Chapter 6 (Part 2)

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The scarf smelled like Brother Yu......

Tao Xinya touched the scarf on her neck, bowed her head and buried the tip of her nose in, smelling the clear taste, was the cologne used by Brother Yu.

Missed this scent so much, Tao Xinya reluctantly smelled, and rubbed the soft scarf with the tip of her nose, she didn't want to return the scarf.

"Xinxin, where did you get that scarf?" Niya looked at the dark gray scarf on Tao Xinya's body. This style looked like men, and…...Her eyes became ambiguous and used her elbow to top Tao Xinya. "You didn't come back to sleep last night. Did something happened between you and Yuan Yurang?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Tao Xinya stared at her and hastily said: "Mr. Yuan has a girlfriend."

"Yuan Yurang has a girlfriend? Impossible! Why didn't the gossip magazine said anything?” The paparazzi loved to dig aristocratic gossip, especially Yuan Yurang, a good-natured man. His business was everyone's concern.

"He's been like (pure) Jade for a long time! I have never heard of any anecdotes in the past few years, even that secretary who had worked with him, it said the two are only friends."

Tao Xinya blinked. "Friends?" How was this possible? Didn't Brother Yu like Yi Lianna very much?

"Yeah, I heard that the secretary used to be his girlfriend, although they broke up later, the two are still friends." Niya thought about the gossip she had seen and suddenly said, "And, I think Yuan Yurang must love his dead wife."

"Ah?" Tao Xinya was stunned and laughed at Niya's words. "How is that possible?" Brother Yu had always hated her, how could he love her?*

*(T/N: laibuji (來不及) - there's not enough time / it's too late - I don’t understand no matters how much I tried to put the sentence together with either one of them so I just kinda made up for it lol -

Here is the original text if anyone knows Chinese: 聿哥哥恨她都來不及了,怎會愛她?)

"How do you know that it’s impossible?" Niya glared at her unhappily. "You’re not reading gossip magazine, what do you know? I tell you, although the magazine said that Yuan Yurang was not willing to marry his dead wife, but if he really didn’t want to marry, why didn’t he marry again when his wife passed away? He didn’t have a girlfriend?"

"Perhaps, because of guilt......"

Tao Xinya's words provoked Niya's disdained to snort, humph. "Xinxin, you don’t understand the men, the guilt does not affect the function of the lower body of a man, okay?"

"Niya!" Tao Xinya’s face was red and hastily looked around, afraid of Niya’s bold speech was heard by people.

"I said really, no matter how guilty, this kind of thing will fade over time, and there is a beautiful big beauty around him, there are so many women around him who want to climb his bed unless he is gay, otherwise how can he not be aroused?"


Without giving Tao Xinya the opportunity to spoke, Niya rubbed her head, her eyes were like watching a child. "Your sister will teach you the reason why a man will not be tempted by the temptations around him is usually only one reason, that is, he has a woman he loves in his heart."

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"Then how do you know that he loves his dead wife?" Although not believed in Niya’s words, but Tao Xinya couldn't help but ask, her heart nervously picked up.

Niya shrugged. "Guess."

Roar! She really shouldn't have listened to Niya’s gibberish.

Tao Xinya felt like an idiot, and…...what was she looking forward to? Didn't she decide to let go?

As early as two years ago, she had already given up, not belonging to her was not her. After all, she had died once, was no longer the selfish Tao Xinya. Now the most important thing was to make up for, let Brother Yu got the happiness he should have.

"Xinxin." Niya suddenly used her elbow to hit her.

"What are you doing!" Just being fooled, Tao Xinya was still angry.

"Look ahead." Niya extended her index finger and pointed to the front.

"What thing?" Tao Xinya looked up at the gate and suddenly snorted in silent.

Yuan Yurang stood at the school gate. He wore a beige sweater, a pair of long legs wrapped in dark blue jeans, a dark green fur collar coat on the outside, leaning against the blue sports car, looking down at the file on his hand, simply standing there alone was a dazzling presence.

A bunch of girls gathered at the gate, their eyes were curious and admiring. They whispered and looked at Yuan Yurang with blushing faces, but no one dared to approach, not because of the family upbringing the ladies to be reserved, but because of the man exuded indifference and dignity.

Tao Xinya froze, looking at him and her heart was pounding. H-how could he be here?

"Isn't he here to look for you?" Niya smiled thiefy.

"How is that possible......" Tao Xinya refuted Niya's words and touched the scarf with her hands, and thought...... he was here for the scarf, wasn’t he?

At this time, Yuan Yurang just raised his head and saw the little girl standing in front of him.

He put away the information, "Tao Xinya." The voice was not too big, but just enough for everyone to hear. "Come here."

Er…... In an instant, Tao Xinya again received the attention of them, or it could be jealousy.

"See, I said he was looking for you." Niya pushed her and the little voice teased. "Xinxin, could it be that he wants to chase you?"

"How could it be; don't talk nonsense!" Tao Xinya stared unhappily at her. She had self-knowledge; before she was a beautiful big beauty, Brother Yu’s heart didn't move, now she was like a poor breeding kid, how could Brother Yu like her?

Besides, he had Yi Lianna…...

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Seeing that she still remained motionless, Yuan Yurang's brows gathered slightly, his handsome face was cold and heavy. "Tao Xinya, still not come over!"

Tao Xinya was afraid of his expression, dared not delay any longer, she quickly went to the gate and looked at him inexplicably. "Er, you look for me for what?"

"Scarf." He gave the answer.

Sure enough! Tao Xinya automatically prepared to take off the scarf.

"Hold on." Yuan Yurang grabbed her hand. "Get in the car first."

"Ah?" Tao Xinya blinked blankly. "Why?"

Yuan Yurang looked at her faintly, very naturally said. "I borrowed you my scarf, shouldn't you invited me to dinner to say thank you?"

Eh? Tao Xinya was stunned, and before she could react, she was stuffed into the car. When she returned to, the car had already moved.

"Invited you to dinner?" She stared at him in panicked. "What are you going to eat? I’m telling you, if too expensive I can't afford it." She was a poor student now.

"How much money do you have on you?" Yuan Yurang quietly hooked his lips and thought she was so cute, but his handsome face still remained cold.

"One hundred." This was her monthly living expensed.

Yuan Yurang also knew how much she spent each month, usually no more than one hundred. This was the little princess he knew that often ate high-end restaurants when she was free, went to watch musicals, listening to concerts, and went to the department store boutique?

To had such little money in her life, Yuan Yurang felt pain, but he could see that she didn’t feel bitter, and even could be said to be happy, she really grew up a lot.

"Then eat this!" Yuan Yurang stopped at the door of the fast food restaurant.

Tao Xinya looked at the fast food restaurant with a bitter face, followed him out of the car and entered the door.

"Er… just order what you want to eat." To said the fast food was also not cheap for her poor woman. (tenderflower: Mhm, I know how ya feel :/)

Yuan Yurang didn't look at her and ordered the meals with the waitress. "Miss, two beef burgers, two french fries, two colas and a bucket of fried chicken, to go."

"Wait a minute......" Tao Xinya hurriedly stopped him. Just like each of his orders, her heart would pump on each point. "Why did you order so much?"

Wuh…...her living expensed this month.

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Seeing her anxious appearance, Yuan Yurang flashed a smile in his eyes, took out his small wallet and took ten dollars. "Here, this is my part, the remaining I’ll ask you." Then he took out his wallet and paid for it.

Tao Xinya looked at him blankly and unable to understand what the situation was now. Was she not going to treat him? Why did it change from her to him?

When she was puzzled, the waiter had quickly prepared their meals, and Yuan Yurang took the paper bag that the waiter had packed. "Let’s go!" Then he walked to the door, and Tao Xinya foolishly went with him.

In the car, Yuan Yurang put the food in the back seat and gave her one french fries and a cola. "Hungry, eat first."

Tao Xinya took the fries and looked at him with bewilderment. "Didn't you want me to treated you?”

Yuan Yurang drove the car and faintly throw a sentence. "I don't bully the poor."

The "poor" had to shut up and ate french fries silently. After eating a few french fries, she didn’t feel right. "Where are you taking me?"

Yuan Yurang was unable to help laughing. "Don’t you think it’s too late to ask now? So unwary, don’t you fear I will take you to sell?"

Tao Xinya returned without thinking, "You won't do that." There was no hesitation in the words of trust.

Yuan Yurang's heart couldn't help but be soft, even though he had been indifferent to her from the beginning, but her trust in him has never changed.

As soon as the words were finished, Tao Xinya also felt that her words seemed to be a little too affinity, and she explained uncomfortably. "You’re so rich, why do you need to sell me?"

Yuan Yurang smiled and softly said: "Reassured, I can't bear to sell you."

His voice was very light, but Tao Xinya still heard it. She looked at him in astonishment. A good while after, only then panicked, hurriedly hung down her head and chuckled with a hollow laughed. "He, Mister, you’re really jesting."

"Don't call me, Mister, you can call me, Ah-Rang or…...Brother Yu."

The french fries dropped from Tao Xinya’s hand, she raised her head and stared at him in astonishment.

He didn't find that the corner of his lips was slightly bent and the tone was calm and natural. "Yaya, she called me Brother Yu. Your name is the same, every time I see you, I think of her. Anyway, you and Yaya were good friends, I don't mind if you call me Brother Yu like her."

S-so it was originally like this…... Tao Xinya’s nervous heart was finally put down, then she found her hand shaking, and quickly grabbed the shaking hand.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Yurang discovered her strangeness. "The fries are falling."

"My hand just slipped…..." Tao Xinya's voice was still slightly dry because of her fear, she bowed down to pick up the french fries."Sorry, have made your car dirty."

"It doesn't matter." The amber eyes passed a glimmer of light, "We’re here."

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Tao Xinya discovered that he actually took her to the Forest Park. Under the expanse of the night, the stars surrounded them and the black night sky was rendered as bright as the stars, and the twinkling diamonds shone into their eyes, shining with magnificent brilliance.

In the past, she used to came here to see the stars with Brother Yu, and she took the things she bought from the fast food restaurant, watching the stars while nibbling the fried chicken burgers that she wouldn't normally eat.

"Hamburger is for you." Yuan Yurang gave her a beef burger.

Tao Xinya didn't take it, she realized later, and found that something was wrong. "You…... why did you bring me here?"

Her question amused him, and his smile was beautiful and charming, but with a titillating seduction, he suddenly leaned close to her. "What? Can't you see?" He asked softly, his fingers touching her face, and was fond of the slippery tofu touch.

"Xinya." His low and sexy voice called her name, Tao Xinya trembled, trying to avoid his touch, but found that her body was tight and stiff because of fear.

"Don't you know?" He whispered, and his amber eyes eagerly staring at her as if he wanted to suck her in. "My actions are so obvious, can't you see them?"

Tao Xinya’s lips trembled.

"You don't know…..." He paused, his thumb teasingly caressed over her petal-like lips and his thin lips were close to her ear. "I am pursuing you?"


Tao Xinya opened a big mouth, the same answer as she had in her imagination gave her a thoroughly and foolishly still.

Yuan Yurang was provoked to laughed at her silly look. The low-pitched laughter overflowed from his thin lips, and he extracted his arm to wrap around her waist, pampering drown tunnel: "Slow little fool, the mouth opens so big, are you seducing me?"

Huh? What seduce? Tao Xinya was still in a daze.

And Yuan Yurang wouldn't miss this opportunity.

"In that case, I won’t be polite." When he finished, without waiting for her response, his palm grabbed the back of her head, and earnestly kissed her little mouth——

1365 days.
Today, I am 24 years old, hands clasped, smiling and closed my eyes. I silently make wishes.
The first wish, I hope that godfather and godmother are healthy and always happy and loving.
The second wish, I hope Brother Yu is doing well and can find a good wife to take care of him.

The last wish, I hope…... I can no longer love him.

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