Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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It was a man to woman kiss.

The tongue of the man was full of plundering, licking every inch in her little mouth, without giving her any chance to escaped from his chewing, sucking on her small pink tongue, clasping her tightly in his palm, the burning man's smell oppressed her, leaving her unable to breathe, but also unable to refuse.

Tao Xinya could only surrender weakly, her little hands unconsciously grabbed his clothes, the breath of her nose was exhaled messily, almost softly sticking to the man's chest, her little mouth was almost numb by his kiss.

The suppleness and sweetness of the girl immediately evoked the desire of the man to dip a finger, especially that inadvertently sent out the small calling of birds to enjoin, as pitiful as a kitten, but also made people wanted to bully her even more.

Yuan Yurang didn't want to endure his desired. He had longed for her for a long time. When he knew that she was his Yaya, he wanted to hold her into his arms and proved that this was not his own illusion.

The entangled kiss was fierce, he wanted to swallow her, and Tao Xinya couldn’t resist. When she was kissed, she fell into a mistake, she was then dragged into the adult’s kiss and lost, she could barely find her breath, just wouldn’t let herself faint in the kiss.

She didn’t know that such a lingering kiss had been integrated into lust. The man sucked heavily on her tongue, not allowed refusal to seize all of her, the young girl’s tender body trembled couldn't resist.

Yuan Yurang pulled the girl into his arms and let her sat on his lap. The close body made him smell the clean fragrance of her body, such a pure fragrance made people wanted to destroy, dyed of men tasted.

He gnawed on her slightly swollen little mouth, and his big hand plunged under her sweater, holding a soft breast through her bra.

Her size was petite, her soft breast in his hand was just enough for the man to master. Yuan Yurang liked this feeling, especially her skin was as smooth as milk, and a slight force would print with traces.

The last time he helped her changed her pajamas, he knew how fragrant and soft she felt —— yes, he arranged for her to be drunk that day, and it wasn’t the maid that helped her changed her pajamas, but him.

At that time he thought, he wanted her to be covered with his own marks, he would not let her leave again. Her presence was definitely not a dream he had extravagant hope for.

Found that her chest was touched, Tao Xinya was scared and slightly sober from the confusion. She grabbed the man’s hand, "Don't…..."

"Hush, don't be afraid." He kissed her and softly enticed to coax. "I won't hurt you."

His tongue once again sucked her small tongue, probed into her little mouth, added gravity to licked and toyed with it, and didn’t give her any chance to resist.

Under his seductive kiss, her hand that grabbed his arm was slightly loose, and Yuan Yurang took the opportunity to push her bra up, and his hot palm directly grasped her small breast.

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He rubbed her soft breast, his thumb circled around the tip of the stamen, ground it bit by bit until the breast bud stood upright at his fingertips. Two fingers pinched the tip of her nipple, he gently pulled a play, his palm didn’t forget to rub her soft breast and loved the soft skin under the palm of his hand.

But not enough, he wanted to taste everything about her.

Loosened her little mouth, the sticky silver wire was entwined. Her cute little face floated blushes, pure eyes were mistily dense, there was an indescribable charm that couldn't be said.

His amber eyes turned into deep ink, faintly loomed in flames.

He pulled her sweater up, there was heat in the car, he didn't worry about letting her catch a cold, looking at the two small groups of shaking soft breasts, he bowed his head to her left breast.

His tongue licked over the meat of her snow-white breast, sometimes nibbled a bit, and her soft snorting could be heard, delicate and titillated.

He contained the berry on her breast, and the tip of his tongue flicked the already pointed fruit, his teeth lightly bit, and sucked hard.

Two groups of soft breasts were treated in the same way by him. Her breasts were printed with red kiss marks and tooth marks, her nipples were alluring like blooming flowers under his play, revealing obscene water.

Tao Xinya bit her lip, but she couldn't stop her continuously subtle low moan. She knew that she should push him away, but her body was soft and had no effort.

She clearly felt the hot and humid heat of his tongue, and an unspeakable feeling spread from her lower abdomen, making her afraid of anxiety.

The man's hand slid down and touched her thigh in the pantyhose, but he didn't like the rough touch, his big hand tore it, and the fragile pantyhose was destroyed in his hand.

"Ah! Why did you......Mmph!"

Her little mouth was blocked again, he coaxed her in the same way, and her protest disappeared under the entanglement of his lips and tongue, her tight body was soft again, and his palm touched and stroked along her thigh to cover the beautiful flower mouth.

Through the thin panties, his fingertips touched her wetness.

The sensitive little thing had long been emotional, and her panties had been wet.

This discovery made Yuan Yurang hooked the corner of his lips, his palm went into her panties, caressing the soft hair, his fingers found her wet entrance, dawdling up and down between the petals.

"Nhnn......" Tao Xinya grabbed his clothes and shyly folded her legs, but she didn't know that this was more conducive to men's sex.

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He rubbed the petals, rubbing unrestrainedly on the timid tender meat with the flower dew, and pressed the small flower nucleus, kneading it, and made her gasped for breath again and again.

His long finger did not enter, only wandered in the two petals. His strength was sometimes lights sometimes heavy, sometimes heavily rubbed the pistil bead, sometimes also lightly teased over the flower stitch, not giving her complete satisfaction, but just let her tasted the pleasure of lust.

How could her tender body withstand his tease? The red and sensitive pistil bead under his fingers was suddenly pressed hard, Tao Xinya trembled heavily, the abundant honey liquid instantly flowed out, and the whole car suddenly filled with the sweet fragrance belonging to her.

The first tasted of the climax was still full of the aftertaste, Tao Xinya was exhausted and soft down her body, her cheeks revealed the delicate after the emotion, the corners of her eyes were moist, still not awake from the fast power.

"Are you alright?" Yuan Yurang sucked her falling teardrop, slightly hoarse voice was extremely sexy.

Tao Xinya finally returned to, found her sweater was pushed above her breasts, and she sat on him, her little hands were still clutching his clothes, thinking of what had just happened…... Heaven, his hand was still in her skirt.

She was flushed with shame and exclaimed, quickly pulled the sweater, and hurriedly left his thighs, but her body was still soft because of the climax, and the more she was anxious the more she became panicked.

"Don't move." Yuan Yurang buckled her waist and lightly bit her ear. "If you continue to move, I will think you want me to continue."

Tao Xinya froze, and she again was slow and found the burning heat under her buttocks, which made her little face redder but did not dare to move again, afraid to stimulate him.

"Y-your hand…..." His hand was still in her skirt.

"Reassure, I won't do anything to you." That being said, his hand that buckled her waist slipped into her sweater and stroked the soft little belly back and forth.

Tao Xinya grabbed his hand in a panic. Her belly had a lot of meat! Wrong, this was not the point…... Her round eyes were a little annoyed, became more shy, like a bullied little rabbit, helplessly looked at him.

But she didn’t know this just made people wanted to tease her more and bully her.

Yuan Yurang secretly took a deep breath and tried to press down the fire of lust from his lower abdomen. He took out his hand in her short skirt and took a few sheets of paper to help her wipe.

"What to do? Your panties are wet. Are you going to wear them?" He touched the panties that were taken off from her thigh, which was printed with a strawberry pattern and most of the honey liquid that had just poured out of her had flowed onto her panties.

Tao Xinya burned a red face, quickly put on the small panties, although the wet cloth was not comfortable to wear, it was better than none, thinking of the reasons why the panties were wet, she was ashamed not dare to lift her head.

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Heaven! How could things changed like this…... How could Brother Yu do this to her?

"H-how could you…..." She bit her lip and tried to blame him, she thought that she had not resisted at all, and even climaxed in his hands, the entire confidence was lacking. "You, you have a girlfriend…..."

Yuan Yurang raised his eyebrows. "Who told you that I have a girlfriend?" He asked, his palm stroking back and forth on her white thigh, the pantyhose that he had torn off could not be saved.

"Don’t tell me you mean Yi Lianna?" He guessed and saw that she didn't deny it, he hooked his lips, his tongue licked her little ear lightly.

The itching touch made Tao Xinya couldn’t help but shrank her shoulders.

"Who told you that Yi Lianna is my girlfriend? Yi Lianna is just my secretary, and she and I are just friends."

Tao Xinya didn't understand what he meant. Didn't he like Yi Lianna?

Yuan Yurang raised his hand and lifted her face. He looked at her and said to her seriously: "After I broke up with Yi Lianna she was just a friend, there’s no ambiguity, she was never my girlfriend."

In those five years, he was in and out with Yi Lianna, but that was because of business, Yi Lianna was his secretary, of course, she had to follow by his side. He knew what was written in the media magazine, but he had never been interested in those boring gossip, and he didn't think it was necessary to explain anything to her at the time.

After all, he hated that marriage at that time.

But now he regretted it. If he didn't treat her like that at that time, then he wouldn't lose her. Even if she was back now, she still thought that he loved Yi Lianna, and even wanted to match him and Yi Lianna.

What about her? Really didn't want him?

If she didn't think he was guilty of her death, she wouldn’t appear in front of him? Just like in the past two years, she had isolated everything in the past, life was no longer rich, and she lived so hard and frugal, but she was so happy as if she has no attachment to everything in the past and has no attachment to him.

Thinking of this, his eyes turned deep, he suddenly kissed her angrily, the rough kiss caught her off guard, her lips and tongue were swallowed hard, she whimpered softly, but all were swallowed by him, and finally could only weakly fell in his arms, let him bully.

For a long time, he let go of her, and she was kissed to had her whole body went soft that she couldn’t make a little effort.

"Tomorrow’s morning, I'll pick you up at your house."

Tao Xinya was gasping, breathing was still unstable, and she looked at him timidly, and somehow she felt that he was angry. "T-to do what?"

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"Come to my house to decorate the Christmas tree, conveniently it’s Christmas to celebrates." The Christmas tree had always been empty since she had gone, and no one had touched it and hung it with colorful ornaments.

Tao Xinya was slightly dazed, thinking of the previous Christmas, the Christmas tree was her exclusive, she would hang a variety of sparkling ornaments, the Christmas tree would be shiny and would be filled with gifts, the candy-colored wrapping would be written the name of the housemaids, and the gifts of her favorite person would be handed out at the table.

It was a faraway past, but it felt as clear as yesterday…...

Tao Xinya silently lowered her head and didn’t dare to look at him. "No, the school has a Christmas party that day." In fact, she was not interested in the Christmas party, and she was dragged by Niya last year.

However, she didn’t want to be too close to him. What happened today was like a derailment. He also said that Yi Lianna was not his girlfriend…... Tao Xinya felt that her whole heart was in chaos.

"Yes? That's alright!" Yuan Yurang was not reluctant, just lightly heaved a sigh. "My mother will be very disappointed, she likes you very much. Since Yaya left, our family's Christmas is very deserted. I think if you show up, my mother will be very happy."

These words completely aroused the guilt of Tao Xinya. "OK...... then come to my house tomorrow to pick me up!"

"Hm?" Yuan Yurang was slightly surprised. "Aren’t you going to the Christmas party?"

"It doesn't matter, I have no interest in the Christmas party."

Yuan Yurang hooked up the corner of his mouth then hid his smile in the success, hugged her, and kissed her tender cheek. "I have something to do tomorrow, I can't come to look for you at school. If someone is pestering you, say that you have a boyfriend, do you understand?" He knew how popular she was in Shigeweier, a bunch of stinky boys wanted to be her date to the Christmas ball.

"Boyfriend?" Tao Xinya looked up in surprise, where was her boyfriend?

And Yuan Yurang didn't mind dispelling her doubts. "I said that I want to pursue you, also kissed and touched you, you didn’t refuse. Didn’t this mean you promised my pursuit?"

"Eh?" Tao Xinya was stunned.

"Besides, I’ve just explained that I and Yi Lianna are just friends." He smiled and brushed the hair on her cheek with great tenderness. "Silly girl, if I have a girlfriend then why did I say I wanted to pursue you; am I that kind of hateful man?"

He looked at her eyes extremely doting, but Tao Xinya could feel a little danger, she subconsciously shook her head.

Yuan Yurang smiled with satisfaction and kissed her little mouth. "Good girl, now the misunderstanding had been clarified, you should be assured, right? Tomorrow’s morning, obediently wait for me at the doorway, understand?"

Tao Xinya obediently nodded, and her well-behaved provoked the man for several pecked of kisses; she was kissed into a daze, it was too late to interpreted the men's plausible words.

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