Akechi Hideyori’s Failed Plan

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“Hi, Gainen-san.”

“You, you actually came!?”



After school on the day we had that awkward meeting during lunch break, I visited the club room but there was no sign of the others.

The atmosphere felt so heavy and awkward.



“You sure that your buddies gonna be here, Hideyori…….?”

“Before this, Mishima couldn’t participate in club activities because of [Energy Drain] in the first place……. Come to think of it, you needed 3 members to start a club right? Shouldn’t there be another member here aside from you and Mishima? Where’s that third club member now?”

“Who knows? Slacking off maybe?”

“That much is obvious already…….”

“The only reason I started the club is so I can have a place I can relax in though. I couldn’t care less about literature…….”

“You, you’re the club president here alright.”



It was pretty astounding to hear that she only wanted to appropriate the club room for her personal use…….

After waiting for about an hour and no one came, I left the club room.



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Now then, let’s go see my real target today, Fukamori Misuzu.

Now that we’ve entered Mitsuki’s route, she’s too dangerous to be left alone as I don’t know what she will do next.

I need to make the first move to protect Takeru……

Since she doesn’t want to see Mitsuki at home, she’s probably slacking off at the infirmary.

Misuzu’s ways to avoid her sister are pretty random and there should be various patterns like wandering around alone at night or ditching class in the infirmary.

And since Misuzu hasn’t been seen in class since lunch break today, she should be in the infirmary.

It was mentioned in the game that the nurse there was worried about the crest on her face as well.

I wanted a chance to talk with her alone so I left the club room and rushed to there.






I saw Emi’s chestnut pigtail disappear into the infirmary.

When I erased my presence and peeked inside, I saw that Emi and Misuzu were actually holding a conversation, albeit a little awkwardly.



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“………..Emi really is kind huh.”



Today’s operation is a failure.

But seeing Emi looking out for Misuzu makes me happy.

If it comes to cheerfulness and gentleness then Emi won’t lose to anyone.

Seeing such a gentle Emi, even my heart raced a bit faster.








After that, I called out to her and we walked home together.

Since we live next to each other I have an excuse to walk her all the way back home, it actually gives me peace of mind since I can protect Emi even if someone like Yurika shows up to attack her.



“By the way, I just happened to be near the infirmary but what were you there for, Emi?”



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I already know since I saw her talking to Misuzu but I feigned ignorance and asked.

“Fukamori-san……., Misuzu was resting at the infirmary so I went to check up on her. I took her there during the lunch break so I was worried! We managed to become friends too!”


“Yes. She’s a difficult person but she’s not as bad as you, Hideyori-kun.”

“M, me, difficult!?”




It’s a complicated feeling being laughed at by Emi.

Still, Emi and Misuzu became friends huh……

From the point of view of a player, that seems very unlikely……

It’s the same with Eien-chan, aren’t Emi’s actions all going in the completely opposite direction from her game’s self?



It showed the extent of how much her will was subjugated by Hideyori in the game.

After all, the game’s Emi was nothing but an antagonist…….

Hideyori had a lot of screen time so he had many events that made the players sympathize with him but I don’t think Emi had those kinds of events in the game.



“Rather, where did everyone go? Takeru wasn’t at the club either you know……”

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“It’s, it’s a coincidence. So Juumonji-kun was absent too hu~h.”



It’s no use complaining I guess…….

Let’s change the topic.



“That’s right, Emi. Want some ice cream? It’s my treat.”


“Then let’s stop by the convenience store.”

“No, Hideyori-kun! You get them cheaper at the supermarket and they have a lot of varieties there too! This way.”

“You’re such a miser.”

“I will be in charge of Hideyori-kun’s wallet from now on.”


“So you won’t spend your money on those weird books and Galges anymore……..”

“Mind your own business!”



Joking around and chatting lightheartedly like this with Emi is the most comfortable thing for me.

To protect this daily life, I will break the game story……..

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