Chapter 47

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There are many things that I don’t know or understand, but for now, let’s sleep.
Because Ivar is sleeping, I have Sapin carry him into the carriage. Yes, I have decided to let him sleep next to me. I would be troubled if something happened again. But he seems to calm down with a slap, so there shouldn’t be a problem……

It’s parenting from now on, isn’t it? It can’t be helped, I have picked him up.
We are scheduled to arrive at Konna Village tomorrow. I will be able to eat something decent finally. I’m looking forward to it. It would be nice if they have some seasoning, though. Both salt and sugar are nearly used up. Haa. I’m going to prepare tomorrow in the morning……


Well then, good night.
Ivar’s body temperature is high, isn’t it…… surely not, did he really turn into a baby…… there’s no way that happened, right……




Good morning. Yes, I woke up before the sunrise as usual.
Ivar is peacefully sleeping on the cushion I put around my stomach. His breathing is regular, un, his condition doesn’t seem bad.
Now then, let’s prepare the breakfast. I get down slowly and carefully as usual. It seems my foot reach the ground. It seems that my physical condition recovered as I don’t have any problems moving around. The sluggishness from yesterday disappeared. Haa.

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Although I want to prepare breakfast, there are almost no ingredients…… I will make it even if there are none. Un.

I cook the processed meat first. It sticks to the pan, after all…… I really want oil, but I endure. I wish from the bottom of my heart to find it one day.
How easy it was to live in my original world…… it pierces through my heart……


I chop a sourleaf which I completely substituted vinegar for and put it into the pan. Moisture oozed from the sourleaf when frying together. There seems to be considerable moisture. Yosh. I mince yesterday’s spicy taste (Kaien) and put it in. Let’s also put in some jam.
Well then, the taste lacks…… saltiness? But…… if I add…… a little bit of seaweed salt…… taste……
Ara, it tastes sort of like a sweet vinegar.
It has some spice too…… ah~ if only I could thicken this…… I miss rice as well……

I don’t have things I don’t have……


Next, make a pseudo tea with mugwort……

Breakfast is…… completed……

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Before I realized, everyone got up, and they were watching me……

Let’s have a meal.



After putting my hands together, munch, munch. Delicious, isn’t it……
If possible, I would like rice or bread…… all that’s left is lunch and dinner menu.
In the morning, I like miso soup, tsukemono, natto the best, but…… ah, I also want to make tamagoyaki……

Short tea break……

「That was a delicious meal」




Ara, there’s unusually leftovers……

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「There are leftovers, aren’t there…… Ivar, you don’t want to eat anymore? What about you, Shien?」

「Baachan, may I eat it?」

「Baasan, can I eat it?」


「It’s fine. Eat up, I can’t tidy up if there are leftovers」

「Ivar, let’s eat」


A, ara…… Sapin and Elm too…… even Iris……

「E, everyone eat up, okay……」

「Leave me a little」

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「Unfair, Shien is hogging it all for himself」
「Split with me as well」



Let’s shop a lot when we get to the village……


After tidying up, we prepare for the departure.


Ivar has become completely energetic. It seems he will be sitting in the driving seat with Elm today. It seems that the infantile regression hid itself after he properly ate.
He’s smiling now, so it’s already okay, isn’t it?
I couldn’t rear him…… that’s a little unfortu…… it’s not, you know?



Saa, let’s leave for Konna Village!

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