Chapter 9 (Part 2)

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Tao Xinya slept until the afternoon. She woke up and opened her eyes, found that she was in Yuan Yurang’s bed, her body had been cleaned, but the hickey and bite marks on her skin were still bright, and her legs were still sore.

She slowly sat up and hugged the quilt, but saw her right hand's ring finger had a ring on. She stared blankly at the wedding ring, only to find that she was not surprised.

"Woke up?" The man's voice came from behind.

Tao Xinya turned her head and looked at him sitting in the chair.

He was still so handsome and elegant in a casual light blue knit sweater and trousers. His eyes were calm and unpredictable.

In an instant, Tao Xinya understood. She opened her mouth with a hoarse voice, "When did you know?"

In fact, she was not without doubt, but she had never dared to dismantle it. She deceived herself and told herself that he still didn't find out, and then...... She could use that reason to suppress her fear and guilt and stay with him.

Yuan Yurang answered honestly. "That night when you were drunk."

Tao Xinya finally understood. "That's not champagne." She always wondered how she would be drunk when she only drank champagne. It turned out that he had already been suspicious.

"Yes, it’s bartending, your drink is still so bad." Yuan Yurang pulled the corner of his mouth, his soft tone was very intimate, but his eyes were still sullen.

When he woke up, he looked at the petite body sleeping, nestled in his arms. The two were obviously so close, but he still felt that she was far away from him.

He knew she was still far from him.

Both of them were deceiving themselves. He thought that if he pretended not to find out, he could keep her; she thought that without dismantling, she could continue to maintain her calm of the surface.

He knew her as she knew him.

They were all escaping and dare not faced reality.

However, the relationship between such a block of thin ice, but also made him fear day by day, afraid that she would disappear again, and he could no longer find her.

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He didn't forget of her letting go. She didn't forget, when she left, she told herself that she would never love again.

That persistent love made her afraid, and those countless lonely days made her exhausted, even if it was sinful, she also tasted the bitter fruit.

She was afraid and tired, so she let go.

"So? What do you want to do? Do you want to retaliate against me?" Gently grabbing the bed, she pressed against her heart of apprehension, her eyes asked him.

"Retaliate?" Yuan Yurang whispered these two words, he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. "Originally, you think I want to retaliate against you?"

It turned out that his treatment of these days, carefully pampered, afraid to scare her away, afraid that she was only a dream...... He was so humble, and these were just revenge in her eyes.

It turned out that she saw him like this.

Yuan Yurang felt ridiculous, his heartache lingered on his pride, and his pride was always gone before her.

"Tao Xinya, sometimes you’re really cruel to make people hate."

His cold words made Tao Xinya shrank her shoulders. She knew that her words were excessive, but she didn't know what she should do.

In the beginning, she did have done too many wrong things. He hated her and wanted to retaliate against her.

"No, it's my fault, I spoiled you to be like this." Yuan Yurang coldly hooked his lips and his eyes condensed a storm.

"So, you were always willful, you never cared about the mood of others. You said you love me, then set me up, forced me to marry you. Then, self-determined to let go; left the divorce agreement, didn’t return when you left. You never asked me about my wishes. You walked so slickly, thinking that you died your death can end all the troubles?"

No, she didn't think so——

Tao Xinya bit her lip and couldn't say the words of excuse.

"No, you’re not dead. You have come back like this, but where were you in these two years? You knew that Haier was guilty of your death. He felt that being your brother he didn't protect you. You made my parents heartbroken, tasted the taste of white hair sent black hair first; you let me bore the reprimanded of everyone and the pain that couldn't be said...... Tao Xinya, you think you're dead, you're gone, we will be happy?"

Tao Xinya shook her head. "No...... I didn’t......"

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"Then where were you?" He asked, staring at her, and forced her to pursue the question. "Where were you in these two years? Why not come back?"

Tao Xinya opened her mouth, but she did not know what to say, her eyes were red because of his reprimand, and the tears flowed in her eyes but did not dare to fall.

Yuan Yurang stared at the tears in her eyes, and his cold face didn't have any pity. "Tao Xinya, what are you crying? Why are you crying? What are your qualifications to cry?"

Tao Xinya held back her tears, she knew that he was right, she was not qualified, how could she shed tears when she hurt everyone?

She lowered her head and her voice trembled. "I know that I have done a lot of wrong things, so I wanted to make up......"

"Make up? How to make up? Match me and Yi Lianna?" Yuan Yurang smiled, got up and went to the bed and raised her face. "Tao Xinya, have you ever asked me about my wishes?"

"I......" She didn't, but...... she panicked: "But you don't love Yi Lianna? If in the beginning, it wasn't me, you would have got married to Yi Lianna, so......"

"So," he answered, staring at her, saying one by one: "You found that I wasn't with Yi Lianna, you think I was guilty because of your death, so you want to make up for me, so you're finally willing to appear, is that right?"

Tao Xinya nodded.

Yuan Yurang asked again: "So, if you never knew that I and Yi Lianna aren't together, you wouldn't have come back?"

After hesitating, Tao Xinya nodded again.

Even if he knew this answer early, seeing she admitted, Yuan Yurang was still heartbroken. He let go of her and laughed.

That laugh, full of pain and disappointment.

"Brother Yu......" Such a he made her scared.

Yuan Yurang turned his back, no longer looked at her, he walked out of the door, coldly threw a sentence just before leaving.

"Tao Xinya, you haven't changed at all, still so selfish."

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Tao Xinya, you haven’t changed at all, still so selfish——

She, it seemed like she did something wrong.

However, was she really wrong?

Yuan Yurang's words continued to echo in Tao Xinya’s mind. Every word and every sentence made her unable to refute, she never asked his wishes.

In the name of love, she bound him.

To make up for it as an excuse, she just wanted to alleviate the sinfulness in her heart, just wanted to find a reason to approach him.

She told herself that she didn't love him; told herself to let go; tell herself, let him be happy, and blessing was also a kind of love; but what did he want? She never thought about it.

She thought she was growing up and sensible, but in love, she was still naive and self-righteous.

He was right, she was still selfish.

But what should she do? It was all wrong, what could she do?

"Huh, little girl, why are you standing here?" Haier was about to went out, but he saw Tao Xinya standing at the door, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The little girl’s eyes were red and her face was helpless.

"What's wrong? Quarrel with Ah-Rang?" No, didn't the two people still sweet yesterday?

Tao Xinya dazedly lifted her head, originally found that she had been standing at the door of the house. Even if she wanted to isolate everything in the past, she could be hurt and sad, she still only thought of her own home and thought of her brother.

For a moment, the tears that had been forbearing for a long time fell.

"Huh? Why are you crying?" Haier panicked and nervously pulled out his handkerchief. "Don't cry, you cry at the door of my house, others saw will think I bullied you."

He was just trying to make a joke, seeing if he could make the girl laugh, who knew that the girl was crying louder.

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"Mmg sob——"

Oh...... Heaven! (tenderflower: damn Haier was so funny and so gently too ><)

Haier had no choice but to get off the car and held the girl. "Er, let’s go into my house first."

Tao Xinya cried, and her brother took hold of her hand and she looked at her brother's hand. Her tears fell more, she had not been led by her brother for so long.

When she was a child, her brother took her hand like this and played with her, and her brother would followed her and smiled and took care of her.

At that time, her father was still there, and Brother Yu stood with godfather and godmother and watched them play.

She was so loved and raised, but what did she do?

She made them sad, and even decided everything selfishly, still live in the world, but did not come to them.

Tao Xinya, you are a jerk!

"Come." Haier took her into the house and asked her to sit on the sofa. He handed the paper box to her and asked with concern: "What happened? Did Ah-Rang bullied you?"

Tao Xinya shook her head, Haier grabbed his hair and was unable to find a way out for the woman's tears.

"Sigh, you, don't keep crying...... Do you want some sugar?" He took a few pieces of milk sugar from the crystal box on the table.

Tao Xinya looked at the milk sugar.

Haier was embarrassed and touched his nose. "Do you think I'm coaxing a child? My younger sister used to cry, I always coaxed her with milk candied, and then she would say......"

"One is not enough, I want two, I want soft ice-cream, strawberry cake, jasmine, remember to add a Starry Sky...... so I won’t cry."

At every word he heard, Haier’s eyes grew bigger, he looked astonished at Tao Xinya. "Y-you, how did you......"

Tao Xinya’s lips trembled and squeezed out a smile, she said to her brother, "Brother, I am Xinxin."

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