Fukamori Misuzu

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Even after we got off the train, I was still alone with Takeru.

It seems that the girls have their private meeting to attend.

Emi, Madoka, Mishima, since the 3 girls who I started to think ‘Hey, does she like me?’ are all together, it’s a relief that I’m stuck with Takeru right now.


“Then, when I saw that thing about LeaCha and StaCha, I was like, damn, Gifts are scary.”

“Y, Yeah.”


It seems that Takeru also saw the report that LeafChild and StarChild got involved with the Holiday Bomber during Golden Week, it was pretty big news last night.

It really was a relief that Seiko didn’t get hurt.

I was still upset about the erasure of Richiho Aisa’s existence but I summoned up my energy to call Tatsuyuki-san. I got scared a little since it seemed like he was mad enough to go kill the culprit himself…..


When I first started training under him, he was saying something like [Man, there was this time I had to fight a hundred people all by myself, I thought I was going to die but I managed to come out on top somehow]. He was laughing when he said that so I thought that he was joking but once I started fighting him for real, I realized ‘Ahh…., he was serious’. There’s no way I wouldn’t jump when that kind of person said he wanted to kill someone.

I definitely wouldn’t put that past Tatsuyuki-san after all……….

The rumors say that LeafChild AKA Yoko-san herself broke the bomber’s front teeth. These siblings are just too strong……

How can I get to Tatsuyuki-san’s level I wonder?

I wouldn’t say that it’s impossible for LeafChild to be stronger than me either.

I’ve never met her in person so I don’t know for sure though…..


It’s exactly because she was with Seiko that I didn’t get so worked up over the news.


“For real, Gifts really are dangerous don’t you think……? It made me start thinking that my life is already good enough without a Gift.”



The heck are you saying?

You already have a Gift.

You even unconsciously undid my Gift in fact.


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You’re still this clueless? Or so I wanted to retort.


“Hmm, but I still think that having one might not be so bad though…….I’m a Gift Positive so I might get it one day after all……”


Nope, you already have it…….


“You still don’t have a Gift too right, Hideyori? Do you want one?”

“N, Not really…….”


I’ve had a Gift since the moment I realized I was reincarnated so when he asked me [Hey, do you want a Gift?] I just don’t know how to reply……..


Every time I talk about Gifts with Takeru, it always feels so awkward.


It was when we were walking down the hallway.

One of the game characters suddenly walked out from around the corner.




Takeru stepped out of the way as she was cutting right through between me and Takeru.

She has a pained expression as she holds her face with one hand.


“Ugh….. it burns….. It burns……”


Just like that, she staggered away from Takeru and me.

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The cursed crest on her face, the same blond hair as the twin sister, the girl with her forehead exposed and hair tied up was none other than our classmate, Fukamori Misuzu.


“Scram already, you’re in the way.”


The girl voiced her displeasure.

—wait, didn’t this also happen in the game!?


In the first game, the choice to interact with her is only unlocked after you clear Risa and Mishima’s routes.

When Takeru and Hideyori were chatting, she walked past them with a pained expression on her face, and if Takeru decided to ask [Are you okay?] here, you would get into Mitsuki’s route.

Incidentally, despite being a non-capturable character, Fukamori Misuzu does have a favorability gauge.

If you do not raise her favorability at this moment, she will not get involved in the story at all throughout the series (Throughout the first, the second, and the final season, Misuzu only showed up in the common route and Mitsuki’s route.)

And this here is the gateway event to raise her favorability.

By raising Misuzu’s favorability gauge to one, a Misuzu event will occur.

Once it reaches level five or higher, the condition for entering Mitsuki’s route will be fulfilled.

Also, even if you raised your favorability with Mitsuki, if you neglected Misuzu, you will get into the BFF route with Hideyori no matter what you do.


Now, time for an important choice, Takeru!

Your choice here will decide everything okay!?

If you enter Mitsuki’s route, you will either die or become a cripple you know!?

Will you ask Misuzu [Are you okay?]?

The choice is yours!!


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“You okay?”


Woah, he went and did it……

He just raised his favorability with Misuzu so he’s going to get into Mitsuki’s route…….

Hearing Takeru’s voice, the girl glared at us.


“Seriously, watch where you’re going. You good, Hideyori?”


“Hmm? I’m asking you, are you okay?”




The choices were asking Misuzu if she was okay or ignoring her completely right? Why is Takeru asking me instead?

What flag does this trigger then!?

Is this still Mitsuki’s route?

The heck!?

Don’t go and pick some weird options!!!!


“Y, Yeah, I’m fine……”


Before I knew it, Misuzu already disappeared……

She’s a villainess just like Ennoia after all.

Not getting involved with her might be the right choice here……

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But I’m confused.

Did Takeru get on [Moon&Bell] route? Did he not? Which is it?


Still, even with all the differences, Takeru still said [Are you okay?] didn’t he…….

I can take it that he managed to raise Misuzu’s favorability right……?

In the game, when Takeru started dating Mitsuki, he was poisoned by Misuzu and he either died or he became a cripple…..

Damn it……., and I didn’t even want to get involved with the jealous villainess too……


I have to stop that woman before she kills Takeru…….

If push comes to shove, I will have to use my Gift……




“You looked a little scary you know?”

“Ahh, my bad, I was worried about you.”

“Wh–! ……I’m, I’m fine!”

“Y, Yeah.”


Takeru got worked up and started blushing.

It seems he’s mad that Misuzu didn’t apologize when she ran into us.

Fukamori Misuzu, she’s an obstacle.

I have to think of a way to remove her……

If things are going to head into the despair that’s the end of [Moon&Bell] route where she has no hope of salvation, I’d rather remove her from the board myself.

It would be more convenient for me if she just becomes a quiet background character but there’s no helping it now that Takeru triggered her flag……


The peaceful feeling from the Golden Week completely vanished.

As I thought, this Gift Academy is really filled with dangers.

TLN: Entered the Villainess…..wait, we have a villainess in a Galge!?

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