Akechi Hideyori’s Body Appreciation Lesson

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After arriving at the pool, we split up into 2 groups(Boys/Girls) and headed to our respective changing rooms.

I, Takeru, and Master finished changing earlier and we are now waiting for the girls outside.


“Man, there are a lot of people here today huh Akechi-kun.”

“I like it like this. Master is also looking forward to seeing girls in swimsuits here right?”

“Hey, there’s no way I’m going to feel anything looking at children the same age as my daughter okay! That’s a crime by the way.”


Master replied as though he was trying to instill some common sense in me.

Then, Takeru who was also waiting with us chimed in.


“When it comes to swimsuits then it’s gotta be Sawamura Yama right .” (TLN: The In-universe Gravure Idol)

“You do get it, Takeru-kun. Sawamura Yama’s body is something that you should admire as a pursuer of fine art after all.”

“I mean, does fine art really have anything to do with your job, Master?”


He’s the owner of a mostly empty coffee shop right.

His place was so empty that I’m seriously worried whether he will have to close it down unless he finds some good way to attract customers you know.

I mean, he does boast that his place is always busy on Sunday but does that even enough to keep his business afloat?


“Let’s talk hypothetical, Akechi-sensei. For Risa, what part of her body would you focus on? Personally, I think it’s her chest.”

“Right, Risa’s face may look like yours but her chest is pretty big. Unfortunately, though my student, what you should focus on here is her armpit.”

“What about Tsugaru, sir? I think she has a pretty good body as well. For a pool trip, I believe that we should direct our appreciation to her wet hair.”

“I can see that you are quite a maniac, Mr.Juumonji. However, unfortunately, it’s her armpit that you ought to pay attention to.”

“How about Miyamura, sir? I think that everything about her body is perfect. I feel that we should pay close attention to the shape of her breasts.”

“I see. You’ve matured. But I can only give you 60 points for that, Mr.Juumonji. Her armpit is obviously the highlight here.”

“I see, I get it now. Then how about Sasaki, sir? I believe her armpit is a prime point of focus.”

“Very good, I almost wanted to give you the perfect score……..However, in her case, what you have to pay very close attention to is her developing breasts.”

“It’s not armpit this time!?”


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The retort came from Master who had been listening in silence.


“Come to think of it, there’s also Master-san’s daughter too. What do you think about Tanikawa, sir? I think that her small hands are adorable but,………knowing you, you will probably say armpit anyway.”

“I see, I really do want to give you the full score……..but for Sakuya, what you need to watch out for is her coffee cup hair tie.”

“That’s not even a part of her body!”


Dissatisfied by my evaluation of his daughter, Master loudly retorted.


“What!? Are you saying that my daughter is not attractive enough for you, Hideyori-kun!?”

“I mean, you normally wouldn’t talk about a girl’s body right in front of her father right.”


“He did say something about her armpit before you know.”

“You’re the worst, Takeru-kun……”

“Eh? I’m the bad guy!?”


The three guys were having their silly banter.


“Seriously, you guys are such a kid.”



The first who called out to us was Tsugaru Madoka.


“Hello there, I’m the wet hair and armpit Madoka.”



She heard everything…….

Takeru and I started trembling in fear.


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“Ah, hi, I’m the chest and armpit Risa.”

“I, I’m the breast shape…….and armpit Towa.”

“Hideyori-kun……, Juumonji-kun……., it’s me the armpit and developing breasts Emi!”

“And I’m the armpit and hair ties Sakuya. What’s up with the hair tie anyway? I’m not wearing it today you know!?”


Rather, all of them heard everything……





I was dragged away by Emi while Takeru got taken by Risa.

The others follow behind us silently.


“They said this place has a really fast waterslide here, Hideyori-kun.”


“I heard two people can slide down it together. Maybe they designed it for couples, Niisan.”


“You two will–”

“–ride it together right!”

“All flirty like.”



Thus began a punishment game where two dudes were forced to slide down the couple-intended waterslide together…….


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“That was too fast……”

“Why did they design the current to be that strong though……….?”


Just sliding down it once already made me and Takeru exhausted.

Honestly, the experience should be enough for us to be dubbed war veterans.



“The fun has just begun, partner!”

“I can’t let you run off now, Hideyori!”

“Sakuya? Why……?”

“You’re going to ride it with me.”



Sakuya said that and pointed at the same waterslide.

Nope, nope, nope, there’s no way I’m sliding down that again.

Doing that one more time? What kind of joke is that…….?


“It’s my turn next, Sakuya.”

“Ts, Tsugaru!? Why would you–!?”

“If I can harass you then I’m willing to sacrifice my body.”



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Doing that 2 more times?



“4th ride will be me, Akechi-kun.”

“My turn comes 5th then.”

“I, I’m scared but since we’re already here, I want to do it too!”


Risa, Emi, and even Eien-chan.

……we have a lot of other attractions here right…..?



“E, Everyone, you’ve mistaken your target you know, what about Takeru!? What’s Takeru going to do!?”

“Peeeeeeep, I’m already dead…….”

“ You’re clearly alive dude!?”

“Nii-san is already dead so he can’t do it! You can have fun with us Akechi-kun.”

“……this isn’t happening.”


Why does Akechi Hideyori, the antagonist, have to do such a Galge protagonist thing though…

Ah, that’s right……they are doing this because they hate my guts huh……..

This is surely the same pattern as with Tsugaru. Damn her……..

So they’re planning to go play with Takeru after they leave my lifeless body behind huh…….


“Come on, a popular man should never turn down a woman’s request right.”

“H, Help me, Master…….”

“Why would I side with some dudes, I;d rather be the girls’ ally. Now, go play with Sakuya.”

“I’m taking Hideyori, everyone.”


The 6 consecutive horrifying waterslide experience has just begun.


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