Episode 27: Normal Gameplay?

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 I was watching the quest 'Cleaning Up the Goblin Settlement' on Cess(Miki)'s livestream.



 A party of 5 people, including Cess, boarded a carriage on the west side of the royal capital, and the next moment they arrived at the village where the quest was requested from.


 Perhaps, it changed to an instance from there. There were no players other than Cess and the others.



 After conversing with the client, the Village Chief, the group proceeded to their destination. The archer player proceeded according to sign detection, and it gave the feeling of finding stray Goblins and killing them.



 Perhaps because they defeated 8 before reaching the Goblin Settlement, there were only about 10 in the Settlement as far as I could see.


 Even though it was called a Settlement, it was just them surrounding a bonfire, and rabbits and deer that were probably hunted were casually piled up. Hmm, did the Goblin Settlement on the island look like this too?



 While thinking about such things, all the members took their positions as planned.



 The first attack was magic. The magician's fireball took the preemptive, and when the archer finished it off, Cess jumped in and drew the Tag.(TN:Basically, she got Tagged(Aggrod) by all the enemies.)



 When the Goblins attacked with clubs and knives, Cess received them with her large shield and repelled them, and dealt damage with her long sword.



"You, your Tanking is good."



 When I muttered involuntarily, it must have made Cess feel better, and she ended up doing a shield bash. It looked like it could be done with the large shield skill arts.



 After that, the spear wielder and the twin sword wielder finished off the Goblins and the mopping up was completed. After dismantling and looting the loot, they returned to the village and received a letter from the Village Chief to complete the quest.



[ Now that the quest clear flag has been raised, it seems that it's fine to disband locally. Well, moving is going to be troublesome, so I'll return by carriage. ]



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 Cess told me such in a low voice.


 It was the same with going there, but since it was a quest, it seemed that it was okay to walk around the parts where there were shortcuts.


 Well, even though it was a VRMMO, if the travel time for the quests was properly implemented, the play would be sloppy ...



 She returned to the guild and reported at the window. She sold the magic stones and loot and it was done.



[ Then, I hope we meet again! ]



 Ending after disbanding the stray party. It's been 1 hour so far. I see, this is how gameplay usually works.



"This looks like it could be fun."



[ Umu. It feels like a full-dive VR version of a classic MMORPG, but it's a good creation that makes the fun parts realistic and the stressful parts just right. ]



 Compared to this, starting on a deserted island felt a lot more like real life ...


 No, but it's usually impossible at key points -- dismantling or setting traps -- can they be skipped properly.



"Does it feel like it's just completing quests for the time being?"



[ That's right. According to management, the main story will begin when stable operation is realized and the restriction on new registrations is lifted.

 Until then, the quests will teach us what this world is like. ]



"I see. Well, it doesn't seem to matter to me."



 After leaving the guild, Cess continued to wander around the royal capital. I guess she was showing me the streets.



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[ This is the capital's largest square. ]



 Across the street, a square the size of a stadium spread out, and there were quite a few players.



"There are also stalls."



[ Heal Potions and the like are starting to come out with better quality than those sold in stores. It looks like equipment still has a long way to go, but it will come out sooner or later. ]



 Cess went around several stalls looking for Potions. Cess used her appraisal skill to carefully select the items and purchased 2 high quality Heal Potions.



"Is there glass."



[ It doesn't seem like there is plate glass. ]



 Well, there was ironware, so there was glass. It was said that blown glass existed in BC.


 I just hoped that someday I would be able to make glass on the island. I wanted to drink a cold ginger ale or something. No, before that, I was talking about trying to make a Potion.


 Okay, it's time for me to log into IRO ...



【An uninhabited island has been discovered!】






[ Mu? Is this the world announcement that was said to have happened when Aniue started on the uninhabited island? ]



"Yeah, I think so."



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 Did that mean there was someone other than me who started on an uninhabited island? Even though I'm the one saying it, I did well to find that method.



 I was curious about what kind of gameplay someone other than myself was trying to do, but there was no way to check ...



 Then, a notification flew in. Who is it ... Bell-buchou, huh. Was this about the announcement.



"Miki, I'm sorry, I was called by Buchou. Probably, I think it's about this world announcement."



[ Roger that. See you for dinner. ]



 When I closed Miki's livestream and opened the notice from Buchou, this time I was invited to Buchou's livestream. It seemed that she couldn't leave IRO right away, so she wanted to talk via the livestream.



"Umm, can you hear me?"



[ Yeah, I can hear you. I'm sorry, I can't get out of this quest for a while. ]



"I see. So, is this about the world announcement just now?"



[ Eh? I thought you weren't on IRO? ]



"I was just watching my Imouto's IRO."



[ ... ]



 What is that awkward pause?



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[ Umm, it seems that the uninhabited island start is being streamed live. ]



"Eh, seriously. Then, I should watch it, right? ]



[ Yeah, can I ask you a favor. I don't know if it will be published as an archive. ]



 Livestreams were basically saved and could be published as they were, but depending on the person, in order to increase the value of the livestream, they may not be published for a certain period of time.


 I had to go watch it right away.



"Then, I'll take a look. Or rather I'll give my thoughts in the clubroom at night."



[ Yeah, please. It seems that Game Dolls are the ones who started on the new uninhabited island. I think you'll find it if you look for it. ]



"Got it. Then, I'll take a look immediately."



[ Please, and thank you! ]



 It was run by a company called Game Dolls. I felt like the streaming site was hiring virtual idols or something like that.


 They said they wouldn't release the live archives until the information was posted on the strategy site, so I guessed I would have to go watch it soon.



 Umm, 'IRO' 'Game Dolls' do a search ... it's at the top.


 Imagawa Saaya @ Game Dolls 'IRO Uninhaibted Island Start Live Streaming #1' this is it. Is it trending.



"I wonder if they're doing something interesting? I'd like to expect something that can be used as a reference on my island."



 Thinking about that, when I joined the livestream, it turned out to be amazing in a different way ...


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