Chapter 31

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「Ivar, wake up. I’m sorry, I want to drink water」

「N, Baa…… Baachan. Awake? All right to wake?」

「Yes. I feel much better. I’m sorry but could you fill my cup with water?」

「Will bring」

Ivar…… you don’t have to panic…… haa, let’s take out the medicine from the carry-on. I had painkillers, right? 『Gentle on stomach Buffe◯n』. Actually, I would like to replenish my iron, but it’s not possible to cook now. I don’t have anything in my stomach, I wonder if it would be bad to take it now? Rustle, rustle in the carry-on…… biscuits and dried fruit…… I won’t eat a lot, but…… I think it’s better than not eating anything.


「Baachan, water」

「Thank you, Ivar」

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Water is delicious. One biscuit, crunch, crunch. A sip of water. Dry fruit, munch, munch…… I was curious what it was, isn’t this a fig? Delicious, it’s sweet.

I guess it’s alright now. I swallow the Buffe◯n with water.
Fuu. Let’s sleep a little more. If I don’t get well quick, Ivar and Iris would be worried.

Ah, but. Everyone’s meal…… is it all right with biscuits and dry fruit? There’s only one biscuit and just a little amount of dried fruit left.

「Ivar, can you givei it everyone for a meal」

Saying so, I had the bag with the biscuit and dried fruit to Ivar.

What time is it now, I wonder? I don’t really know since I was sleeping. How long was I asleep for?

「Baachan, all right?」

「Yes. My head still slightly hurts, but I have just taken medicine. Right, I think I will recover after a nap. I will sleep for a little bit more, okay?」

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When I say such and lie down, I notice that my body is still sluggish. Forcing it is taboo, huh. Let’s sleep for a little bit longer…… I close my eyes……



Ah, I forgot to change my clothes. Ara, what time is it now? It became completely dark, didn’t it?
Fuu. It’s good that I have woken up, but…… since I hear sleeper’s breath, it must be night…… it can’t be helped, let’s sleep a bit more. The sleeper’s breath next to me, is it Iris?


I made Iris worry. That’s right, I was calling for Ivar the next thing I noticed. Even though I surely made Iris worried as well.
And not only Iris. Shien too, Elm and Sapin, I have caused trouble for everyone……
I didn’t think about it enough. This is not Japan…… even though this is not the peaceful Japan.
Malicious and greedy people are not the only danger here. What animals are there, what danger exists…… I did not try to understand……
It felt like a trip.

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Even though I was reflecting on it the other day.
How much do I have to understand to be able to live here?


No matter how much money I have……

I…… will I be able to live……



I don’t have enough knowledge and wisdom to live here.

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What should I do……

Will I be all right……


No. Let’s stop thinking about it for now.

I will get dragged in if I worry in the darkness…… darkness……


Tomorrow, when it becomes bright, let’s fill my stomach. Let’s think about it after that.

Everything tomorrow, after it becomes bright……

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