Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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Tao Xinya couldn't push him, at the time his lips affixed to hers, she felt his lips trembled, and the way he looked at her seemed to revealed fear and sorrow, which made her heart soften.

Perhaps a woman was always powerless to resist a rare, sad, fragile man, and she had never seen him like this. He was always elegant and calm in her eyes, there was nothing to stump him, what was happening, made him show such a look?

"Xinya, Xinya......" He lightly nurtured her name. He sucked her lips tightly, the tip of his tongue traced back and forth to lightly lap, then explore into her little mouth that was slightly open. The gentle kiss turned deep, wildly licking over the cheek side tender meat, found the smeared lilac, and overbearing possessed.

Turning into a fierce kiss made Tao Xinya suffocate. Her tongue was tightly sucked by him, he took her breath vigorously, and she could only be forced to swallow his taste. Her little hands could not help but grabbed his bathrobe, the tip of her nose revealed soft, seductive hum.

The soft and tender low moan was just like a prelude to temptation, and her sweetness was the apple in the witch's hand, even if it was poisonous, he still had to took it alone so no one could taste a bit.

She was his Yaya, she was not a phantom, she was in his arms, and her fragrance deepened the desire in his heart.

His palm rudely ripped open the pajamas on her body. The buttons were flying because of his rudeness, and under her open pajamas were two groups of snow breasts without a bra.

He rubbed her soft breasts, his five fingers folded, pushed, and squeezed the delicate breast meat, not in a moment, her milk-like soft skin was covered with traces of his rubbing, how beautiful her body was, he could engrave on her body, let every inch of her belonged to him.

His thumb and forefinger gripped a berry fruit, rubbed it gently, and her sensitive nipple was sharp at his fingertips. He ground her nipple, flicked his finger, and the little mouth that he kissed immediately let out a soft moan.

Wonderful moan, he wanted to hear more.

Releasing her little mouth, he buried his face in her breasts, handed two round of soft breasts to licked and sucked, his fingers gathered them, pushing and squeezing. His tongue curled into the tip of her nipples, circling around and bite lightly, spat out, then contained again. Her two nipples were sucked into bright red and wet, stained by his obscenity.

Tao Xinya had long been teased to breathe in confusion, watching her own breasts being played by his evil. Her heart was full of shame, but her body seemed to be on fire, and her private parts faintly flowed out the strange and familiar moist.

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Her pajama pants were pulled down, and the man's hand touched the slightly wet panties without surprised. "Bad girl, only play with your chest and you’re wet." He gnawed on her soft breast and looked at her badly.

Tao Xinya shyly didn’t open her eyes and wanted to push him away, the man's hand tightened around her tighter.

"Hush...... don't hide, I like you to be wet for me." He whispered, his sexy voice was like a demon's bewitching, and his fingers pressing against the flower heart through her thin panties.

Yuan Yurang gently kissed her little mouth, the tip of his tongue licked her lilac, with a soft, seductive voice to coaxed her. "Be obedient, open your legs and let me touch you."

Tao Xinya blushed, her body was shy, trembling, and obediently opened her legs.

"Good girl." He kissed her, his forefinger pressed her little panties against the flower mouth, he lightly poked, and the wet cloth sinking slightly into her little hole.

The delicate tender flower mouth couldn't withstand the rough cloth dawdled, and her delicate thin brows couldn't help but lightly twisted.

Yuan Yurang, who was unwilling to part and the baby in his arms was uncomfortable, reached out and pulled down her thin panties, his fingertips directly touched the wet meat petals, picked and ticked with the honey liquid.

He plucked the tender meat, gently and slowly rubbing. His fingertip gently stabbed the fragile flower mouth but did not enter, only rubbed up and down friction in the meat stitch, occasionally grasped the bead, pulling and let go.

This kind of grinding teased, how could the underripe Tao Xinya put up with it? She rubbed against him hard, her little mouth let out the difficult to bear delicate moans, and her love liquid also flowed out gently because of desire, completely wet his hand.

Passionate little thing!

"What's wrong? Don't you like me to touch you here?" He asked, his fingers twisted and rubbed the flower bead, then pressed and rubbed heavily.

"Aahn!" The sudden stimuli made her moan. "L-like......"

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She only just finished speaking, and he let go of the pistil bead.

"No......" Tao Xinya eagerly grabbed his hand to prevented him from leaving.

Yuan Yurang smiled lightly. He bit her white jade little ear and lightly asked: "Wants me to touch here gently, or a little heavier? Hmm?"

Tao Xinya bit her lip, hesitated, still was unable to resist her body's desire. "A-a little heavier......" Once finished speaking, she closed her eyes in shame.

"Honest girl." Rewarded her honesty, Yuan Yurang no longer teased her. His fingers clasped the bead, he caressed heavily; his long finger was on the nectar, piercing into the tight flower mouth.

"Nnng......" She lightly groaned; the young and tender flower meat contracted by the sudden entry. It was not uncomfortable, but it had a strange feeling.

The wetness of her tight flower hole made the man's eyes turned deep. He twitched his long finger and heavily ground the dense flower meat; his thumb did not forget to pressed and rubbed the red pistil bead.

The stimulation on both sides made her tender torso dyed extraordinary red. Her soft moan hurriedly up, only to drew a few, Tao Xinya firmly grasped to the man's bathrobe. Her cheeks blushed deepened, revealing the tender and beautiful of the woman. Her abundant love liquid gushed out from her private parts, and she fell softly in his arms.

Gently kissed her powder forehead that suffused with thin sweat, Yuan Yurang took out his finger, picked her up and placed her on the desk, he set up her legs, in the center of her legs that was pulled apart, was the petals that flowed out of the dense honeydew.

Under the fine black hair, the slightly opened flower stitch puffed up the delicate and tender pink. The meat petals gently trembled, as if excitedly waiting to be entered, and the flower dew tempted to drawn the fragrant.

Yuan Yurang pulled off the waist strap of his bathrobe, the desire below his abdomen had long been erected, wanting to enter her, he buckled her buttocks and pressed the tip of his thick manhood against the slightly opened petals.

Feeling scorching firmness, Tao Xinya who was still in the climax was puzzled to lower her head, and her body was instantly penetrated. "Ah!" The pain made her scream, her flower hole tightened, the pleasure all disappeared, leaving only pain.

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"Don't...... It hurts......" She pushed his chest, and the pain made her tears fell incessantly.

She didn’t know that her tightness and rejection were just the thoughts of a man deeper encroachment. Instead of withdrawing, the tip of his thick length squeezed deeper into it, piercing through the film of purity and entering the deepest part——

"Sob......" The blood of virgin gushed out, the pain made Tao Xinya grievously cry. She was no stranger to such pains. In the depths of her memory, she had been rudely penetrated by such a man. At that time she also cried, but she did not regret, because she got him.

"Yaya, Yaya, no crying, Yaya......" The man kissed the tears on her face and extremely doting to coaxed her.

She stared at the man in astonishment but saw that the eyes of the man were chaotic, as if drunk.

Right, she remembered the bottle of whiskey that was half-drink. Tao Xinya was relaxed, but then she glanced at the silver light on his neck.

The necklace on his neck was ringed with a ring, and Tao Xinya looked at the ring, which was a pair with the ring on his finger —— it was the wedding ring she had pulled out.

He was wearing it...... Tao Xinya’s hand trembled, held the ring, and her tears fell more.

Fool! Such an insignificant thing why bound himself. She was not worthy of him doing this!

Tao Xinya’s heart was full of pain looking at the man in front of her, she could no longer resist, could no longer suppress herself.

"Bro...... Brother Yu." She cried, holding him and calling him. "Brother Yu...... Brother Yu......"

"Yaya......" He kissed her, started pumping, one after another, from gentle to wild intense, entering, withdrawing, and entering again and again.

"Mbmg Nhnn......" The two people’s lips and tongues were fervently intertwined, desperately swallowing each other saliva and breath. Tao Xinya opened up her body for him, lifted her round buttocks, and catering to his sprint.

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The tender flower meat contracted by him and flowed out the honey-blood mixed. Naturally, it was the purity she had given him, as she remembered in her memory, she didn’t regret it.

She had, only heartache, heartache toward him.

She embraced him and wrapped him in her own wetness. She wanted to soothe his pain, let him stop suffering, and restored him who is confident and proud.

Brother Yu......

She allowed him to took possession again and again. Her tender torso was filled with his traces, her body was full of his smell.

"Mng Mfnh......" Tao Xinya bit her lip lying on the desk; standing occupied from behind, the man still pumped into her flower hole. His palms moved forward and gripped her snow breasts, pushing, pinching, and squeezing her smooth and soft fragrance.

His sweaty chest was attached on her snow back, he nibbled on her fine shoulder, like a voracious and insatiable beast, filling her tender flower below her body with his body fluid. He turned her to him, occupied her, the thick and sticky love liquid of the two linked their bodies, and each entry and exit forcing out strong juice.

He rubbed the already bloodshot meat on the flower mouth, made her squeaking under his body, then erupted, letting the burning hot essence sprayed, and then invading again.

Not enough...... all of her, he hadn't enough at all.

He kissed her opened whimpering lips, even if she cried for mercy, he would not let go.

Yaya...... He cried out to her with greed.

She was not a phantom.

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