Chapter 30

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…… Yu…… sa…… ko…… yu-sa……
Koyu-sa…… Koyu-sama……

A…… ara…… so, someone is…… calling me……

I? I’m being called? By who?

「Koyu-sama. Are you all right?」

Ah, it’s Iris……
Iris is calling me……
I’m all right…… my voice doesn’t come out……


N, n…… I have to answer……

「…… I…… Iri……」

「Koyu-sama. You are conscious…… are you all right?」

「I…… me…… what happened…… I wonder……」

My body feels hot and very sluggish.

「Don’t move, please. Your wounds are closed, but you were bleeding quite a lot」

「Blee…… ding?」

Bleeding…… what is……

「Anyhow, would you like to drink water a little? You have a slight fever」

「N…… drink……」

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It’s difficult for my voice to come out. It’s raspy.

「I will raise your body, okay?」

Iris seems to be supporting me from the back.

Nku, nku…… haa……


「Are you all right?」

「Yes. I’m all right」

My head hurts a little bit, though.

「I wonder what happened?」

「You don’t remember?」

「Wait a moment, please…… ah, the Rabbit-san……」


Iris? What is it?
Iris eyes look slightly distant, but……
Ah, what about Iva? Is she not hurt?

「Iris, where is Iva? Can you call her over?」

「I will call her once your fever comes down」

「No good. I have to see her immediately」

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Ah, my head is throbbing in pain……

「Koyu-sama, it’s unreasonable now. Please, rest」

Throb, throb……

「That’s no good. I want to talk right now. I’m sorry, but just a bit is fine, I have to see her face……」

「Haa, only a bit, okay?」

「Yes. I’m sorry for being selfish」

「I will bring her so lie down please」


Throb, throb…… my eyelids are heavy…… preserve, me.


「Baachan…… so……」

「Iva, I’m sorry」


「I’m sorry for making you worry. I’m all right. I’m all right, okay?」

「Side…… left……」

「Iva is not at fault. It’s all right. I will recover after sleeping for a bit」

「Not all right. Blood, a lot……」

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「I’m all right. Iris has closed up the wounds, didn’t she? All that’s left is to recover」

「Baachan…… u…… so……」

「Don’t cry. I’m all right, okay? But, I have to sleep for a bit」

「Un. I stay by your side」

「Yes. Good night」

My head is throbbing…… conversation is already impossible……
Good night……


Fuu…… hot…… throat is dry…… I feel dizzy…… guragura……


N~…… my joints are painful……
I, I can’t get up…… nn…… I, I have to sit somehow……

I’m thirsty……

Kyorokyoro…… ara, Iva…… you are here. Sorry for being so exhausted. For making your worry.

Nto, standing is impossible…… isn’t it……

Zurizuri…… I somehow manage to move by crawling. As quietly as possible. Fuu…… I take out a towel from the carry-on.

Let’s wipe the sweat…… I want to wipe my body, but is it impossible? I also want to change my clothes……
It appears that I sweated quite a lot. N?!

Ah~…… my arm is broken……
I also split my flank……
My pants are also terribly torn……

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This…… looks like…… I got injured…… quite a lot……

My memory is vague from the middle, though…….
Rabbit-san over here is a beast of prey……


It appears that I still don’t understand this world well.
What should I do?

Don’t panic, don’t panic……
If I don’t know, all I have to do is learn from people who do.

I will suffer defeat if I panic.


Un. I understood one thing, Rabbit-san is ferocious.
Although cute, keeping it is impossible.
I never intended to keep it, though……

I wonder if cats are ferocious as well? I wanted to keep one, though.


………… Can’t be helped, can it? Shall I wake up Iva? Although I’m sorry while she’s sleeping……

I want to drink water.

Also, I want to know about the situation……


「Nee, Iva. Wake up」

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