Chapter 8 (Part 2)

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Yi Lianna straightened her back and looked at Yuan Yurang. "Let's talk!"

Yi Lianna looked at the elegant and chic garden. She thought when she was brought to his home by Yuan Yurang, she stood in the garden, he took her hand and announced to his family that she was his girlfriend.

At that time, she stood confidently by him. The two looked at each other and smiled. How much sweet in them until a touch of the figure pushed her away, and hugged Yuan Yurang.

"Brother Yu? Why did you get a girlfriend? Then what about me? What about Yaya?" The girl said as she stared at her, and every act and every move was full of possessiveness.

She was surprised by the girl's rude behavior, but what was surprised her even more was Yuan Yurang, that loved and indulgent smile.

He touched the girl's head and spoiled, pampering tunnel: "Silly girl, of course, you are still Brother Yu’s Yaya. To have many more people love you, no good?"

"Don't, don't! I don't want." Tao Xinya willfully cried, "As long as I have Brother Yu, don’t want others!"

From then on, Yi Lianna was regarded as an enemy.

For the arrogant girl, Yi Lianna didn't have any good feelings. Yuan Yurang swearing that she was just a little girl and would grow up to be sensible.

But she knew that the girl looked at him with a woman's eyes, which made it difficult for her to treat the girl as a child who was not sensible.

When she was with Yuan Yurang, the girl always deliberately intervened, looking for various excused for Yuan Yurang to be by her side, and Yuan Yurang always tolerated. Sometimes angry at the girl's excessive willfulness, but always not angry for too long. As long as the girl gave a soft gesture and apologized to him, he would be soft.

Yi Lianna had never seen Yuan Yurang treated any women like this, not even to her. Their love was rational, she had always been independent, to Yuan Yurang she had never been capricious, and spoiled.

Therefore, when Yuan Yurang broke up with her, she was angry, but she did not let go of her pleading; she loved him after all, and finally, she was reluctant to give up and insisted on being with him.

They are still friends…...just friends.

She looked up at the sky and gently opened her mouth. "I remember that we were originally engaged in this garden."

Yuan Yurang stood behind her and didn’t answer.

"At that time, when I heard your proposal, I was really happy. I thought that the happiness I was waiting for had finally arrived. I didn't expect…..." She smiled and for a long time she asked: "Have you ever loved me?"

"Loved." Otherwise, he would not ask to marry her.

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She knew; she knew that he loved her, just…... "Just…... love her more, wasn’t it?" He didn't know, but she saw it clearly.

For the girl who was arrogant and wayward, he was indulging, endless pampering, holding her in the palm of his hand and spoiled.

The way he looked at the girl, his eyes were so gentle, as if the girl was a unique treasure, and he never looked at her with that kind of look.

However, she had not said anything.

She didn’t know anything, but in the end the happiness she hoped for still disappeared because of the girl. She was not reconciled, why did the girl have everything?

Therefore, she wanted to take back Yuan Yurang!

At last, the girl was gone, she would never take back Yuan Yurang, a dead person, how was she going to do it?

In the two years of Tao Xinya’s departure, Yuan Yurang was as if he had left with her. In the first few months, he was drunk every day and shouted the girl’s name.

Later on, he started to work hard to prevent himself from having any emptiness. His addiction to cigarettes increased, and his sleep became shorter, he ignored his body, like being chronically suicidal.

And she took all of them into her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Yuan Yurang's apology came from behind her.

"You don't need to apologize to me, you didn't owe me anything, just like you said, our love disappeared as early as the breakup." She just not willingly, only insisted on waiting, actually, in her heart, it was not unaware that they couldn’t go back to the past long ago?

The satisfaction was no longer as simple as it was in the past, and they have a flaw in their hearts.

"The Eastern girl is not Tao Xinya." However, he smiled so happily in front of the girl; she hadn’t seen him so happy for a long time. "Don't use people as substitutes."

"I know."

"I won’t resign."

This, Yuan Yurang was not surprised, she never let private affairs affect her business, this was her pride. "Without you in the business, I will be in troubles."

Yi Lianna lightly hummed, of course, she knew how important her ability was to him."I want to be alone." Then she heard the sound of footsteps leaving.

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The tears that had been forbearing had finally fallen, her pride had not allowed her to be vulnerable in front of people, but at this moment she could no longer resist, covered her face, and cried.

She really loved him, but he didn’t belong to her. She had always been a supporting character in this love.

A handkerchief was handed over to her in front of her——

Haier stood in front of her and looked at her with heartache.

"He!" She chuckled, wiping the tears from her face. "You have seen my ugly face.” (tenderflower: this line got me LOL. If any of you’ve watched “The Wallflower” anime then you’ll know why it’s funny…. haha)

"It doesn't matter, you cry when you want to cry."

The gentle words forced out her tears, she threw herself into Haier’s arms, whimpered and cry bitterly.

Haier gently embraced her, embracing the woman he had loved for so long.

Yuan Yurang stood behind the tree because he was worried about Yi Lianna, he did not leave, but after seeing Haier appeared, he smiled and turned away, but he saw his mother standing behind him.

He did not speak, followed his mother to the study, and Yuan Chenghong was waiting for him in the study.

Yuan Yurang’s look was unchanged.

Chen Anmei looked at her son and said bluntly: "Ah-Rang, I won’t let you be with Xin girl."

Tao Xinya was left for the night. This time she was not sleeping in her room in the Yuan house, but the guest room.

She was sensitive enough to sense that the atmosphere wasn't right.

First of all, Yi Lianna's eyes were red, as if she had cried, and her godfather and godmother's faces were not good. Her brother looked at her eyes strangely, and Brother Yu was cold.

What happened? (tenderflower: you were left in the dark lol...)

Tao Xinya was puzzled but did not dare to ask. Godmother took her to the guest room, looked at her eyes and wanted to say something but then hesitated. Finally, didn't say anything, just asked her to go to bed early and left.

Could it be that everyone wasn't in good conditions had something to do with her?

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Tao Xinya frowned and thought about it, but she couldn't think of anything. As a result, she couldn't sleep well at night and finally wake up for thirst.

Going out of bed with a pair of slippers, she had to go to the kitchen to pour herself some water. When she passed the study, she saw the door was ajar and the light was flowing.

Who hadn't slept this late?

Tao Xinya probed a glimpse but saw Yuan Yurang sitting behind the desk, smoking a cigarette, a bottle of Whiskey and a wineglass on the table, and the Whiskey bottle was already half empty. (tenderflower:  What's Visa card bottle? I wonder if it means whiskey….? The Chinese characters are not Whiskey…. Okay, I'll just change it to Whiskey :D)

She frowned, and Yuan Yurang also found her.

He put out his cigarette "So late, still not sleep?"

The dim light made Tao Xinya unable to see the expression on his face, but from the low voice, she could feel that his mood was not good.

She couldn't help but care. "What happened to you?"

Yuan Yurang didn't answer, just looking at her standing at the door. In the silent night, she was like an angel.

"Come here."

Tao Xinya hesitated, walked into the study and came to the desk, only to find that he only wore a bathrobe, she stopped.

Yuan Yurang reached out and pulled her into his arms. His arms wrapped around her waist, his face buried in her snow-white neck, and he sniffed her body fragrance.

Tao Xinya wanted to push him away, but his actions made her unbearable. For the first time, she saw this kind of Brother Yu. "What’s wrong?"

Yuan Yurang closed his eyes and embraced her more tightly, thinking about his conversation with his parents in the study.

"Ah-Rang, any women will do, but not Xin girl."

"Why?" Yuan Yurang looked at his mother.

"Xin girl is still little, and...... she is not Xinxin." The son had lived up to two women, she couldn’t let Xin girl became one of them.

She was! She was Yaya!

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"I know you take Xin girl as Xinxin." Chen Anmei knew her son, from the eyes of her son, she knew what he was thinking. "But she is not, Xinxin is dead, Xin girl is not a substitute, don't take her as a phantom of Xinxin!"

Phantom? She was not! She was definitely not a phantom!

"Son, your mother is right, Xin girl is not for you......"

"Who is suitable then? Yi Lianna?" He looked at his parents and said coldly: "I wanted to marry Yi Lianna that year, and you stopped me. It was Mom who threatened me with health. You wanted me to marry Yaya, I did marry, and the result? Now, you said that Xinya is not suitable for me, saying that I had made her as a phantom of Yaya. How do you know that she is a phantom? And no......" (tenderflower: lol YYR's unleashing his resentment... )

He clenched his teeth for the rest of the words. "In short, I’ll handle my affair myself." After saying this, regardless of the expression of his parents, he turned and left.

For the first time he spoke to his parents, he knew how sad they would be, but he couldn't control himself.

Phantom? How could she be a phantom? She was clearly in his arms.

Yuan Yurang locked the softness in his arms, he feared that she would disappear in his arms, and it would be like his mother said, he was fantasizing.

Tao Xinya looked at him with worry, and her little hand stroked his arm. "Broth...... Mr. Yuan, what happened to you? Are you not in a good mood?"

"Xinya...... you’re real, right?" he asked lowly, with hidden uneasiness in his voice.

Tao Xinya was slightly startled, "What?" She didn't understand what he meant.

"You’re real...... it’s not my dream, right?" He rubbed her snow neck, greedily kissed the fragrance of her body, the fragrance of Yaya.

Dream? Tao Xinya frowned, "Mr. Yuan, are you drunk?" Would say these strange words.

Drunk......Yuan Yurang looked up at her, the innocent face in front of him was not his Yaya, but her eyes were the same —— pure and full of trust.

If he was drunk, he didn’t want to wake up.

However, Yuan Yurang knew that he was not drunk, she was real in his arms —— he wanted her to be real!

"Xinya...... My Xinya......" His palm touched her little face, he slowly approached her, looking into her eyes, hidden the slightly petty and low longing, anxious to find a trace of comfort, and kissed her softly.

She was not a phantom, not......

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