It’s Purely an Accident to Love Again – Chapter 5

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Tao Xinya made a whole night dream, and the dream was all the memories of the past.


Happy, heartache, pain, sad……one by one, entangled her, let her had unsteady sleep, the price was her face with a pale and sullen complexion all day.

In the school cafeteria, she yawned.

Without appetite, she simply brought two tomatoes to school.

Seeing her picking up tomatoes, Edward and Niya felt strange, how could someone pick up vegetables directly?

In their eyes, tomatoes were vegetables, not fruits.

However, under the guidance of Chen Anmei, an authentic Taiwanese, Tao Xinya knew that eating tomato dip Plum Powder is an indescribable delicacy.

“Xinxin, you didn’t sleep well last night?” Drinking a creamy soup, Niya reached out and poked the face of Tao Xinya.

“Mm.” Tao Xinya nodded, biting a tomato, then licking the dripping juice.

She ate tomatoes like little children, always made sticky noises.

Niya couldn’t stand it, gave her wet tissue to her, and told her to eat something nice, but someone came to their table.

“Xinxin.” Allen stared at Tao Xinya.

Since that night, Tao Xinya turned a blind eye to him. No matter how he apologized, Tao Xinya’s attitude toward him was cold. He knew that he was too eager that night, but he liked Tao Xinya too much.

Allen’s action caught the attention of the entire cafeteria.

Although it was a cafeteria, the school here was Shigeweier. The students in the school were rich children, so the school cafeteria not only beautiful with crystal chandeliers, but the wall also hung famous paintings, the entire cafeteria was decorated with high-profile luxury, providing a variety of meals, and the price was not low. What the students here had not, was money, of course, they would not put this little money in their eyes.

The people who dined in the cafeteria only whispered softly, so it was not too noisy, so any movement was very eye-catching.

Tao Xinya’s popularity in school was quite high. The boys called her an Oriental Doll, and those young ladies, daughters with their eyes and heads high above disdained, humphing from their noses. What an Oriental Doll, puh! It was only a poor and unpleasant girl, only those stinky boys that had no eyes would be fascinated by the poor girl.

Tao Xinya wiped her hands with a wet tissue, facing Allen, she smiled but it was alienated.

Allen had been entangling her these days, apologizing to her, she accepted, but accepted was accepted, it did not mean that she wanted to be kind to him.

And she was also bothered by his pestering, so she kept away from Allen. Niya and Edward were very angry after they knew what Allen did from her mouth, and helped her to avoid him. She didn’t expect Allen to come to the school cafeteria to blocked her.

Tao Xinya often didn’t go to the school cafeteria. She often said that the things in this place were used to robbed people. She was too poor to be able to afford it.

Occasionally when she went, Niya would drag her and said she invited her to eat, she reluctantly stepped in. Today she was not hungry so she accompanies Niya and Edward to eat.

She originally thought Allen loved face and would not block her in public. After all, Allen’s entanglement behavior had been seen by many people in the past, and it had become gossips and chattering.

“Allen, what are you doing?” Niya didn’t have a good face when she saw Allen. Did this kid dare to force Xinxin?

A dignified and big man to used force, shameless!

“I…… Xinxin, I really like you. I was wrong last time. I really want to apologize to you.” Allen really regretted and hoped that Tao Xinya would forgive him.

“Allen, I accept your apology.” Tao Xinya was very helpless.

“Then, don’t be cold to me anymore, alright? Accept my feelings, okay?” Allen put on a poor posture, wanted to make Tao Xinya feel soft.

Tao Xinya frowned and repeated again. “Allen, I only treat you as a friend.”

“But I don’t want to be just friends, Xinxin, try to accept me, alright?” Allen didn’t give up, couldn’t accept the rejection of Tao Xinya.

Tao Xinya felt pain in her head.

“Allen, Xinxin rejected you, don’t keep stalking her.” A blonde boy approached and guarded in front of Tao Xinya.

“Andrew, I’m talking to Xinxin, what it got to do with you?” Allen unhappily pushed Andrew away. This kid was also pursuing Xinxin. The two people have been disliking each other for a long time.

“It’s not my business, but I can’t stand it. Didn’t you find that your behavior has disturbed Xinxin?” Andrew was not willing to show weakness.

“You, move aside! This is mine and Xinxin’s thing!”

The two boys got into a dispute. Tao Xinya looked silly in the eye, and the people around her look at the excitement. Seeing that the two boys were fighting, Tao Xinya hurriedly to persuaded them.

“Sorry to bother you.” A low-pitched, pleasant voice suddenly inserted in.

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Everyone looked at it was surprised, and the cafeteria immediately burst into exclamations. Tao Xinya also saw the arrival person and widened her big eyes.

The person the voice belonged to came out was slender and upright, the hand-made dark blue suit lining his perfect figure, slightly curls ink hair, the amber eyes, the noble temperament, and the handsome face exuded the mature male charm, standing next to the two immature kids, immediately score high.

What was even more amazing was the identity of the man——

How could Yuan Yurang appear here?

Everyone whispered, but Yuan Yurang was calm and natural, put the paper bag he carried on the table, his eyes looked at Tao Xinya.

“My mother asked me to take this to you.”

Eh…… Tao Xinya looked dazedly at the paper bag.

“Isn’t this a P.R paper bag?” Pink Rose was a famous cake shop in Scotland. The pink dreamlike style is what many little girls like.

Niya probed a look. “It’s a cake and black tea! Xinxin, aren’t these the strawberry cake and hot black tea that you love the most?”

Yes, she loved it. Even if she was very poor, she had to eat it once a month in a lavish way.

But how did he know…… Tao Xinya looked at Yuan Yurang, her eyes were unconsciously nervous.

Yuan Yurang opened his mouth as plain as usual. “My mother knew you love to eat strawberry cake and say this strawberry cake is the best so I must buy it for you when I come over.”

His words made Tao Xinya expelled a breathe, “Help me thank Aunt Mei.”

“I’ll wait for you at five by the school gate.” Yuan Yurang suddenly said.

“Ah?” Tao Xinya was stunned again.

“My mother told me to bring you to my house for dinner.” After that, he did not give Tao Xinya the opportunity to spoke, turned around and left gracefully.

As soon as he disappeared, the entire cafeteria exploded immediately.

“Xinxin! What is your relationship with Yuan Yurang?” Niya grabbed the clothes of Tao Xinya and asked, a bunch of people also curiously erected their ears.

Tao Xinya did not answer Niya’s words, but she was surprised to ask: “W-why did he came to Shigeweier?”

Edward pushed the glasses on his face and answered with kindness. “The school asked him to give a speech and start at the auditorium at three in the afternoon.” Now, a lot of people had already waited in line, and he was about to go.

“It doesn’t matter! Xinxin, are you going to say, when did you know Yuan Yurang?” Niya almost screamed.

When did she know? When she was five years old……

Not right! In the chaos, Tao Xinya finally remembered what Yuan Yurang said before he left.

He said he wanted to take her to his house to eat?

At five o’clock, a bunch of people magically gathered at Shigeweier gate.

Tao Xinya stood at the gate, and a bunch of people pointed at her. The things in the school cafeteria had been spread throughout the school. In less than an hour, everyone knew that the Yuan family invited Tao Xinya to eat at his house.

Hateful! What kind of luck did this Tao Xinya have? Not only bewildered a bunch of stinky boys in school, but even a noble son like Yuan Yurang could not escape her palm.

The East people were really foxes!

The blue sports car stopped at the gate, Tao Xinya got in the car in the attention of everyone.

As soon as she was in the car, Yuan Yurang gave her a small bag of things.

“For you.”

“What is this?” Tao Xinya looked at the small paper bag in her hands. When she opened it, she smelled the sweet milk scent. At first glance, it turned out to be Senyong Milk Sugar.

This was not available in foreign countries. It was only available in Taiwan. She especially liked to eat, she used to order on the Internet and let them sent it across the sea.

Why did he give her this? Tao Xinya couldn’t help but be suspicious.

“Haier……the man from last night. He said he apologizes for scaring you. He asked me to take these milk sugar as an apology. I forgot to give it to you at noon in the school cafeteria.”

It’s brother…… “He’s a big man who likes to eat milk sugar?” Did brother not like to eat sweets?

“Yaya loved to eat, even if Yaya left, he still buys them often, they are for gave away.”

“Oh!” Tao Xinya silently drooped her eyes, tore a milk candy into her mouth. The sweetness of the fragrance spread in her mouth, but she felt her heart was sour.

“Give me one.” Yuan Yurang suddenly uttered.

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“Oh!” Tao Xinya took a milk candy from the bag, reached out to hand over to him, he did not take it, just lightly aimed a glance at her.

“Didn’t you see I’m driving?”

“Ah?” Tao Xinya blinked. Under his cold eyes, she suddenly understood what he meant and reached out to unpack the wrapping paper. “Here!”

She naturally put the milk sugar to his mouth, Yuan Yurang opened his mouth to eat, the tip of his tongue inadvertently licked her fingers.

Tao Xinya was startled, she suddenly realized what she had done, she rapidly withdrew her hand, her little face was red. Heaven, how did she forgot her current identity?

She shrank her fingers, she could still feel his dampness on her fingertips, could not help being embarrassed, and her eyes glanced at him uneasily, just dared not looked at him. She was flustered and carelessly broke out. “That…… sorry, I often feed others like that, just subconsciously do.”

“Feed your boyfriend?”

“Mm!” she nodded with guilty consciences.

Rarely, Yuan Yurang had the interest of chatting, “Why didn’t your boyfriend show up at noon? Let the two young schoolboys fight for jealousy.”

“Er……” Tao Xinya touched her nose. “My boyfriend and I broke up a long time ago.”

“Oh!” Yuan Yurang understood.

Then, it was awkward silence again.

Two people no longer spoke, Tao Xinya looked out the window, her heart was trepidation, she didn’t know why she just felt a little strange.

In memory, Yuan Yurang didn’t let people approached him casually. He treated people with gentleness and courtesy, made them think he was easy to get along with, but they didn’t know that his gentleness was alienated, invisible, and people dared not easily exceed.

But he let the unfamiliar her feed him to eat milk sugar…… This was not what Yuan Yurang would do or had Brother Yu’s habit changed in the past two years?

With doubts, the two arrived at the Yuan house.

Tao Xinya followed Yuan Yurang to the door, and Roy was waiting at the door.

“Young Master, you’re back. Miss Tao, you’re here too.”

“Hello, Roy.” Tao Xinya smiled at Roy. She looked down, but she didn’t see her godfather and godmother. “What about Aunt Mei and Uncle Hong?”

“Master Jue and Madam went to the dinner party.”

“Huh?” Tao Xinya was surprised. “Didn’t Aunt Mei invited me for dinner?”

Roy was slightly bewildered, noticing the gaze of the Young Master, his look was unchanged, and said to Tao Xinya: “This dinner is a temporary notice, Master Jue and Madam also knew in the afternoon. It was already too late to tell the Young Master, the Madam asked me to apologize to Miss Tao and let the Young Master entertain you.”

Tao Xinya foolishly stood still. Didn’t that just want her and Yuan Yurang to eat alone?

“Roy, go and prepare dinner.”

“Yes.” Roy immediately went to the kitchen to prepare.

Yuan Yurang took off his blazer, loosened his tie, unbuttoned two buttons, the image of a noble son disappeared, but become much more careless, languid and sexy.

Tao Xinya still stood in place.

Yuan Yurang raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing standing there?”

Tao Xinya moved her footsteps to sat on the sofa opposite from him, the maid brought the cups to the table.

Yuan Yurang relaxed his body, two slender long legs crossed, his elbow leaned against the chair handle, supported his handsome face, looked at her coldly, and saw her look very nervous.

“Drink champagne?”

“Er, alright.”

Yuan Yurang let the maid delivered the champagne, the golden scent was poured into the crystal glass, and he picked up the glass, “Drink!”

“Thank you.” Tao Xinya picked up the glass on the table and took a sip, but because it was too urgent she choked. “Cough, cough……”

She covered her mouth and felt so ashamed. “E-excuse me.”

“You’re very nervous?” Yuan Yurang sipped the champagne, the corner of his lips hooked up playfully. “You seem to be afraid of me?”

“N-no!” Holding the glass in both hands, Tao Xinya was a little anxious to drink, her eyes dared not completely looked at Yuan Yurang’s face.

Somehow, she felt that the current Yuan Yurang was very aggressive and made her uneasy and scared.

“You said you and Xinxin were netizens?” Yuan Yurang put her look into his eyes, his eyes were deep and the light was glowing.

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“Mm!” Tao Xinya nodded, unconsciously, she had already finished the champagne in the glass.

Yuan Yurang filled her glass again.

“What kind of person do you think Xinxin was?”

“Xinxin, she…… was very afraid of loneliness, but at that time there was no one to talk to her, she was only by herself. She knew that was what she deserved, who taught her to make bad ended, but she was too persistent in her love, so she couldn’t give up.” Speaking, she finished the champagne again, and her clear, bright eyes were a little confused.

Yuan Yurang filled another half glass for her. “And then?”

“And…… she was tired, five years had come, she should let go, who knew that the flight was wrecked. At that time she was on the plane, she was very calm. She thought, was this her retribution? Who taught her to hurt her loved one, this is God punishment for her…… She thought about that person, she left, would he be happy? Yes, because his obstacle had disappeared, but she did not expect that after she died, that person did not get happiness, he felt guilty for her…… Fools, why the guilt? It was not him who was wrong.”

Listening to her words, Yuan Yurang’s hand holding the wine glass tightened, he stared at her, his hand trembled unconsciously. “……Yaya?”

“Brother Yu…… Yaya is wrong.” She was red-eyed, a pearl of tear fell. “I’m sorry…… it’s all Yaya’s fault.”

Yuan Yurang dared not believe his ears, even if there were doubts early, he could hear her words with his own ears, he almost thought this was a dream.

If it was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up.

He nervously got up, sat by her side, his shaking hand stroked her face. “Yaya, is it really you?”

Tao Xinya grabbed his hand, just like a child who did something wrong, her little face rubbed his big palm, two tearful round eyes looked at him.

“Brother Yu, don’t be guilty, it’s not your fault, the evil is me, I hurt too many people’s hearts, I wanted to make up…… I want you to be with Yi Lianna, I want you to be happy……” The last few words were contained in her mouth, she blinked her eyes, and fell softly down toward his chest and he held her in his arms.

Smelling the familiar jasmine fragrance, Yuan Yurang excitedly held her tighter, his whole body shivering with excitement.

It was really his Yaya…… It was only a suspicion at first, the scent of her body, her words and preferences were exactly the same as Yaya.

She said that she and Yaya were netizens, but he didn’t believe it at all. She knew too much about Yaya, plus the familiar of her every move, and her reaction when she saw Haier……

He asked a friend of Hui Xìn She to check her affairs. The investigation found that Tao Xinya’s family was poor and there was no computer or Internet at home. How did she become a netizen with Yaya?

This was simply a lie, but how could she understand Yaya so much? Moreover, the information he got said that Tao Xinya had a car accident two years ago, just the same time as when Yaya had a plane crashed.

At that moment, an impossible thought flashed through his mind. He thought it was impossible, but…… she was too similar to Yaya.

He decided to test her and bought a P.R cake. Yaya loved P.R’s strawberry cake and must be accompanied by sugar-free black tea.

Then, the blonde girl named Niya said that Tao Xinya loved to eat P.R’s strawberry cake and black tea. At that time, Tao Xinya’s eyes flashed in panic.

And then there was the milk candy —— when she saw the milk sugar, her eyes were unconcealed of her liked, but then it was doubts and alarm.

She made his suspicions deepened and even became certain.

He knew that his Yaya was not good at drinking, her nose was very spiritual, but the taste of the wine was poor. Champagne actually mixed several kinds of wines, tasted smooth, but it was very easy to get drunk.

Her eyes became fascinated, lost wariness, and under his guidance, she finally blurted out.

“Yaya……” Yuan Yurang touched the girl’s cheek, this face was completely different from his Yaya, but she was his Yaya.

No one could believe this bizarre thing, but he was willing to believe.

As long as Yaya came back, he would believe.

“Yaya.” He gently wiped the tears on her face, warm lips printed on her eyes, nose, and finally on the small lips.

He sucked her petal-like lips, cautiously, and extremely pampered. “Yaya, I’m not angry.” As long as she was by his side, he would never be angry with her again.

She said she was afraid of loneliness, then he would not let her be lonely again.

She also said that she wanted him to be with Yi Lianna, she wanted him to be happy……

“Silly girl.” He smiled and kissed her lips softly.

He wanted to tell her that as long as she was by his side, he was happy.

Tao Xinya woke up in confusion, rubbing a soft pillow, and even the bed was soft, the quilt was fragrant, and there was the smell of sunlight…… No, she hadn’t washed the sheets for half a month.

Tao Xinya opened her eyes, familiar ceiling then looked left and right, pink dressing table, white lace curtains, white carved desk on the right, then the dressing room, crystal bead curtain on the left was the bathroom…… this was her room in the Yuan house!

She quickly got up, heaven, how could she sleep here?

And…… Tao Xinya looked at the Hello Kitty pajamas on her body. Who helped her change it?

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“You’re finally awake.” Yuan Yurang stood at the door, looking at her panicked look with a smile in his eyes.

“Ah!” His sudden voice made Tao Xinya scared, subconsciously grabbed the quilt and wrapped herself, her eyes were wide and round like a frightened groundhog.

So cute!

Yuan Yurang carefully looked at this face, fluffy light chestnut curly hair, milk-like snow-white skin, big round eyes, rich cheeks, obviously twenty years old, but looked like fifteen or sixteen years old. This face wasn’t as bright as the previous one but as cute as a doll.

It was no wonder that those stinking milk, little brats were fascinated, so a piece of pure white paper could easily evoke the thoughts of men who wanted to get their hands……

Thinking of this, his amber eyes flitted across a trace of coldness.

Tao Xinya didn’t find the man’s strangeness, she was full of thoughts about how she would sleep here. “How come I am here? And my clothes……”

“You were drunk, the pajamas were changed by the maid, your clothes are on the chair, change on, and come down for breakfast.” After the instructions, Yuan Yurang turned and left.


Tao Xinya grabbed her hair. She knew that she was not good at drinking, but she was not too bad to drank champagne.

Wrinkling her eyebrows, she couldn’t figure out from her thought and finally gave up, didn’t want to think anymore, changed into the clothes on the chair, freshen up, and went down the stairs and entered the dining room.

Yuan Yurang was sitting at the table and holding a newspaper in his hands.

He was used to eating breakfast while looking at the morning newspapers around the world. The servants scalded each newspaper with a clothes iron early to avoid the ink staining the hands of the Young Master.

“Miss Tao, good morning.” Roy greeted her.

“Morning.” Tao Xinya smiled at Roy. “What about Aunt Mei and Uncle Hong?”

“Master Jue and Madam went to the sport.” Roy opened the chair for Tao Xinya. “Miss wants milk or orange juice?”

Tao Xinya sat on the chair, “Orange juice, thank you.”

Roy poured a glass of orange juice for her, not disturbing their meal and silently retreating.

Tao Xinya had long been hungry. She didn’t eat anything last night. She woke up so early and was hungry.

Took the sliced ​​toast, she wiped the cream and then picked up the clip. There were two plates with poached eggs on the table. The right plate was a cooked poached egg, and the left side was unfamiliar. Tao Xinya loved the half-baked poached egg. She put the poached egg on the toast, clipped the bacon and ham, piled the cucumber and lettuce leaves, sprinkled the cheese powder and tomato sauce, and placed a piece of toast.

Layer by layer was almost as large as a part of the toast.

She loved to eat like this. This extravagant way of eating had not been tried for two years, so she missed it!

Tao Xinya smiled and squinted, her mouth wide opened, bit down —— the crispness of lettuce, the crispness of cucumber, the scent of bacon and ham, and the taste of egg yolk…… Oh! This rich taste felt so good.

She was completely unaware that her every move were all caught in the eyes of the man who was reading the newspaper, and that his lips were smiling.

This girl wanted to hide, but always inadvertently revealed herself in front of food. From the information was given by Ryan, he knew that her life has been saved, and the most extravagant thing was to buy a strawberry cake at P.R at the end of each month.

It was a little hard for Yuan Yurang to believe that this was the spoiled little princess, and she even had a part-time job.

Her response to the guests was very good, she was not angry with it, and her popularity in school was also very good, she did not hate people and was not willful.

This was not like the Tao Xinya in his memory. She grew up and was sensible.

But, his heart was lost, feeling that he didn’t seem to be needed.

And then, he thought of what she said, she wanted him to be with Yi Lianna…… She was willing to give up on him? She didn’t love him anymore?

Amber eyes couldn’t help but darkened, Yuan Yurang’s lips were slightly sloppy, put down the newspaper, and suddenly leaned toward Tao Xinya and wiped the egg juice from the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

Tao Xinya was frightened by him and looked at him in amazement.

And he, just under her eyes, licked off the egg liquid on his thumb, and the natural movement was a deadly seductive that made the heart beats faster.

“Eating like a child.” He teased her.

Tao Xinya’s little mouth was slightly opened, but no reaction came out.

“Yu.” The soft voice of the woman rang from the door, and her green eyes were amazed. She also saw the movement of Yuan Yurang.

Tao Xinya turned her head and saw the woman, her eyes narrowed.

Er…… turned out to be Yi Lianna!

Then she thought of the intimacy act of Yuan Yurang, her whole body was now stiff.


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