Chapter 46

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The sound of sobbing dies out, and only the sound of wind and bonfire resounds around…… how awkward…… what to do……


L, let’s make tea. There should be still some chrysanthemum.

「Shien, can you boil water? I will make tea」

「N, yeah……」

Looking to my right, Ivar cried himself to sleep. How cute.
Eh? Ara, when did……

「Nee, why did the color change?」

「N~ What color?」

Shien asks while preparing the small pot.

「Ivar’s hair color…… it was gray, wasn’t it?」

「Ha? Ah!」


The small pot fell from Shien’s hands. Ara? And then……

For some reason…… everyone froze. Why?

「What’s wrong?」

Everyone is silent and not moving, though……


I think that Ivar’s hair color was gray. But, right now……

It’s currently black-silver for some reason…… Ivar’s black hair is glittering……

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「What a beautiful color. Our grandchild had the same jet-black hair」

I think of my grandchild I can’t meet anymore while stroking Ivar’s hair.

「Baasan, you don’t find it scary?」


「Eh? Why should I be scared of Ivar?」

「The color has changed……」

「Ara, Ivar is Ivar, right? If you can change your hair color with some interesting magic, you don’t have to dye your hair, don’t you? I wonder if you could hide the grays with that?」

「Grays…… that’s not the problem, but」

「What kind of problem it is then?」

「Ah~…… silver color hair is……」

It seems hard to say. But, silver hair……

「Is there some problem? Iris too, isn’t yours blue-silver as well?」


「Why is Ivar’s the only problem?」


「Ko, Koyu-sama! Since when did you know that my hair is blue-silver……」

「Ara. Iris’ was silver-blue since we met, though?」

「Since we…… met……」

「Yes, since the time Anna-san has introduced us」

「From the…… beginning……」

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「Yes. Is there some problem?」

「You didn’t find it creepy?」

「Eh? I’m sorry, I don’t understand why you would think so」

Again, there seems to be some disagreement of common sense……



For a while, a time of long silence continued.
Yes, I know. Everyone is worried how to say it, aren’t they?

Shall I cut the silence myself……

「Iris, I’m sorry. It might be difficult to say, but could you tell me? Is there something wrong with silver hair? Even if you tell me creepy, I can only see it as a lovely color」

「Lovely…… is it?」

「Yes, it’s very pretty」

「Silver is…… it’s referred to as a stain. However, those with mixed silver hair are said to be those who couldn’t get the stain cleansed. Because of that…… it appeared as attribute in hair……」

「Stained? There’s no such thing! Ivar and Iris are not a bit dirty」

「Not on the surface, but the soul……」

「Something like that…… you won’t know unless you face each other. If it’s a person with a rotten soul, then I have met him before, in this country. He had a magnificent blond hair, but he was rotten」

「Everyone isn’t like Koyu-sama」(Iris)

「Well, because it’s detested from the moment of birth, after all」(Shien)

「Why, is it detested? Do you know where it’s stained? Do you know the color?」

「…… Many…… mothers die during the birth. My mother was fine, but……」

「Over here, mothers don’t die when giving birth to a child without silver hair?」

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「…… That’s not……」

「Isn’t childbirth almost like risking your life?」

「That is, right……」

「I will ask, but did all mothers of children with silver hair died?」

「No…… but…… they refuse…… to raise you……」

「They won’t abandon a normal child?」

「…… No ……」

「It’s probably because they stand out, isn’t it……」

「Stand out?」

「Isn’t it easy to notice on the first glance?」

「Ah…… but……」

「Because Iris went to school, you were properly raised up, weren’t you?」

「Yes…… both my mother and father, even my older brothers were affectionate to me……」

「What about Ivar’s parents?」

「There wasn’t anyone by Ivar’s side when I found him……」

「Fuun. Was he avoided only because of the silver hair?」

「No…… because it’s too fierce when his magical power runs wild……」

「Ara? Don’t I have more magical power than him?」

「Those who can’t control it are not needed」

「Is that so…… that is, also me, isn’t it…… which reminds me, I heard that Iris’ light attribute is rare, isn’t it?」

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「Yes. I could live in the village because of that」

「Then, Ivar?」

「Ivar is…… darkness attribute…… there are not many of them as well, but if I had to say then they aren’t appreciated……」

「Why is that?」

「Because light allows recovery magic, if I’m pushed I’d say it’s needed, but darkness attribute, it……」


「It manipulates blood…… just like Ivar did a while ago…… it allows to form pacts and convert people into underlings, convert into slaves……」

「That is…… if it’s darkness attribute, can anyone do it?」

「I think it will be difficult……」

「I thought so…… so it means that Ivar is amazing?」


Understanding from what I collected, there are many misunderstandings, aren’t there?
Un, un.
There’s no reason to be afraid.
Next is…… ah.

「I want to ask another thing, is it all right?」

「What is it?」

「Why did Ivar’s hair color change? You were surprised that I knew your hair color, weren’t you?」

「Baasan, Ivar used『Concealment』and『Obsturction』and altered his appearances. Iris changed her appearances with a bracelet type magic tool, but it seems it didn’t work」(Shien)

「Ara, that tool, is it defective, I wonder?」

「No, I can properly see only blue color, you know?」(Shien)

「So it’s blue…… how mysterious…… 」

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