Chapter 10

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Haier⦁Zhongsi felt that he was dreaming.

But this dream was real so he wanted to cry.

"Are you really Xinxin?" Looking at the eastern girl in front of him, he still couldn't believe it.

Tao Xinya cried and nodded, she saw that her brother still didn't believe, she sucked her nose. "I remembered you still wet the bed when you were 13 years old."

Haier immediately jumped on his feet, this was a pain in his heart.

"Shut up! How can I have bedwetting? It’s obvious that you and Ah-Rang kid snuck into my room in the middle of the night to frame me!" As a result, he was laughed at by his family's maids and could not lift his head for several days.

However, this matter except for the three of them and the servants in the family, no one knew, even the Yuan family two oldies didn’t know, of course, the reason was that he ordered the seal.

This was the shame of his life!

And now, Haier stared at Tao Xinya, his heart was drumming fast, but he was still skeptical. "This is not what Ah-Rang told you, is it?"

Tao Xinya shook her head and said something that only their brother and sister knew.

"I remembered when I was brought back to Scotland by my father, on the plane, I kept crying for my mother, then brother gave me milk candy, and told me......"

"Xinxin, don't cry, eats milk candy, this candy is sweet, Xinxin will be happy after eating, brother is here, will stay with Xinxin." Haier choked, his eyes were red. "You really are Xinxin."

Tao Xinya sobbed and nodded.

Haier took a deep breath and held back his excitement, he asked her, "What is going on? How can you become like this?"

"I-I was in a plane crashed that time, then I woke up in this body......"

"So, have you been in this world for the past two years?" Haier answered. (tenderflower: it's like a question though...?)

Tao Xinya nodded.

"Then why didn't you come back?"

"I......" Tao Xinya bit her lip and dared not look at her brother. "I have no face to see you. I said so many cruel words to you, hurt your heart...... You were angry and ignored me, so I......"

"So you think that you’re dead, your brother will still be angry with you? Will still ignore you? Tao Xinya! Is that what you think of your brother?" Haier was excited and roared.

Tao Xinya shook her head, she knew she had done something wrong. "Brother, I’m sorry......"

Haier was red-eyed, he was angry, he was ire, but...... looking at the younger sister that was crying, again how many furies, it couldn’t resist his heart of joy.

"You silly girl!" He took his younger sister into his arms.

"Brother, I'm sorry, sorry......" Tao Xinya held her brother and burst into tears.

Haier resisted the tears in his eyes, hugged his lost and found younger sister; choked and said, "If you're not my younger sister, I will definitely strangle you this debt ghost, divorced from marriage, went to Paris, wouldn't come home? When I said I didn't care about you anymore, would I really leave you alone? You didn't think about it. You didn't even call back in your five years, you didn't even know your brother had been waiting for your phone call?"

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He said cruel words in the beginning, but after all, she was the younger sister he’d always loved, she apologized in a soft posture, how could he really ignore her? He was unable to pull his face at that time, and he had been deadlocked with his younger sister, and what was the result?

It was still him who regretted in his heart.

Tao Xinya sucked her nose and her eyes had been cried red. "I-I just have no face to see you! I have always regretted saying those words to you, for the first time you were so fierce to me, so......" She looked wronged. "Brother, I’m sorry."

"Forget it, it was your brother who owed you." Brother and sister, which had what hatred; Haier pulled the side paper to help his younger sister wipe her tears, then got up and went to the kitchen to pour a cup of warm water to her. "Alright, don't cry, your eyes are swollen."

Tao Xinya took the cup, she had cried for so long, she was really thirsty, she twitched, drinking the water.

When the younger sister calmed down, Haier asked, "Xinxin, what happened to you and Ah-Rang? Did Ah-Rang know about you?"

Tao Xinya nodded, and after a moment of silence, she told what Yuan Yurang said to her brother.

Haier listened and sighed. "Xinxin, this is really your fault."

Tao Xinya didn't speak, she knew she was doing something wrong.

"In the end, it’s me, your brother who spoiled you."

"Brother, none of it is your fault." Tao Xinya didn't want her brother to blame himself. "I didn't understand, I had died once, but I still didn't think about others."

As Brother Yu said, her selfishness had not changed.

"What about now? What do you think?" Haier asked his younger sister, "Do you still love Ah-Rang?"

Tao Xinya was startled, then smiled. "Did I still dare to love? When I let go, I decided not to love, and never loved again."

"If you really don't love, you wouldn’t have this expression now." It was the look of emotional pain.

Tao Xinya hung her head down and held the cup tightly. She whispered: "Brother, I’m afraid, I’m afraid that my love will hurt everyone. I only want him to be happy."

How could Haier not understand his own younger sister? She was now escaping! Sitting next to his younger sister, he touched her head. "Xinxin, have you ever thought about giving Ah-Rang happiness yourself?"

Tao Xinya shook her head hard and thought about it: "How do I give him happiness? I'm not qualified......"

"Why are you not qualified?" He asked his younger sister to looked up and refused to let her shrink into a timid shell, this was not his younger sister.

"Xinxin, have you asked what Ah-Rang wants? You want him to be happy, then you have to ask him who he wants to give him happiness. His happiness is determined by him, not you."

Tao Xinya froze and looked at her brother. "But he is angry with me......"

Haier wasn't happy and rolled his eyes. "He is like a paper tiger in front of you, what are you afraid of?" (tenderflower: LOL his pride was always gone before her, wasn't it? ?) Don't think about what it was like to spoiled her from her childhood, even if he was angry with her, wasn’t it fine as long as she gave a soft posture? Besides, now she's got this brother to let her rely on!

"Go, brother will take you to Ah-Rang to ask him what exactly does he want!" Haier grabbed her hand and went to the Yuan house without giving the opportunity to struggle from his younger sister.

The result came to the Yuan house was, listened to Chen Anmei said that Yuan Yurang had gone to the airport, ready to fly back to New York.

After listening, Haier prepared to take his younger sister to the airport.

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But before he stepped out of the Yuan door, Chen Anmei stopped him.

"Wait, Haier, I have something to say to Xin girl."

"Godmother, if there is something to say then say later, it’s very urgent now." Haier was in a hurry.

"My business is also very urgent." Chen Anmei looked at Tao Xinya seriously. "Xin girl, I don't approve of you being with Ah-Rang."

She knew that Xin girl was sleeping in her son's room last night, and she also guessed what happened to them. In the afternoon, she saw her son went out with a cold face, and then the farewell of Tao Xinya.

This situation made her and her husband worried. They thought that their son must have bullied the little girl.

As parents, they could see it, now their son's heart only had Xinxin, but Xinxin is dead. They didn't expect their son to used Xin girl as a substitute for Xinxin, how could this be? Xin girl was a good girl, she and her husband were very fond of Xin girl, how could Xin girl suffer this kind of grievance?

"Aunt Mei......" Tao Xinya didn't expect her godmother to told her this. She looked at Chen Anmei and looked at Yuan Chenghong who was sitting on the side. Her mind was in chaos and she could only subconsciously said: "I-I had nothing to do with Mr. Yuan, don't misunderstand...... There’s nothing going on between us......"

"Girl, don't misunderstand." Chen Anmei interrupted her words and patted her hand. "Your Uncle Hong and I are not against you, we are reluctant to leave you, you don't know what Ah-Rang is thinking, h-he......" Chen Anmei gritted her teeth and finally said it. "He just treated you as a substitute!"

Tao Xinya froze, "Substitute?"

"Yes, he used you as a substitute for Xinxin. Aunt Mei can't let him do this to you. You’re a good girl, deserve......"

On the other side, Haier couldn't listen any longer. "Godmother, she is Xinxin!"

Chen Anmei frowned and angered at Haier. "What are you talking about? Do you also think of Xin girl as Xinxin?"

"I didn’t!" Haier explained. "She is really Xinxin, Xinxin is not dead, she is alive......"

"What are you talking about......"

"What my brother said is true." Tao Xinya interrupted their words, looking at the startled Yuan two oldies, she said softly: "Godfather and godmother, I am Xinxin."

"You......" Chen Anmei looked at Tao Xinya with amazement. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not dead, no, to be correct, I'm probably the so-called corpse resurrection!" Tao Xinya nervously laughed at the godmother.

After all, Chen Anmei came from the East. She did have heard of such things, but she thought that it was only in books and on TV. "Y-you’re really Xinxin?" She asked in a trembling voice.

Tao Xinya nodded.

Chen Anmei looked at Haier, Haier also nodded, and Yuan Chenghong on the side stood up in shock.

Chen Anmei looked at Tao Xinya in a dazed and suddenly raised her hand, slapping her. "You, this bad girl! Actually let the godfather and godmother be sad for you, bad girl! Bad girl!" She scolded, but cried and took Tao Xinya into her arms.

"Godmother, I’m sorry." Tao Xinya stopped her tears to flow down, she turned to look at the emotional Yuan Chenghong. "Godfather, I’m sorry."

Yuan Chenghong’s hands trembled, couldn't speak, he could only come forward to hug his wife and goddaughter.

Haier touched his sour nose. "Er, I didn't mean to disturbed, but I and Xinxin have to go to the airport......"

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"Yes, Xinxin, you and Ah-Rang......" Chen Anmei released Tao Xinya and worriedly asked: "Xinxin, what happened to you and Ah-Rang? You two......"

"Alright, madam." Yuan Chenghong stopped his wife. "The children's things will let them solve by themselves."

He looked at Tao Xinya. "Xinxin, go!"

Tao Xinya nodded and followed her brother to the door. When she stepped out of the door, she stopped and turned, firmly said to the two oldies: "You can rest assured that this time I will not delay Brother Yu's happiness."

This time, she was going to ask him what he wanted for happiness.


Yuan Yurang was waiting.

Just now, he received a call from his mother. The mother said that Tao Xinya was about to arrive at the airport and told him to wait for her.

"You and Xinxin will talk about it. There is only one chance, if you miss it, you won’t have anymore." Chen Anmei said earnestly and sighed.

This reason, how could Yuan Yurang not understand?

He had lost once, how could he not know the value of possessing it again.

But did the girl know what he wanted? When was she really going to grow up and when was she going to understand his heart?

From afar, he saw her running.

Tao Xinya also saw Yuan Yurang, her heart was thumping nervously, her hands were sweaty, she was afraid wanting to flee, but finally stood before him.

"Hey!" Squeezed out a smile and she greeted him.

And he, expressionless, faced her in silence.

Tao Xinya licked her lips, her voice trembled because of fear, but she still firmly spoke. "You're right, I have always been very selfish, I never asked what you wanted, I decided everything for you, I'll apologize to you for my arrogance."

In the face of her, Yuan Yurang was still indifferent.

And she, perhaps finally spoke the words, the tension in her heart gradually disappeared, the hand hanging on her side was clenched, and she looked at him.

"So, I want to ask you, Brother Yu, what do you want?"

"What if I want to get back at you? Lock you close so you can’t go anywhere; only listen to me for a lifetime. I call you to the east, you can’t go west. You'll be my slave to meet all my requirements, including my sexual needs, and then to death, you can’t leave me, how is it? Are you willing?” (tenderflower: lol wth... what a domineering guy!! haha)

Tao Xinya didn’t expect him to say this, she was silly in front of him, "This......"

Yuan Yurang raised his eyebrows coldly. "What? You can’t? Then there is nothing to say." He turned and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Tao Xinya grabbed his arm. "I didn't say no."

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The man’s gaze made her face turned red. "No...... what I mean is......"

"Which is it?" He waited for her answer.

"B-but one day, if you meet someone you like......" Wasn't her existence a hindered?

"Reassured, there won't be that day."

"Huh? Why?" She asked foolishly.

He was impatient. "Now, are you asking me or am I asking you? Which is it, Tao Xinya; just a word!"

"But...... is that enough? Don't you hate me? I'd done so many bad things, not sensible, and selfish ......"

Just paid herself to him, how was it enough to make up for him?

This kind of fear, timid, feeling inferior, she made Yuan Yurang sighed, this was still the proud and willful little princess? Where did her confidence go?

"Tao Xinya, I only ask you a word." He looked at her seriously, and forbade her to escape nor allowed her to dodge. "Do you still love me?"

Still love?

In this case, she also asked herself several times.

She told herself that she wasn’t in love, but she couldn’t help the greed in her heart, and he didn’t know that every time he appeared in front of her, her heart was always secretly delighted.

But how could she dare to expected too much? In the beginning, she was too greedy, she had done so many wrong things, she was really afraid that she would make another mistake.

She lowered her head and timidly said. "I just want you to be happy."

He was happy, she was also happy.

Yuan Yurang sighed in his heart, how could he have a temper in front of her? (tenderflower: that's right. How could you? You're a paper tiger anyway. ?)

"Silly girl." He reached out and embraced her, whispering in her ear. "Why didn't you think about giving me happiness yourself?"

He paused and said again: "And, I'm happy if you're by my side." How could he be willing to get back at her? She was the little princess that he had been pampering and held in the palm of his hand.

Tao Xinya stood foolishly, she dared not believe what she heard. She looked up at him in surprise, and her red and swollen eyes made the man felt very distressed.

Yuan Yurang kissed her eyes. "What is your answer? Yaya, do you still love me?"

Tao Xinya tearfully bit her lip, gently nodded.

"Then, don’t ever let go, okay?"

She nodded again.

And finally, he showed a smile and embraced his little princess.

Finally, she returned to his arms.

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