Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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It was hard to decorate the Christmas tree and the sky was getting dark.

Looking at the bright and shining Christmas tree, Tao Xinya clasped her hands together, she liked it very much.


"Hmm?" She smiled and turned her head.

With a click sound, Yuan Yurang took a picture of her with his mobile phone —— when she decorated the Christmas tree, he would help her and also took pictures of her with the Christmas tree.

The smile on Tao Xinya’s face was slightly stiff.

Yuan Yurang looked at the picture on the phone and shook his head and said, "Your face is round." This words easily dispelled the consternation that rose in the heart of Tao Xinya.

She rushed forward and grabbed his mobile phone. "Delete it!" She just hated this fleshy face.

Yuan Yurang took his mobile phone high with his height and his arm held her, who voluntarily threw herself. "Come, let's take a picture."

"No! Give me the phone!" Tao Xinya jumped, but couldn't grab the phone. "Delete that picture!"

"No, I want to use it as my mobile phone wallpaper."


"Cough cough...... Young Master, sorry to bother." Roy coughed lightly in a timely manner. "Young Master Haier and Miss Yi Lianna are here."

The two stopped their movements and looked at the door.

Haier looked at the two with surprised, and while Yi Lianna's look was slightly cold.

"Haier?" Seeing Haier, Chen Anmei was surprised and delighted. She saw Haier from childhood to big, as her own son, Haier unexpectedly came.

Since the death of Xinxin, he and the Yuan house had broken off.

"Hey, godmother, you’re still young and beautiful." Haier went to Chen Anmei and bent over to kiss her face.

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"Stinky boy! For so long you hadn’t come to see the godmother, godmother thought you were out of the godmother." Chen Anmei beat Haier's chest and her eyes were filled with tears.

"No, don’t cry, godmother." Haier panicked and was alarmed. "I don't want to be beaten by godfather, godfather, it's not my fault that godmother cried." He looked up and complained to Yuan Chenghong.

Yuan Chenghong snorted and laughed with his always serious face. "Not come in yet!"

"Yes, dinner is ready. This dish is made by me. Haier, you have to eat more." Chen Anmei took her son's hand.

"Whoa! I haven't eaten the food that godmother made for a long time. I have to eat a few more bowls." Haier exclaimed exaggeratedly.

Chen Anmei was teased by him and she did not forget to pull Yi Lianna. "Welcome, Yi Lianna, don't be polite, just treat it as your own home."

"Thank you, Aunt Mei." Yi Lianna smiled.

The group walked to the dining room. Tao Xinya had been stalking Haier. When she sat down at the table, Haier was sitting opposite her.

And Yuan Yurang sat next to her, and opposite him was Yi Lianna.

Chen Anmei looked at her son uneasily, and Yuan Chenghong gently pulled his wife, secretly shook his head.

The atmosphere was a bit strange, and Haier took the lead in breaking the silence. "Wow! It's Chinese food! I haven't eaten Chinese food for a long time, and I miss the craftsmanship of the godmother."

Chen Anmei smiled and clipped a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs to Haier. "You like then eat more, the godmother is preparing a lot, Yi Lianna, you also eat." She also clipped a piece of beef to Yi Lianna.

"Tao Xinya, don't be a picky eater." Yuan Yurang looked unpleasantly at the green pepper which was picked by Tao Xinya to the small plate.

When she heard the name said by Yuan Yurang, the chopsticks in Yi Lianna’s hand fell, and she looked at Yuan Yurang with surprise. "Yu, what did you just call Bella?"

"Tao Xinya." Yuan Yurang said faintly. "Her Chinese name is Tao Xinya."

How could it…... Yi Lianna looked at Tao Xinya with astonishment.

"Oh, Yi Lianna, are you scared? I was scared when I heard it, too. I didn't expect someone to has the same name as Xinxin's, but Xinxin had passed away, she is not Xinxin." Haier smiled and looked at Yuan Yurang. " Ah-Rang, is that right?"

Yuan Yurang was not angry, he gently rubbed the head of Tao Xinya, smiling.

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Tao Xinya looked at the two nervously. "Don't quarrel!" Wasn't it fine just a moment ago? How come suddenly got a conflict.

Seeing the worried of Tao Xinya's appearance, Haier was slightly dazed. When he thought he had a dispute with Yuan Yurang, Xinxin was watching them nervously and asked them not to quarrel.

"Xinxin, don't be afraid, your brother didn't quarrel with Ah-Rang." The words couldn’t help but blurt out, and Haier was immediately stunned. He was embarrassed to squeeze out a smile. "Sorry."

Chen Anmei hurriedly made a call, let the servant took a pair of clean chopsticks to Yi Lianna. "Alright, alright, eat quickly, the dishes are getting cold."

Everyone continued to dine, but around the table was silent.

Tao Xinya watched everyone, she couldn't stand the quiet atmosphere, was it not Christmas today?

She looked up at Roy and said: "Roy, can you please help me with my bag?"

"Alright, Miss." Roy bowed down his body and took her bag to her.

"Thank you." Tao Xinya smiled at Roy and took a small gift box from the bag to Roy. "Roy, this is for you, Merry Christmas."

Roy froze and reached for the gift. "Thank you, Miss...... Can I open it?"

"Of course, but it’s not very an expensive thing." Tao Xinya was very embarrassed, she was very poor now, couldn't afford to buy too good things.

Roy opened to have a look, it was a Dutch Doll wearing a black suit, at first glance, it looked like Roy. Roy smiled at Tao Xinya and saluted. "Miss, thank you, I like it very much."

Hearing Roy said that he liked it, Tao Xinya smiled and squinted, and then took a packaged gift box to Chen Anmei. "Aunt Mei, this is your and Uncle Hong."

Chen Anmei and her husband glanced at each other. Chen Anmei opened the gift and took out two identical beige scarves, below there were two hearts.

"This is a lover scarf!" Tao Xinya said. "Aunt Mei and Uncle Hong can wear and go out together when they walk!"

Chen Anmei blushed and stared at her. "Little girl, what age are your Uncle Hong and me!" But the smile on her face showed that she liked it very much.

"What? You think I’m old?" Yuan Chenghong was dissatisfied and looked at his wife affectionately. "In my eyes, you're as beautiful as when I knew you. Girl, your Aunt Mei, and Uncle Hong defeated a bunch of loved enemies very hard to get married." He showed off to Tao Xinya.

"What are you talking about in front of your children?"Chen Anmei shyly hit her husband. Although she was more than fifty years old, the appearance of shyness was still beautiful and moving so that Yuan Chenghong looked and laughing ha ha ha.

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Suddenly, the dullness in the dining room was swept away. Haier deliberately teased Chen Anmei and held his chest to make a fascinating look.

"Oh…... godmother, your appearance of blushing is so beautiful that it makes my heart thumping. It's no wonder that godfather loves you for decades."

Then he provoked Chen Anmei to pinched him a dozen of time, and Haier cried out in pain.

In the laughter, Yuan Yurang reached out his hand toward Tao Xinya and was unceremoniously eager to ask. "Where is my gift?"

Tao Xinya shot him a white glance and took out a gift to him. "Here!"

Yuan Yurang opened it and saw a pair of black knit gloves. He touched the gloves and his handsome face smiled softly. "Thank you." Seeing her eyes hesitantly aiming at Haier, he raised his eyebrows and deliberately looked at her bag.

"Huh? There is still a gift in your bag, who is it for? You’re not going to give me two gifts, are you?"

So speaking, he was going to take the gift out from her bag.

"This is not for you!" Tao Xinya hurriedly guarded and blurted out in an emergency. "This is for Mr. Haier!"

Haier was surprised. "I have one, too?"

Tau Xinya bit her lip and stared angrily at Yuan Yurang for a moment. She looked at her brother and her hand trembled to gave him the gift.

Haier took the gift and opened it, it was a dark green glove. It happened to be the color he liked. He looked at the girl with the same name as his younger sister, he seemed to see his younger sister. "Thank you, Xinxin, I like it very much."

Tao Xinya lowered her head and tried to hold back the tears in her eyes. "You're welcome, I want to thank you for the milk candy you sent me last time. It was delicious."

He sent her milk sugar…... Haier looked at someone. The milk candy was obviously someone who broke into his house, and even didn’t asked the owner and just took it. It turned out to be given to this little girl.

Haier looked at his friend. Yuan Yurang looked at the little girl’s eyes and did not hide his love. He couldn’t help but look at Yi Lianna and was worried.

What was Yuan Yurang thinking?

Taking advantage of the meal, Haier took Yuan Yurang to the balcony and asked directly: "Ah-Rang, what is going on with you and that little girl?"

Yuan Yurang took out the cigarette from his arm and gave one to Haier.

Haier reached out and took it and lit it with a lighter. He took a drag and threw the lighter to Yuan Yurang.

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Yuan Yurang played with the lighter, didn't ignite the cigarette, just biting. "This lighter is sent to you by Yaya."

"Mm, don't think I will give it to you." After Xinxin's death, Yuan Yurang once wanted to snatch his lighter. How was Haier willing? Some of his younger sister's things, no one could take it, especially the man in front! In the beginning, he hated Yuan Yurang to the bone.

"He!" Yuan Yurang chuckled. "Haier, I and Yi Lianna are impossible."

Haier frowned. "Because of that girl? Ah-Rang, that's just a little girl, how can she compare to Yi Lianna? You don't love Yi Lianna? She waited for you for so long, you even desolated yourself because of her to leave Xinxin…..."

"I didn't leave Yaya cold because of Yi Lianna, but because of her betrayal." Yuan Yurang lit the cigarette in his mouth and blew out smoke. "Haier, you know my personality, you know that I hate being threatened by coercion, and Yaya had made my bottom line."

"I know, that was Xinxin's fault." Wasn't it because of this that he ripped his face off with his younger sister and stopped being in contact with her? "You don't need to feel guilty for Xinxin…..."

"Not guilty." Yuan Yurang interrupted him. "It’s never been."

Haier was surprised and looked at the expression on his friend's face. He instantly realized it. "Could it be you… is it possible? But at that time toward Xinxin, you......"

Yuan Yurang smiled bitterly. "Yaya died, I only realized I love her, but it's too late…... Haier, I and Yi Lianna ended early. It was over when we said broke up."

"But Yi Lianna, she still loves you! And Xinxin is dead…... that little girl is not Xinxin!" They only had the same name.

Yuan Yurang couldn't explain to Haier, he could only shoot Haier's shoulder. "Haier, Yaya was braver than you."

"What did you say?"

"At least she dared to pursue." Although the method was wrong.

Haier looked at Yuan Yurang with amazement. Yuan Yurang smiled and returned the lighter to him.

"You didn't say, I treated it as I didn't know, but after so many years, you still haven't acted."

He shook his head and patted Haier's shoulder again. "Haier, love cannot wait."

After saying this, he walked out of the balcony but saw Yi Lianna stood behind the curtains.

"Yi Lianna!" Haier also saw her, and her pale face made him worry. "You have been standing here?" Then he and Ah-Rang's conversation…...

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