Day 8 (Sun)

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Episode 26: Sometimes I try seeing from the side of the viewer





 As usual, I was busy with cooking, washing, cleaning, and housework in the morning, and finally relaxed in the afternoon.



"Now, should I play IRO."



 After that yesterday, while I was cleaning up the junk in the tent and chatting with Mion and Yata-sensei, it was around 10 o'clock, so it was time to log off.


 As for me, I only made dishes and cups that I needed for my daily life, but there was no one who made such things. That's right ...



 I put on the VRHMD and lie down on the bed. When the iris recognition ran and I went online, there was one notification.



"Who is it? Rather, isn't it Miki."



 I opened the message from my idiot sister in the next room.



[ I'm thinking of doing the 'Cleaning Up the Goblin Settlement' quest on IRO at noon, but if you're interested, why don't I live stream it to Aniue? ]



 Hm, that's certainly a bit interesting.


 I'd like to see the Goblin Settlement on the island again with my own eyes, but before that, I'd like to see the normal quest as well.



 Looking at my friend list, it seemed that Bell-buchou was the only one playing IRO. If I remember right, Mion said she had some business today and she would only be on at night.



 I thought I'd try making some simple medicine during the day, but, well, I was curious about what kind of gameplay Miki was doing, so it was just right.



[ I want to see it, so please invite me. ]

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 After replying and waiting for a while, Miki sent me an invitation to her limited live stream. The screen appeared in front of me when I accepted it.



"Ah~, ah~, can you hear me?"



[ Umu, I can hear you, Aniue. ]



 A girl with long silver hair gave a thumbs up to the camera.



"Isn't that waist-length hair annoying?"



[ Not at all. Well, I guess it's just a matter of appearance. ]



"Hmm ... By the way, that equipment looks amazing, but are you doing Hai-Play?"(TN:It says 廃プレイ which is hai-play, which means something like someone who focuses on playing games during their free time. Based off Haijin, which is someone who plays video games 24/7. Dunno what it would translate to right off, so I'll leave it.)



 A full-plate metal armor with a long sword and a large shield, which looked like a tank. It was equipment that seemed to cost a lot of money.



[ Aahh, this is a reward for clearing a small quest. I happened to help an old man who was sick, but apparently it was a quest. ](TN:They were talking about seeing this in the last forum chapter.)



 According to Miki, after creating her character, she couldn't find me, and when she was wandering aimlessly through the city, she found an old man crouching in a narrow alley.


 She obviously couldn't overlook the sudden illness, so she took him to the temple for treatment and gave him all the money she had on hand to get him treated, but ...



[ That person seems to be a well-known merchant in the Republic. This was given to me the next day as a thank you for helping him. ]



"No, no, aren't you getting too much? I didn't have any money because I started on a deserted island, but even if I started normally, we wouldn't have enough to buy a set of equipment, right?"



[ Umu. I tried to refuse, but apparently it was a quest reward, and I was forced to accept it. ]

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 What's with that ...



"But, it's a mystery. If it's a quest like that, it's likely that the first day group would have cleared it."



[ Well, after finishing the tutorial with a freshly created character, it's not normal to wander around the city without doing anything.

 Also, I was asked to pay for the treatment, or rather, donate money, so I got angry and threw all of it, which may have triggered something. ]



"I see. But, well, it's a unique quest. 



 Miki smiled at those words. This guy's luck is really non-standard.



"So, are you able to use that equipment?"



[ Aahh, when I said that I couldn't make use of it even if I received something like this, they even introduced me to combat instruction. I was repeatedly receiving teaching when logging in until the day before yesterday. ]



"Are you serious."



 However, it seemed that her character level and her longsword and large shield skills had even reached level 5.



[ Isn't it not much different from going to hunt mobs normally? ]



"No, that's completely different, isn't it? You're the exact opposite of me ..."



 I mean, your level is higher than mine. That's partly because I wasn't able to fully devote myself to the game.


 If you think about it, is it because I started on a deserted island? In other words, it could be said that I gave my luck to Miki ...



[ Now, let's form a stray party aimed at the Goblin Settlement. ]

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"Come to think of it, can anyone other than you hear my voice on the live stream?"



[ That depends on the settings here. I'm keeping it to myself for now, but I can make it so that my party members can hear it. ]



"Really. I didn't know that at all."



[ Well, it's probably the first time that Aniue has formed a party since he arrived on that island. ]



 Saying that, Miki laughed and started walking around town. I mean, I hadn't heard of it before.



"What's your character name?"



[ Umu. My name is Cess. ](TN:I was wracking my brain trying to figure out why it was Sesu/Seth 'セス', but it should be Cess, because her name is kanji for Beautiful Princess, Cess is from that.)



 Taken from Miki(Beautiful Princess) = Princess(E), so 'Cess', as expected of her.


 It would be hard to be a stray all the time, so maybe I should get in touch with Natto. It's not someone I don't know.


 Did he say he started in the Empire? Rather, where is this place?



"I'm sorry. Is this the Empire?"



[ Aahh, Aniue doesn't know. This is Wolkel, the Royal Capital of the Walst Kingdom. It's the so-called starting point in the Kingdom. ]



"Kingdom, huh. There are so many people ..."



 Of course, not everyone was a player, and there were NPCs mixed in, but it looked like she was walking through a real medieval town.


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[ This is the Adventurer's Guild. ]



"Amazing ... This is completely a government office, isn't it."



[ Isn't it more like Hello Work than a government office? ]



 The Hello Work analogy is accurate, but don't do it. I don't know which players will receive a critical hit ...



"I'm going to be quiet soon, so just play normally. Regardless of what I say, you don't have to reply."



 When I told her that, she gave me a thumbs up instead of replying.



 Cess entered the building and went in front of something like a huge bulletin board.


 From there, she took a request form with 'Cleaning Up the Goblin Settlement' written on it and headed to the counter.


 Was it normal to receive quests like this and clear it repeatedly. Well, mob hunting would be fine, but if it's a quest, I guess there's a bit more money then normal.



 According to the staff at the counter, the recommended party size for this quest was 5 people, and in addition to Cess as the tank, 2 melee players and 2 long-range attackers were recruited. It seemed that they would match you with people who received the same quest.



[ I was told to wait for a while until it was ready. ]



 It seemed that it was common to wait at the attached tavern, but the recruitment slots were filled in no time.


 Each of them exchanged innocuous 'My best regards' greetings, but from what I heard, it seemed that there was currently a shortage of tanks.



 ... Due to a lack of tanks, did they direct Cess, who was wandering around, to be a tank, hey?



 If that's the case, then maybe they're watching the player's movements quite closely. Or rather, my uninhabited island start was definitely being monitored by management ...


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