The End of Sasaki Emi – B

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“Hahaha….., that’s right….., it was me, I did it……. I’m so sorry, you two went out of your way to help me and……and…… eh, but……? Why was there a knife in the envelope…..? If that thing wasn’t there then……”

“Well, of course, it was there for Towa to murder your father with after all.”


“If you want to be free from your cage then you can’t rely on others! You have to do it with your own hands! And you did it. I’m happy for you, Towa.”


You did great…….

I envy you……

Now that you got rid of your birdcage, don’t leave me here.


Please, destroy mine too…..

The one that’s standing right behind me…..


We are friends right?

I did everything I could to help you destroy yours you know?

I sacrificed my play and study time to keep track of the time your father usually comes home all week you know?

Even in the rain, I was waiting outside for your father to come home without an umbrella you know?

My makeup was ruined and I was all wet waiting for him you know?

I sacrificed my health for you you know?


“Don’t touch me!?”



A small voice leaked from my mouth.

I was rejected.

Even though I’ve done everything for her, Towa doesn’t even consider doing anything for me…….



“We are. It’s because we are friends that we helped you destroy your birdcage right. Now you are free to play whenever you want you know, Towa.”


We are friends right?

So please, destroy my birdcage too!


Help me!


You have a choice.

You can make your own decision without anyone bothering you.


You still have your hands to flail.

You still have your legs to stand up on your own.

You have the freedom that I don’t have.


“No way, …….I can’t, I will be arrested. There’s no way I can pl-…….”

“Then how about this? [Your mother killed your father. After that, she took her own life. That will be your truth for your whole life.] [You witnessed how your mother murdered your father from the beginning to the end.] [You were afraid that your mother might kill you next, and seeing that, your mother hung herself.] [Miyamura Towa was the sole survivor of the incident. Akechi Hideyori and Sasaki Emi were not at the scene of the crime.]”


Eh…..? Why did you do that…..?

Stop it, Hideyori-kun.


She broke her cage with her own hands right!

You are shifting the blame to her mother and letting her have a happy memory?

That’s just unfair…..


If you can give Towa a gentle false memory like that then why do you let me suffer like this…..?


Why did you give Towa such salvation……?

Am I that useless to you……?


“[Destroy all the evidence. Also, you will forget all about the students you have been involved with from the moment you entered middle school until today.]”


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You are taking even the memory that I and Towa are friends……?

You erased even the fact that she had ever known you……?


It’s just unfair, something like that……?

Don’t run from it…..!

Don’t leave me here……!


You left her with only the fact that her cage was broken…..?

It’s cruel……it’s too cruel…..

She gets to keep the memory that she broke the birdcage all by herself.

That she never had any connection with the fiend called Akechi Hideyori.


Why did you allow her alone to be happy….?

“Farewell, BirdCage Girl. It was a funny farce while it lasted.”


“It’s okay, you get to forget all the bad things after all. [■■] “



This is really unfair……


I wonder how many times have you touched my chest against my will……..


Still, you let her go after only touching her once…..?

You even erase her memory……?


Why do I have to keep all my painful memories?

Why did Towa get to have all of that erased?

It’s too unfair…..


One birdcage was broken.

At the same time, the bird also broke its wings and died along with its cage.


“That was fun, wasn’t it Emi.”


“What’s wrong? You looked like you were in a bad mood. Are you sulking because you couldn’t join in the fun?”


“Don’t be jealous, we can do it plenty of times once we get home.”


Another remains intact.

And the bird inside continues to be its owner’s toy.

“Yo, Sasaki Emi right.”

A few years later, I was caught by one of my classmates, Yor Hill.


“Ugh….., let me go, LET ME GO!!”

“Yea, yeah, behave okay. Guess I will have you fall asleep a little huh.”



Her neck was injected with something.

Why did this happen……?

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I don’t understand……


“Alright, [Anti-Gift] might activate if I touch her with my bare hands huh……have to be careful……”


In my fading consciousness, I heard her say something about a Gift……

Please, no more Gift…….


“Come one, wakey wakey.”


“What kind of Gift did you guys use on Miyamura Towa? What’s the true nature of Akechi Hideyori’s Gift?”



I can’t tell her.

If I betray that man I will be killed…..

That person hates betrayal.

I can’t do it, I can’t tell her.


“Oh? Really? Guess I will just peel another nail off then?”

“NOOOOO! It hurts…….? GAHHHHH!?”

“Ahaha! How was it? This is what you usually do right? [Takeru] told me all about what you and Akechi have been up to you know?”


Juumonji-kun did?

Impossible, that person is just plain stupid and insensitive. His head was filled with a literal flower garden.

He was such a useless fool who keeps calling Hideyori-kun his best friend until today.

That person would never be so keen as to find out the truth on his own.


“You guys did all kinds of things even killing people to satisfy yourselves right? This is just karma! It doesn’t matter even if you were being manipulated by his Gift, that kind of thing doesn’t matter for your victims after all. Come on, It’s time for you to atone for your sins! Sasaki Emi!”

“I don’t know….., I don’t know anything!”

“What was the Gift you used on Miyamura? What happened that day? Come on, hurry up! Takeru is waiting for me.”

“I don’t know! I really don’t know anything!”

“Hey……, at this rate you will really die you know? I know you’re scared of Akechi but give me that crap again and I will really kill you.”


She strongly pulled my hair to lift my head up and stick her combat knife to my throat.

Her eyes were dead serious.

The eyes she was looking at me with were the same ones Hideyori-kun had when he was about to kill a person.


“Y, You’re not going to kill me right? Right……?”

“That depends on your answer. I have a schedule to keep you see! Now, 5 seconds!”

“Hideyori-kun…..he……, he used his Gift… make Towa…….kill her father…….”


I’m scared to die.

I don’t care what she does to me.

Even if I get beat to a pulp it doesn’t matter.

I will endure it no matter what she does to my body.

I can take it.

…….but I don’t want to die……..


Even without my free will, the fear of death still persists.


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My bones were broken, my nails peeled off, I was beaten up, and my body was covered in blood.

Now I’m being dragged. Just like how I dragged the Tanikawa Sakuya girl back then.


“I’m breaking the chain of sadness….The grief caused by Gifts……Takeru too……..”

On the way, Yor was muttering something to herself.

I don’t care anymore.


The place she dragged me to was a ruin Hideyori-kun and Juumonji-kun called their secret base.

The two are probably inside.




When Yor raised her voice, the two were already getting ready for a fistfight……

In my hazy state, that was what I was somehow able to see…..


“Hey, did you kill Emi?”

“Don’t worry, Emi is still alive. I just tortured her a little before I came here.”

“Don’t think too much about it. The environment I grew up in is kinda special so I’m used to this kind of rough stuff.”


My old best friend, Towa, peered at my face.

She looked pretty good.


Ahh, so she was saved by Juumonji-kun……

I really envy you……

Even though you used to be trapped in your own birdcage, it seems you managed to grasp a happy end for yourself huh.


And here I am, suffering so much pain that it wouldn’t be strange if I die at the hands of the girl I barely even understand……


Ahh, really, this is frustrating….

As I thought, Towa was a tragic heroine…..

And I’m just a villain…..


“Emi……, you useless idiot…… [Just bleed out and die].”


Ahh, it’s over……

I betrayed Hideyori-kun so I’m going to die…….


If I didn’t tell Yor about Towa, I would have died at her torture.

If I told her about Towa then I would die by Hideyori-kun’s Gift.


Ahh, so my life has already come to an end……

So death can only last about 10 minutes huh…..




A tremendous amount of blood spills from my mouth.

My vision was dyed white.


I wonder what it was for, my life………


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Towa who was supposed to be my friend didn’t even do anything for me.

Do I, have to die alone in this empty ruin…….



I couldn’t even resist and I lost my consciousness.




The name Akechi Hideyori brings me nothing but disgust.




If I ever see you again, , ,


I’m going to kill you.


The birdcage remains…….and only the bird was thrown away like garbage………


“Ah, what’s wrong, Hideyori-kun?”


When I was nodding off on the train, I was surprised by Hideyori-kun who brought his face close to mine.

I thought that the person I love is going to kiss me and I’m getting my hopes up so please stop.


“You look really tired you know? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine! Don’t worry, I just didn’t get enough sleep.”


I mean, last night’s dream was really scary.

I don’t remember exactly what it was about but…….I think it was about a girl who lived a very pathetic life.

A dream filled with regrets.


“You can have my coffee.”


“Caffeine helps keep your eyes open you know.”

“……, Okay! Thank you!”


I’m not very good with Coffee but I can not waste her kindness.

I take a sip.


“So ha~rsh.”

“Call it bitter instead.”


……..if I have to describe last night’s dream.

I would say that it’s just like this coffee.

A harsh and bitter dream……..

TLN: That’s all for now……next up pool trip chapters, for real this time…….

Also, was Yor seems straight up psychopathic to you?

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