Tsugaru Madoka, Marked

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“Eh? Eh?”


I was dragged to the front car by Emi and Sakuya.

And with Towa at the front and Risa behind me, there’s no escape route.


“Madoka……, so you’ve been looking at Hideyori-kun that way after all.”


Emi is too strong, I can’t shake her off.

I mean, she doesn’t even budge…..


“You can’t escape my mighty hold, Madoka.”


On the other side, I can probably shake Sakuya off with no problem.

But if I can’t escape Emi then there’s no point shaking Sakuya off so I just obediently go along with them until we arrive at the front car.


“I came to a decision yesterday!”

“On what…..?”


Towa is facing me….., rather, she’s speaking to all of us.


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“I declare an emergency meeting for all members of the [Western Army]!”

“Eh!? An emergency meeting!?”

“T, Towa!? You’re serious!?”


Emi and I were shocked at Towa’s declaration.

After all, the emergency meeting carries the meaning of a [once-in-a-lifetime request, you have to come even if you have something else to do.]

Even within the group, there’s a rule that it can only be called once a month.

And since we’re still in early May, it was very shocking that Towa would use such a trump card.


“A, Are you really serious about this, Towa……!?”

“To think that you would use the emergency meeting now…….”

“Wait, I told both Sakuya and Risa about this yesterday didn’t I!?”

“I mean, I just thought that I should play it up a bit……..”


I was suspicious because Nodoka went to Master’s shop yesterday but I never expected her to meet Towa and the others there…..

Coincidence it may be, but the fact that Towa’s calling an emergency meeting at this time would be inconvenient……..


“Madoka is openly targeting Hideyori-san now right…..I let my guard down since I thought that you would continue gazing at him from afar but to think that you would be so blunt……..”

“After all you said about how it’s impossible for you to fall for Hideyori, look how you are acting now…..”


Sakuya put her hand on my shoulder as though she was trying to sympathize with me.

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Why is Akechi-kun so popular…….

Moreover, all of them are so troublesome……


You were practically loathed by everyone in the game right!?

I’m aware of Toyotomi-kun’s charms from my previous life but even with that for me to have this many rivals is just strange isn’t it…..!

Toyotomi-kun….., help me…..


“Did you kiss him?”

“I, I, I didn’t!”


Risa blankly stared at me.

She may not say much but Risa is still a formidable opponent……


“Ki, Ki, Kiss…….”


Emi nervously muttered.

I didn’t do it!

I wanted to but Akechi-kun’s defense was too strong!


He almost gave up on his past life before I made my move you know!

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“It’s indeed a miscalculation that Madoka would be able to take down Hideyori-san with gap-moe.”

“No, I didn’t do anything okay!?”

“We will talk more in detail in the emergency meeting when all members are present! Look forward to it, okay.”


“It’s so cute how Madoka’s panicking when you always act so cool and collected. I can see why boys would take interest in you.”



Isn’t that too harsh, Towa!?

Given the fact that she was Toyotomi-kun’s favorite heroine, I realize again how she’s even a stronger rival than Emi or Risa.


“Madoka, do you like Hideyori-san?”

“I’m, I don’t….. It’s just……..”

“Madoka, do you like Hideyori-san?”

“I told you…… it’s not like that okay?”

“Madoka, do you like Hideyori-san?”

“Eh? What, are you looping……?”

“Madoka, do you like Hideyori-san?”

“It’s no—…….”

“Madoka, do you like Hideyori-san?”


“You finally admitted it.”


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No matter what I say, it seems that the cat is out of the bag……

Knowing that, I obediently gave her a nod.


“But I had a feeling that it would turn out like this from the beginning you know.”


“Even if the chance of it happening is only 1 percent, I’m sure that my Hideyori-kun would be able to pull it off after all. Besides, I’ve already noticed how Madoka’s attitude toward Hideyori-kun gradually changed too.”


Emi said with a smug.

She’s spot on so I can’t say anything back…..


“But Hideyori is not Emi’s though.”

“Calling dibs is not fair!”

“You can come at me however you want, I will take you all on!”


Even when Sakuya and Risa counterattacked, Emi took them straight on.

The person himself is probably still clueless about all this but I seriously want to ask Akechi-kun how he managed to have so many cute girls fighting for him like this.


Is it because he played too many Galge that his life now turned into one……..?


In my previous life, I was the only one who understood Toyotomi-kun’s charms so I had no rival at all. I wonder why this is happening…….?


When the train arrived at the station platform, the sparks of love were still flying…..

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