Chapter 7 (Part 2)

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What was the situation now? Tao Xinya was completely at a loss.

When Tao Xinya had time to calm down, she had become Yuan Yurang's girlfriend. In less than a day, it got spread throughout the entire Shigeweier.

Tao Xinya didn't know how the news came out, she became an actress. The school daughters were gnashing their teeth, and the boys were completely heartbroken.

Their Oriental Doll was robbed, although the other was an old man, the conditions were too good, not to mention the noble family, the single handsome appearance made them lost. (tenderflower: LOL is he really old? )

Then, this anecdote passed from school to the upper class, and finally, even the gossip magazine knew it.

The famous good-natured man of the noble family fell in love with the poor Cinderella. This kind of love like a fairy tale was more eye-catching than anything else. Especially the rumored about the famous good-natured man and the secretary was his girlfriend for a long time.

The confusing love triangle led people to guess, at the school, some people were sour and said that foxes in the East were really high, and those who were in love were crying that their Angel Doll was abducted.

In just one day, Tao Xinya heard various versions of gossips, which made her party cried and laughed.

The most surprising thing was that Niya, she took Tao Xinya to ask if those things that were circulating were true?

Tao Xinya didn't know what to say. In fact, she didn't know what Yuan Yurang was thinking. In the end, she could only say that she couldn't go to the Christmas party, she was going to the Yuan house.

She knew how much Niya was looking forward to this Christmas party, and she had been helping her to pick a male partner and estimate which male was suitable.

When she heard that Tao Xinya had to go to the Yuan house for Christmas, Niya screamed.

"Oh! My God, Xinxin, that Yuan Yurang was really chasing you! I'd said, my family, Xinxin is so cute, which man would not like it? What is the Christmas party! Which stupid little devils are comparable to Yuan Yurang? Not to mention the property of the family, the single look and the imposing manner at once is inferior to many."

Yuan family! That was the big shots within the big shots, and Yuan Yurang was, how many women love the noble son. Although married but that charming charm was not diminished at all!

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"Are you going to the Yuan house for Christmas wearing like that?" Niya stared at the yellow sweater and denim skirt of Tao Xinya. The hair was tied into a ponytail and the baby doll’s fat face. She had a feeling of fainting.

How could one seduce a man with this kind of next-door-neighbor younger sister style?

Niya, who couldn't stand it, called her exclusive designer to came over. "Right, remember to bring a few popular dresses of the season, don't be too mature." The face of Xinxin was not suitable for mature style!

"The height is about 155, the circumference is 32, 25, 36…... Yes, the child's body shape, match the shoes, don't forget, 35 shoe size!"

Then, despite the protested of Tao Xinya, she took off her cheap clothes and helped her dress up with the designer who came.

Finally, Tao Xinya was late for half an hour. She panicked downstairs, holding a pink bag, and was ill at ease, stood in front of Yuan Yurang.

"I-I am sorry, I’m late." Running over her breath still a bit anxious.

Yuan Yurang looked at her with raised eyebrows. She wore a nude little furry hat, her chestnut curly hair was released, she was covered with a bare pink double-breasted cloak, wearing brown high-heeled boots, her little face was reddish due to running, watery eyes, and her little mouth coated with lip gloss…...

In this way, she smeared a feminine and charming taste. Between the girl and the woman between infantile obscure honey peach, very easy to arouse the desire of men to pick.

Yuan Yurang hugged her and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

"Mmn......" Tao Xinya softly groaned; the sudden kiss made her unable to react. Her mouth tasted the familiar man's breath, the tip of his hot tongue swept every inch of her petal-like lips, licked cleaned her little mouth coated with lip gloss, then he let go of her.

"That’s much better." Looking at her breathless, he kissed her little mouth a few more mouthfuls. He loved such clean lips. Her coquettish, as long as he'd seen, it's good!

His fingers stroked her cheek, he was satisfied that her little face, except for her lip gloss, didn’t have any extra powder. Her skin was fine and she didn’t need any makeup.

Opened the door and let her get in the car, Yuan Yurang entered the driver seat, stepped on the gas pedal, turned the steering wheel in one hand, and held her hand in the right hand.

"Who helped you dress up?" The clothes on her were brand-name and all new. He didn't think she would buy this dress for today.

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"Niya insisted that I wear it. She also said that I was resentful and would only be bitter at school."

Yuan Yurang’s face was immediately cold. "Who resented you?" Could his little princess be bullied?

Tao Xinya didn't find his displeasure and was still unhappy to complain. "Not because of you! I don't know why the school rumors said I was your girlfriend…... I hate it. I don't know who spread it!"

Of course, he let people passed it. She was his. How could he give people a chance? Those stinky devils were better off her.

But her words displeased him, holding her hand tightened."Rumors? Is that a rumor?" He stopped at the red light and looked at her in cold eyes.

Seeing that he seemed to be angry, Tao Xinya shoulders shrank, lowered her eyes and didn’t dare to utter.

Yuan Yurang lightly snorted, grabbed her hand and took a bite.

"Ah!" He bit hard, Tao Xinya lightly yelped, wanted to pull back her hand, but he didn’t allow. "Tao Xinya, you said, are you my girlfriend?"

"I-I…..." Tao Xinya responded evasively, she didn't know how to return. The corner of her eye saw the green light, she hurriedly said: "G-green light."

Who knew that Yuan Yurang ignored it and still looked at her persistently, that was, he wanted her to say the answer.

The car in the rear saw the car in front didn’t move and pressed the horn.

Tao Xinya turned her head and saw the car that was blocked behind, the horn sounded constantly, and some people stretched their heads, she was anxious. "The car behind is urging…..."

Seeing that he still ignored, she reluctantly bit her lip, and saw someone had got off in the car at the back, she quickly said, "Yes! I am your girlfriend! Quickly drive!" If the thing about Brother Yu blocked the street was reported, it would definitely affect his reputation.

Seeing her anxiety, the light in Yuan Yurang’s eyes flashed, finally stepping on the accelerator.

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Tao Xinya expelled a breath and he took her look into his eyes. The corner of his lips gently hooked.

His Yaya was still very concerned about him.

Arrived at the Yuan house, Chen Anmei was very happy to see Tao Xinya, even Yuan Chenghong was very happy with the arrival of this cheerful little girl.

Chen Anmei pulled Tao Xinya to accompany them to have breakfast. She saw the appearance of godfather and godmother happy, Tao Xinya felt that it was right for her to came.

After breakfast, Tao Xinya was pulled by Yuan Yurang to decorate the Christmas tree.

She took off her cloak, wore a pink high-waisted dress, an elegant short skirt, the long sleeves were rolled with white lace, and the babydoll design made her small chest became concentrated, her waist was tightened and made her petite body became slender. Niya had dressed her beautiful but didn’t lose her original sweetness.

Done with decorating below then came to the upper part, Tao Xinya stepped on the stairs, and then she was shocked that she wore a skirt, she looked down in haste.

And the man who stood below to handed something looked up and saw her lowering her head and raised his eyebrows. "What happened?"

He dared to ask her what happened? She didn't believe he didn't see it!

Tao Xinya slid her legs together, pressed her skirt, with a red face staring at him.

Yuan Yurang suddenly realized and appeased her. "Reassured, I won't let people come here. No one will see it."

Was he not a person? (tenderflower: lol maybe not...)

"You turn around for me." She was ashamed and angry.

He had a face of innocence. "If I turn around, who will give you something?"

"Tell Sally to come here!" Sally was a maid who had been in the Yuan family for a long time, but several times Tao Xinya came to the Yuan house she didn't meet Sally. Now in panicked she blurted out, she didn't notice the wrong, but Yuan Yurang clearly knew that she was exposed.

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But he didn’t tear her down, still teased her. "No, I have to help you personally."

"Yuan Yurang!" Tao Xinya stomped her feet, the appearance of her red face was not lethal at all, instead extremely adorable.

Yuan Yurang laughed.

"You still laugh? Don't laugh!"

And in the living room, they looked at the two people fighting. The Yuan family two oldies looked at each other, full of surprise.

They hadn't seen their son so happy for a long time!

"Master, you said Ah-Rang, he couldn’t......" Chen Anmei looked at her husband worriedly.

Yuan Chenghong sucked the pipe and patted his wife's hand to made her not think too much. “No, the little girl is so much younger than Ah-Rang."

"But last time, Ah-Rang let the girl stayed in Xinxin’s room." Since the death of Xinxin, their son wouldn't allow others to move the room, even if the servant went in to sort out, could not arbitrarily move any decorations in the room, everything must remain the same.

But last time, Ah-Rang let the little girl slept in Xinxin’s room, which surprised her and her husband, and now looked at the attitude of Ah-Rang to the girl. This Christmas tree Ah-Rang only let Xinxin touched, but now let the girl decorated…... This taught her how to think less?

"Maybe because the girl's name is the same as Xinxin's, and the girl is so flattering, maybe Ah-Rang turns the girl into Xinxin."

Chen Anmei was even more worried when she heard her husband's words.

"The girl is not Xinxin, and what about Yi Lianna? She had been waiting for my son for so many years! No, I have to talk to my son." Chen Anmei was about to get up.

Yuan Chenghong pulled his wife. "No rush. Let's say later. It's rare for my son to be so happy, don't spoil the atmosphere."

Chen Anmei looked at the noisy two people. Really, she hadn’t seen the smile on her son’s face for a long time, since Xinxin’s death…...

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