Uematsu Yurika wants to change (Clothes)

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“Master! Let’s train!”



The next day, Yurika invites me to train with her.

It’s the first time anyone ever said [Let’s Train!] to me but there are probably no words more accurate to describe her request.



“No, I just had my own training yesterday.”

“Then you should have invited me too.”



After I parted ways with Emi last night, I was getting beat up in my training with Tatsuyuki-san. I was super tired so I slept like a baby yesterday.

That man is not only about Galges, StarChild, or Sawamura Yama you know.



“Maste~r! I want to meet Master’s Maste~~r.”

“You should give up on that……….also, you should really find yourself a proper master you know.”



I don’t even know why Yurika called me her master in the first place.



“And who would master recommend to be my master?”

“Hearing ‘master’ twice is super confusing you know…….well, ……….how about Irene-something-something-san?”

“Eh, who!?”

“Ahh, Irene-something-something-san is……”




“Who is she again?”

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“Please don’t recommend some strange people!? As I thought, I’m fine with Hideyori being my master!”

“No honorific?”




I only met Irene-somethin-something-san once three years ago after all……

I probably won’t see her again and it’s not like I want to see her too. That person seemed scary after all……



“Master has been neglecting me lately you know! Come on, train me, Master?”




The last time I did some training with her was at that ramen buffet at Takeru’s place.

Speaking of training, Mishima’s Gift control is probably way more training-ish than anything I ever did for Yurika huh.



“Then, how about today?”


“Yeah, I got it already! Can you stop hugging me now!?”



She’s basically acting like a big dog.

While peeling off Yurika’s unexpectedly strong hold, I wonder what to do for her training.


After school, I went back to my house to change and meet her back at the train station.

Now my after-school training with Yuriga begins…..

Rather than after-school training, I’d very much like to have an after-school date though…….




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*Gan!* *Gan!* sound of impact echoes.

The place chosen for today’s training is the batting center I sometimes visit with Tatsuyuki-san.

It just opened barely a year ago so it’s brand new and it’s rather popular among the locals.



“What are we doing here, Master……”

“W, What…..? Unsatisfied……?”



Yurika’s fists are trembling.

No good, did she notice that we didn’t actually come here to train and that I just wanted to have some fun……?



“This looks so fun! I will do my best!”

“…….su~~re, break a leg.”



That was a needless worry.

I feel that among all the girls around me, the only ones who seem to enjoy batting center are only Yurika, Yoru, and Seiko.

Maybe Mitsuki might unexpectedly enjoy something like this too?

The others like Mishima, Sakuya, and Madoka don’t look like the athletic type so they probably won’t have fun here.



“This is the so-called baseball right!? I read about it once in my brother’s manga!”



I guessed that she’s pretty athletic but it seems that this is her first time batting.

You’re not going against anyone at a batting center so it’s technically not baseball but I will refrain from retorting here.

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“So, we hit the balls with a bat here!?”

“Well, something like that.”

“Alright, I will go change into my combat costume.”




I grabbed Yurika by the collar.

I can’t wrap my head around why she would want to do that.



“Oi, that combat costume you mentioned is the one you were wearing when you attacked me right?”

“Umu, I’m a shinobi after all! It’s my formal battle gear!”

“That’s just something an exhibitionist would wear you know!?”

“An exhibitionist?”

“It means a pervert!”

“P, P, P, Pervert!?”

“It’s really inappropriate so stop wearing that alright!”



Fishnet tights that show a lot of skin with a skirt short enough for her underwear to be seen, not to mention that jacket she wore that pretty much didn’t cover anything at all. If she wears those things in a public place like this someone will really report her to the police!

At most, those kinds of costumes are only acceptable during Halloween or a comic convention you know……

I certainly want to see her wear it again but it’s definitely not now.



“Where did you get that costume in the first place………”

“That? I actually got it from a teacher called Takiguchi at our school. I like how shinobi-ish it is so I actually want to wear it everyday.”



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Takiguchi, teacher…….

Wait, that’s one of the Gift Hunters right!

I mean, that’s the [Gift Revenger] himself!

You, your death came super early in the game but you’re actually linked to such an important character………?


The shock from the fact that Yurika is closer to the Gift Hunters than I thought made me lose my desire to retort on her kunoichi costume.

She said that she was a freelance Gift Hunter but was she actually linked with Takiguchi and Seki? Is she spying on me…….?


No, she only said that she got the costume from Takiguchi. He might have not told her that he’s actually the leader of the Gift Hunters.

…….let’s pretend I didn’t notice.



“That guy, he must be a perverted teacher isn’t he!”

“Yeah, right.”




Yep, it’s confirmed that Takiguchi’s a pervert.

No, I mean, it’s true that he’s a pervert who hunts Gift Holders at the academy……..

His face pretty much screams ‘PERVERT!’ you know……..?



“Alright, baseball, LET’S DO THIS!”



Oblivious of what’s going on in my head, Yurika seems to be full of motivation.


Author Note: First-ever Hideyori and Yurika solo chapter.

Yurika’s character is pretty rich so I completely forgot about her but it still surprises me that she has so few interactions alone with Hideyori…….

Rather than Hideyori, it seems that Yurika is more active with the other heroines…….

Since Sakuya and Yoru took so much screen time, it can’t be helped right?

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