It’s Purely an Accident to Love Again – Chapter 6 (Part 1)

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If it was said that before Tao Xinya hated Yi Lianna and wanted her to disappear, then she now was ashamed of wanting to commit suicide because of guilt.


If it wasn’t for her original destruction, Yi Lianna and Brother Yu would have got married, probably already have several children, and she had also said a lot of nasty words to Yi Lianna, and even hit her…… The more Tao Xinya thought the more shameful she felt and she was completely unable to lift her head.

There was a moment of silence in the dining room, and Tao Xinya was both guilty and embarrassed. The action of Yuan Yurang was too intimate, made her actually not know how to react, but was also seen and the person who had seen was not others, it was actually Brother Yu’s girlfriend.

If it was before, she would triumphantly show off to Yi Lianna, but now she just wanted Brother Yu and Yi Lianna to be together. Of course, she didn’t want Yi Lianna to misunderstood and wanted to explain that she had nothing to do with Brother Yu —— although they didn’t really have a relationship right now —— thinking about it, Tao Xinya first decided to keep quiet.

Yi Lianna looked at the two intricately, especially the Eastern girl. She just came to the dining door and saw Yuan Yurang’s hand rubbing the egg juice from the girl’s mouth and even ambiguously licked the juice on his hand. The doting in his eyes was something she had never seen…… No, she had seen it, but the girl who once made Yuan Yurang look like this was gone.

Compared to the rigidity of the two women, Yuan Yurang’s attitude was natural. “Yi Lianna, how come you’re here?” he asked, seeing that the orange juice in Tao Xinya’s cup was gone, he picked up the glass pot of orange juice to help her fill it up.

Tao Xinya watched the glass that was filled, and the food in her mouth was a little hard to swallowed. Was Brother Yu not afraid of being misunderstood by Yi Lianna?

“Er, thank you.” Based on courtesy, Tao Xinya swallowed the food, thanked him, her eyes did not dare to lift.

“I’ve got a few urgent documents for you to sign.” After all, it was a strong woman in the business world, and Yi Lianna quickly restrained her emotions and restored her calmness and pride.

The Yuan head office company was in Scotland, where Yuan father was seated, and Yuan Yurang mostly stayed in the Branch office in New York. Yuan Yurang returned to Scotland this month the New York Branch was temporarily handed over to the Vice President, but the major files still needed Yuan Yurang to looked over and some cooperation plans also required the signature of Yuan Yurang, so the New York Branch would transfer the files to the head office.

Although Yuan Yurang came back to Scotland, it didn’t mean that he had nothing to do, it was rare for his son to come back, Yuan father, of course, gave the official business to his son, let himself spent a few leisure days. Therefore, Yuan Yurang stayed at the head office these days. Today, he was going to talk business with his clients and would not enter the company. Yi Lianna, who was his secretary, of course, had to accompany him. They originally made an appointment at the company’s doorway then they would set off, but Yi Lianna entered the company early, she just got the urgent files from the branch office and came to the Yuan house.

Yuan Yurang took the files from Yi Lianna’s hand and smiled slightly: “Sorry to trouble you, you haven’t had breakfast yet? Sit down and eat together!”

Yi Lianna was not polite, just sitting opposite Tao Xinya, looking at Tao Xinya, she jokingly said to Yuan Yurang: “Who is this lovely young lady? Can’t be that you abducted her here?”

And then said hello to Tao Xinya. “Hey, hello, I am Yi Lianna.”

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Yi Lianna was a standard Western beauty, neat light brown hair, green eyes, dressed in a light blue suit, she look smart and capable, and also not lost her femininity.

“Hi!” Tao Xinya tried to make herself laugh naturally. “My name is Bella.” This was her English name. When she said her name, she couldn’t help but snuck a peek at Yuan Yurang.

Yuan Yurang had no reaction, holding a cup of coffee and looking down at the documents that Yi Lianna had brought.

Tao Xinya was secretly relieved but also felt that she didn’t need to be so careful, Yi Lianna was a foreigner, she told Yi Lianna her English name was normal.

“Bella, you’re an Eastern person, right? You look really cute, Yu, where did you know such a cute little sister?” Yi Lianna smiled and looked at Yuan Yurang.

Yuan Yurang drank his coffee, faintly looking at Tao Xinya, while Tao Xinya cramped her head low and sped up the speed of eating. She could find an excuse to quickly escape this embarrassing situation, but the frugality of these two years made her accustomed to not wasting food, even if she wanted to leave, she must finish eating before she could leave.

Seeing through her thoughts of escaping, Yuan Yurang raised his lips. “Eat slowly, be careful not to choke.”

“Cough cough……” The cold and tender exhorted made Tao Xinya choked, and quickly picked up the orange juice with a big mouth and poured in, but she had coughed her eyes red and nose red and with her white and tender bun little round face, there was a kind of cuteness that couldn’t be said.

“See!” The culprit didn’t have any self-perception but still said cool words. “I told you to eat slowly.”

She would be choked; was the fault of his harm!

Tao Xinya irritably gave him a glance. She was convinced that Brother Yu had really changed —— he had gone bad!

The person who received the contempt raised the corner of his mouth higher then answered Yi Lianna’s words. “You can’t be fooled by her appearance. She’s already 20 years old.”

Yi Lianna took the interaction of the two into her eyes, especially the attitude of Yuan Yurang surprised her. She looked at Tao Xinya carefully.

Petite woman, shoulders chestnut curly hair, rich little face, the most conspicuous was the bright big, round eyes —— this face was only cute, even if it was 20 years old, but it was just a little girl.

She and Yuan Yurang had known each other for more than ten years. She knew that Yuan Yurang was not interested in this little girl, but he deliberately teased the girl, and that indifferent eyes were actually smiling, she hadn’t seen him so happy for a long time.

At this time, Yi Lianna knew that the girl was special, and Yuan Yurang did not evade to let her know, which made Yi Lianna felt uneasy.

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In the past two years, she had not seen him treated a woman like this. Who was this girl named Bella? She was able to make Yuan Yurang treated her like this.

“20 years, really I can’t see it.” Yi Lianna smiled and looked askance at Yuan Yurang. “That’s also younger than you by 12 years! It’s a little sister to us! Time flies so fast, we’re all old.” She shook her head and sighed. (tenderflower: LOL old cow eats tender grass….?)

Yuan Yurang still had a light smiled and didn’t respond to Yi Lianna’s words but looked at her faintly, and Yi Lianna didn’t avoid his gaze, smiled and looked at him.

He admired Yi Lianna, really, her self-confidence and intelligence never lost to men, so he was only attracted to her that year. (tenderflower: really…?)

However, this relationship ended after he proposed to break up. He knew that this was unfair to Yi Lianna, that he disappointed her, he had always been guilty of Yi Lianna, so he made up for her at work and let her play to her abilities.

He trusted her, the two had always been good partners in business, in private they were still friends, although Yi Lianna still loved him —— she said, she had to wait for him, no matter how he persuaded, she just didn’t give up.

If Tao Xinya was not dead, after the divorce, he would marry Yi Lianna; but Tao Xinya was dead, then he knew that he and Yi Lianna could never be.

Or it should be said that as early as when they broke up, they were already impossible. No matter what the reason for breaking up, the love that was abandoned was gone and could not be recovered.

Even if he was with Yi Lianna, it was impossible to have no jealousy with the original breakup, because both of them were the same proud and demanding perfect people.

“Er……” Finally finished the breakfast, Tao Xinya interrupted the gazes of the two. “Sorry, I have a class in the morning, I will go first. Mr. Yuan, please convey my regards to Aunt Mei and Uncle Hong.” When she finished, she was ready to flash.

“Hold on.” Yuan Yurang called her. “I’ll let Jimu send you.”

Roy also appeared at this moment, holding Tao Xinya’s backpack and coat in his hand. “Miss Tao, these are your things.”

Tao Xinya almost forgot her own things. She thanked Roy, put on her coat, put on her bag, and nodded to everyone, ready to leave again.

“Wait a minute.” Yuan Yurang called her again. “Roy, bring my scarf.”

“Yes.” Roy left and soon returned with a dark gray alpaca scarf.

Yuan Yurang took the scarf from Roy’s hand and stood in front of Tao Xinya, ready to personally help her around.

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“Er…… Mr. Yuan, no need, I’m not cold.” Tao Xinya was shocked and hurriedly refused.

“Don’t move.” He lowered his head and his eyes looked at her coldly.

Tao Xinya immediately and obediently stood still, opening a pair of nervous big eyes, and her heart was moaning and groaning.

Was this alright? Yi Lianna was by the side! Brother Yu, what were you thinking?

Yuan Yurang helped her wrap the scarf around her, and adjusted her curly hair that was caught by the scarf, his fingertips glided over the back of her neck inadvertently.

Tao Xinya trembled down —— her heartbeat was accelerating, and her little face was unconsciously reddish. She hurriedly retreated and lowered her head uncomfortably. “Thank you, I will return your scarf another day.” Then fled in a hurry.

Roy followed with responsibility and sent her out, asking Jimu to took her to Shigeweier.

Looking at the back of Tao Xinya ran away, Yuan Yurang smiled. Although his Yaya grew up sensible, some places had not changed at all —— when he was fierce, she would be afraid to round her eyes, and it looked innocent and cute.

She wanted to cut off everything in the past to be the present Tao Xinya, then he was with her; but if she wanted to let go, he would never allow it.

He finally had a chance to recover, and this time he would not miss it again.

“This girl is very cute.” Yi Lianna’s voice came from behind.

Yuan Yurang turned and returned to his seat. “It’s very cute.” He agreed with Yi Lianna’s words and reached his hand to pour a glass of milk her for.

He knew that she would drink a cup of warm milk for breakfast.

Yi Lianna looked at the milk and smiled. “When I was studying, you always brought a bottle of warm milk to me.” The sentimental student years, when they were in love with each other, and now recalled was still sweet.

Yuan Yurang hung down his eyes and took the coffee that had been cold.

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“Do you like that girl?” Yi Lianna never beat around the bush.

“Mm!” He understood her personality, just as she knew his, so he wasn’t surprised by her direct question.


Because that was his Yaya.

“Yi Lianna, have you thought about it? Perhaps, our love at that time wasn’t as deep as we thought.” That was why it was so easy to broke up.

“No, it was the destruction of Tao Xinya!” She couldn’t accept his words, she loved him, and even waited for him for so many years, she thought they would be together.

Tao Xinya was gone, wasn’t it? In the past few years, the woman around him was only her, wasn’t it? But why did he like the sudden appearance of the Eastern girl? Yi Lianna was unacceptable.

“I won’t give up.”

If she gave up, she would lose him. This time she would never give up so easily! Yi Lianna got up and looked firmly at Yuan Yurang.

“This time, I won’t quit easily.” After the speech, she turned and left the dining room.

Yuan Yurang didn’t stop nor did he opened his mouth to persuade her. He knew that Yi Lianna couldn’t listen at this time.

He was apologetic to Yi Lianna, but he did not regard apology as love, his love was only for one person. At first, he didn’t know that he loved Yaya, and he was disgusted by her betrayal and noisiness. When they met, they quarreled, he couldn’t wait to get rid of her.

When she was really gone, he realized that he had lost something, but it was too late, his Yaya would never come back. He had been through a lot of pain for two years, he thought, was it punishment? Punishment for the five years of his indifference and ruthlessness to her, but the wrong was him, why took her away?

He thought about her all the time, then missed later nearly became hate. He thought that he would be so painful for a lifetime, but he didn’t expect his Yaya to come back…… This was God’s will to gave him another chance, this time he would not let her go again, he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

Thinking of Tao Xinya, the calm eyes couldn’t help but softened, Yuan Yurang whispered, as if to vowed. “Yaya, it was you who didn’t let go before; and now, I forbid you to let go.”


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