Akechi Hideyori

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[I should’ve never taken you in!]


Oba-san reviles me.


[You damn Gift Holder!]


Master reviles me.


[You really are a scumbag, Senpai.]


Nodoka reviles me.


[Akechi-kun, you’re the worst. You just pretended to be friends with Nii-san to trick others right?]


Risa reviles me.


[I hate you.]


Sakuya reviles me.


[Why are you doing all these horrible things!?]


Eien-chan reviles me.


[You’re not my brother!]


Seiko reviles me.

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Madoka coldly gazes at me.


[I’m going to kill you, Hideyori-kun.]


Emi gazes at me with hatred.


[In the end, this is who you really are huh…….]


Takeru gazes at me with disappointment.







How did this happen…….?





“This is just how they see me…….., no, how they see us right?”


Someone taps my shoulder.


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Who are you?



“Oi, Oi, you don’t even know who I am? That’s cold. You’ve been using my body to do whatever you want for years right, Mr. [Previous Life’s Me].”



Previous life’s me?

But that would make you……



“Don’t try to escape reality now you Virgin. You want me to sleep with your girlfriend?”



Ahh, so you’re still here after all huh.



“I will always be with you. As long as you live, I will never die.”



I got the feeling that that might be the case for a while now.

I’ve interfered with many of the original story’s developments.


Even so, I still have a feeling that I might get killed by Takeru someday.

That anxiety must have come from your existence………



“You didn’t become me. I was just living quietly inside you. You should at least realize the fact that I’m here right.”


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Again, he insists that he’s still alive.



“I will definitely be revived.”



He tapped my shoulder again.



“You call yourself [Akechi Hideyori] but, well, we’ll meet again, [Toyotomi Mitsuhide]-kun.”



Saying so, he faded away right in front of my eyes.







“Ugh……, the heck was that dream……..”



After I became Akechi Hideyori, I had many nightmares of me murdering people.



However, this is the first time that the real Akechi Hideyori himself speaks to Toyotomi Mitsuhide.

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“Hideyori……? You’re still alive…….? In this body……?”



I tried calling him but naturally, there was no reply.


It would be easy for me to just dismiss the earlier dream as just a dream.

However, I know that there exists a fiend called Akechi Hideyori inside me.

It is just a feeling, an intuition, but I’m convinced that he’s in there.



The Villainous Scumbag Best Friend, Akechi Hideyori.

Starting this year, I will be living the stage of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness].


And at this timing, the real Akechi Hideyori came out and said that he was still alive.


Ahh, I can see death flags popping out left and right already……….






“I have Seiko with me now, Like hell I will just sit back and accept death……..!”



There, I vowed to myself that I would definitely live through and survive this crazy game.

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