< In the Kingdom where Bell-san is~, Healing Potions are made from a wild grass called Copti~. >



 Ah, is the vegetation different in the first place. For the time being, this uninhabited island is on the same latitude as the country where you can start in normal play ...



"Then, I guess I have no choice but to try it. ... But, how do I do it?"



[ It seems that the Healing Potion is made from boiling Copti, desu. It seems that there is a player who is enthusiastic about making medicine, desu. ]



"Hee, that kind of commitment seems interesting."



 If I couldn't play on the deserted island, I thought I would focus on production, so I was a little interested in that.


 Well, it was impossible to interact in-game anymore.



"I'm home."






 I arrived back at the tent, threw down the loot for the time being, and then sorted it out.


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"It's terrible. There are too many things and the place to sleep is getting smaller and smaller ..."



[ Will it disappear if you leave it outside? ]



"Ah~, maybe I should try it and see."



 I took a wooden plate and a stone cutting board that I made at random and put them next to the improvised stove.


 It was impossible for someone to steal it, but it was close to the safe zone, so it was possible that it would disappear before I knew it.



"Let's just keep Lupi's favorites."






 It was a little embarrassing, but I left the lunch plate I made for Lupi to eat easily.



"It looks like an elementary school artist's work ..."



< Isn't it possible to become beautiful with skill assists~? >



[ Will the skill assist not work if it's different from a common dish like a normal plate? ]



"Well, let's assume it's because the driftwood was warped in the first place ..."



 The forest on the west side was coniferous, so it would be nice if I could cut down trees over there. Well, about that, 'I don't have a saw this time' or 'I want a planer', I wonder if it would turn out to be.



 ... Nn?



"Why is it, didn't the Goblin have a Kanazuchi?"



[ Now that you mention it, that's right, desu. Does that mean that people used to live there in the past? ]



"Ahh, I see. Even if it's an uninhabited island, that doesn't mean that it was always empty."



 But, I think I got the title of 'First Person to Land' when I was able to successfully start on the uninhabited island.


 Did that mean 'As a player', maybe. Well, otherwise NPCs would take the titles on their own ...


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